May 1, 2023



We may not know every single one of you listening, but you matter to us. You matter. You are of great value. You're amazing. This episode is about believing that things can get better, that I can get better, that we will get better... to believe in yourself, to believe in one another... (quote from Ted Lasso. You matter regardless of what you do, what you achieve, what you don't do, what you don't achieve. It doesn't matter. When you are centered, even if you weigh 80 pounds, no one can throw you. Sometimes there seems to be a lot of people who want to throw you; spiritually, physically and metaphorically. The worst is when YOU throw you, and even worst is when you help them throw you. We talk about creating your best life. It's important to feel joy. It's nice to have someone take a look at and remind you of who you are, have friends to remind you of who you are, that you're not maybe seeing fully in that moment for someone to remind you, and that's the beauty of friendship. Don't be afraid of hearing some lovely people maybe express to you what they see around you that you may not know is happening around you to remind you of you, what you're about, like how wonderful you are, how amazing you are, how talented you are.
#TedLasso #TheBeliefOfHope, #ImposterSyndrome, #momentum, #Aikido, #martialArts,
Pick up a free copy of Fawn's workbook on making friends

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Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt

We may not know every single one of you listening, but you matter to us. You matter. You are of great value. You're amazing.

This episode is about believing that things can get better, that I can get better, that we will get better... to believe in yourself, to believe in one another... (quote from Ted Lasso.

You matter regardless of what you do, what you achieve, what you don't do, what you don't achieve. It doesn't matter. When you are centered, even if you weigh 80 pounds, no one can throw you. Sometimes there seems to be a lot of people who want to throw you; spiritually, physically and metaphorically. The worst is when YOU throw you, and even worst is when you
help them throw you.

We talk about creating your best life. It's important to feel joy. It's nice to have someone take a look at and remind you of who you are, have friends to remind you of who you are, that you're not maybe seeing fully in that moment for someone to remind you, and that's the beauty of friendship.

Don't be afraid of hearing some lovely people maybe express to you what they see around you that you may not know is happening around you to remind you of you, what you're about, like how wonderful you are, how amazing you are, how talented you are.

#TedLasso #TheBeliefOfHope, #ImposterSyndrome, #momentum, #Aikido, #martialArts,

Pick up a free copy of Fawn's workbook on making friends



[00:00:00] FAWN: Welcome back everybody. Hello. 
[00:00:02] MATT: How is everybody today? 
[00:00:04] FAWN: All right, guys. Listen to me. Last episode we talked about when, you allow other people to expose themselves, because some people aren't nice. It's okay. It's about them, it's all on them. It's not on you. So if somebody says something that treats you as inferior, it's on them, not you. That was the last episode we were talking about. Remember? I do. So continuation on that, on that topic of how you matter; you matter to us. We may not know every single one of you listening, but you matter to us. You matter. You are of great value. You're amazing. And so here's a quote from one of our favorite TV shows, #TedLasso.
[00:01:00] FAWN: This is when All Hope was lost. They were all down and out. The sign is broken and they thought that was a sign. The Believe sign you. He goes, so this is Ted Lasso. I'm gonna take some words out and I hope that it's okay that I'm reading it out loud. But here we go. This is from Ted lasso. Ted is talking to the team.
[00:01:23] FAWN: He says, "alright guys, listen to me. Belief doesn't just happen cuz you hang something up on the wall. Alright? It comes from in here." He's pointing to his heart. He points to his head, he points to his stomach. Right? Right. So he goes, "all right, it comes from in here, you know, up here," his head "down here," his gut "only problem is we all got so much junk floating through us.
[00:01:56] FAWN: A lot of time we end up getting in our own way. You know, crap like envy, or fear, shame. I don't wanna mess around with that shit anymore." Sorry about the foul language guys. "You know what I mean? Do you?" And then everyone starts saying, no, I don't. I don't wanna mess around with that anymore, is what everyone starts to agree with.
[00:02:24] FAWN: And then Ted says," no, me neither. Hell no." Again, sorry about the bad language. "Well, you know what? I wanna mess around with? The belief that I matter, you know, regardless of what I do or don't achieve, or the belief that we all deserve to be loved, whether we've been hurt or maybe we've hurt somebody else.
[00:02:53] FAWN: What about the belief of hope? Yeah. That's what I wanna mess with..
[00:02:59] FAWN: Believing that things can get better, that I can get better, that we will get better... to believe in yourself, to believe in one another... that's fundamental to being alive and look," sorry guys. My acting is not that great right now. "If you can do that, if each of you can truly do that, can't nobody rip that apart."
[00:03:30] FAWN: Cuz remember somebody ripped the sign, someone ripped their belief sign. So isn't this interesting, Matt? This is exactly what we've been talking about. And then we looked at the new episode of Ted Lasso and this was on there. This was, this was after we, we had already done our show. Right? This came out, but that's what we were saying.
[00:03:53] FAWN: You matter regardless of what you do, what you achieve, what you don't do, what you don't achieve. It doesn't matter. As a mom, I can tell you almost every day, I feel like I don't matter. I'm not doing enough. And yet I'm exhausted from doing so many things and I feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm not enough. And then because I'm not making any money, then it's even worse.
[00:04:25] FAWN: Like I don't deserve to eat this food because Matt made the money. So I feel bad eating food. I do. Matt Matt's looking at me with a weird look. You 
[00:04:37] MATT: know, I go through my own imposter syndrome all the time. 
[00:04:42] FAWN: And then I feel like, well, I don't deserve to even be around. Do you know what I'm saying? And if it's not that it's something else, like, I don't know, like you name it, pick a subject.
[00:04:52] FAWN: I'll tell you how it makes me feel. Like the fact that I can get down on myself and say, um, I don't matter. I'm not doing enough, I'm not enough. Um, I haven't achieved what I should be achieving. It just, and it's a downward 
[00:05:10] MATT: spiral. It is, and it's really hard. It's, there's a lot of momentum and weight behind that kind of stuff.
[00:05:16] MATT: It's horrible. What you, horrible, you focus on grows. 
[00:05:19] FAWN: And then if you start feeling like that, how can you even be in the mood to be friends with someone else? Because you are just not, it zaps your life force it zaps your joy. You just don't even wanna have friends because you're exhausted.
[00:05:35] FAWN: You'd much rather be alone, and that's no way to be. People wanna be with you. You matter. It doesn't matter what you're doing or not doing. What matters is that you are breathing and. Every breath you take and every exhale ripples out into the universe, this magnificence that's coming from you. You are a part of God.
[00:05:59] FAWN: You are, you are a divine light, all of you. So that's the message today. Matt, what were you gonna say? 
[00:06:08] MATT: Ted Lasso probably said it the best. Get out of your own way. When you focus on the negative, you're tripping yourself in Aikido martial arts, we described taking someone's center, but I can't take your center unless you're off balance.
[00:06:25] FAWN: So true you guys, okay, let's, let's explain that because I didn't understand that until I walked into Aikido, even with the cross training I was doing in other martial. I didn't get it the way I got it in Aikido, but like the smallest, weakest looking person can have all these huge muscle bound people trying to shove them around.
[00:06:53] FAWN: And if you are centered, even if you weigh 80 pounds, no one can throw you. Isn't that right, 
[00:07:00] MATT: Matt? Yes. God, there seems to be a lot of people who want to throw you. Mm-hmm. Spiritually, physically and metaphorically. 
[00:07:09] FAWN: The worst is when you throw you, 
[00:07:11] MATT: well, the worst is when you 
[00:07:12] MATT: help them throw you. 
[00:07:14] FAWN: What do you 
[00:07:15] MATT: mean?
[00:07:15] MATT: Well, you're not getting outta, you're tripping yourself. You're per right. You know, you unbalance yourself. You start thinking, Hey, I'm not, I, I deserve terrible things to happen to myself. And if you think about it from an emotional context, maybe that makes sense. But from a logical concept, what are you doing to yourself?
[00:07:35] MATT: You know, when you do anything, do your best and let it go. And if your best, puts you in second place that day, then your best puts you in second place that day. But do your best and be happy that you've done your 
[00:07:51] FAWN: best and just be appreciating that whatever you're doing, you're. If you're doing the dishes, bring love into it and enjoy doing the dishes.
[00:08:01] FAWN: Enjoy the sensation of water, hitting your skin. I mean, it's a great luxury to have running water. You're doing the dishes, you're cleaning something up. That's amazing. Just bringing down, bringing things to a very simple act that brings you in one moment at a time and breathing and appreciating yourself and everything that is touching you, the air, the water, and then soon the happy thoughts and we can do amazing things.
[00:08:43] FAWN: From there, we just take off. We are lifted like big birds with tremendous wings that will just lift you up and you're able to do whatever you wanna do. But we got, we have got to stop all this heavy thinking and then letting all the garbage that's surrounding us right now, like a tornado. Everything is in, in flux and everything all,
[00:09:15] FAWN: all the beautiful things even have been lifted up and it looks like trash now cuz everything is just whirling around really fast around us. And if we're not careful, we can get hit by it and get it and caught up in it and caught up in it. Sucked up in it. I forgot what I was gonna say. Oh, sorry. So in order, no, no, no.
[00:09:41] FAWN: Did I take your center? No, I was just thinking about the tornado and then like, I started to scare myself about the tornado and then I forgot what my point was. But what was my what? What do you think the point was? Oh, dear. 
[00:09:56] MATT: Well, I, I said my point, which is don't get caught up. You know, the world is always gonna be swirling around us.
[00:10:04] MATT: I mean, there's so much motivation from external forces to keep you to try and take your center and once your center is taken to keep you off your center, you know, it's about finding those mo and, and for me anyways, it's about finding those moments of stillness. You know, sometimes it's about finding the right song to listen to, cuz music's very important to me.
[00:10:26] MATT: But more for you, it's, it's having an understanding that you haven't meditated today or, you know, whatever it is. You haven't gone to yoga. I, you know, for me, I haven't gotten on a bike or flown a kite or whatever else it is. But these things that bring me joy mm-hmm. You know,  it's important to feel joy.
[00:10:45] MATT: It's important, it's important. 
[00:10:48] FAWN: You know, another thing I got from that episode was, so Rebecca goes, is it Rebecca, the owner of the Yes. The manager. The whatever. The owner. Right. She goes to a psychic. All right. And then she feels badly about that because it's just weird. Well, she thinks it's weird and hocus pocus, whatever.
[00:11:05] FAWN: Right. And she's speaking to, what's the guy's name? Is he the accountant? Yes. Well, they know what the glasses. Yes. Um, She asks him what he thinks of psychics and he's like, oh, I'm all for it. And she was surprised and then not surprised. Right. And he said something like, you know, sometimes it's nice to have someone take a look at and remind you of who you are and that's all it is.
[00:11:39] FAWN: Right? So this is going back to going back to your center and that's wonderful if you have friends to remind you of who you are, that you're not maybe seeing fully in that moment for someone to remind you, and that's the beauty of friendship. That friendship could also be someone you don't know. It could be a therapist.
[00:12:06] FAWN: For me, sometimes I'll go to a psychic like, like Rebecca did. You know? And that's exactly why I go is because sometimes I'm like, because the tornado is happening all around me. I'm like, what am I not seeing? Right? I know there's something I'm missing. So what do you see? And I, and I don't take everything they say as like, that's, that's the truth.
[00:12:29] FAWN: You know what I'm saying? I'm like, okay, that feels right. You're right. Oh no, that does belong to me. And I didn't, I forgot about that. Do you know what I'm saying? So if, if they notice something that I have not been paying attention to, it'll ring true in me and I get balanced again. It doesn't have to be going to a psychic.
[00:12:50] FAWN: It could be, again, talking to a friend. It could be reading a book. It could be watching a TV show like Ted Lasso. It could be just sitting still and meditating. It could be planting some mint in the dirt. Guys, why are people so afraid of mint, by the way? I wanna, so I'm, I've always wanted to learn how to garden, but every time I put something in, like in the past, it hasn't come to fruition.
[00:13:22] MATT: Well, I'm sure right now the squirrels are eating the mint. 
[00:13:26] FAWN: I mean, so anyway, so I always want lots of mint, like I legit can, I have a thick five inch mint sandwich, like a lot of mint in between two slices of toast. I love. I love it. I, I don't know if it's my background, what it is, but the little sprigs you get at the store, and they cost so much money that one sprig would be garnish for me in like, on the side, like a garnish decoration that it, it's just, it makes me mad.
[00:14:03] FAWN: It makes me angry cuz I want a lot of mint. So anyway, I wanna grow a mint and ev everybody's freaking out. We're all these years, whoever we've met has said, oh don't, don't put the mint out. Don't put it, don't let it go wild. It'll take over everything. I'm like, thank you. I want it to take over everything.
[00:14:20] FAWN: We've 
[00:14:21] MATT: got a spot. It'd be 
[00:14:21] FAWN: great if it took over. I want lawn made out of mint. I don't want grass. Wouldn't it be great to just have lawn? It's all mint. Thank you. Thank you. That's what I want. Anyways. I'm just saying. I'm sorry. I just planted some mint in a pot. Please pray for me. That it, it, it, it lives and it grows 
[00:14:43] MATT: before, before it all gets 
[00:14:45] FAWN: eaten.
[00:14:46] FAWN: So anyway, um, yeah, so that's one way to become centered one, a few different examples. Meditation, planting, walking, watching a TV show, um, cooking, being still just watching the outside. When I was a kid, I lived in a high rise, so I wasn't around nature much, but I would just watch traffic and watch the flow of humanity.
[00:15:16] FAWN: Do you know what I'm saying? Absolutely. And, and it, it, it centered me in some way, but it could be anything. I 
[00:15:24] MATT: think the key to all of those things is to find stuff to appreciate inside of it all when you're meditating and still when you're looking at mint, you know, and the things I said, like when I fly a kite, when I, when I bike, I, I very much appreciate my body and what it gives.
[00:15:42] FAWN: And don't be afraid of hearing some lovely people maybe express to you what they see around you that you may not know is happening around you to remind you of you, what you're about, like how wonderful you are, how amazing you are, how talented you are. Look at all your accomplishments, by the way, thank you to Wendy from Happy Apple Vegan, and I wanna say a special shout out to Amy Fagan of Grounded in Maine podcast.
[00:16:21] FAWN: Guys, listen to her podcast. She's all about, sustainability. She has wonderful guests and she has such a lovely spirit, Amy. So Amy, thank you so much for encouraging us. Every week she writes to us talking about what she listened to us talk about, and it's always when I'm feeling low, like, oh man, is it good that we're doing this podcast?
[00:16:51] FAWN: You know, are people really listening? And we had someone like Amy coming along and expressing to us how important it is, what we're doing. So thank you Amy. Amy Fagan of grounded in Maine podcast. Thank you. So you see like people are like angels. Certain people come along and lift you up or let you know, look at all these things you've done.
[00:17:19] FAWN: , thank you again, Wendy. Wendy does that. She listed all these things that I do. when I was crying, saying, I suck. I'm a failure. All this stuff, right? So take stock of everything you've done. I have done amazing things. I'm sure you've done amazing things.
[00:17:39] FAWN: Stop beating yourself up, everything's gonna be okay. The world is in turmoil. Yes, but you know what? Your world doesn't have to be. Take your center back and you be the eye of the storm. You be the quiet spot in the center, and that quiet spot will ripple out and calm everything around it. Until everything as far away as is possible will gain your energy and your beauty, your beautiful ripple effect.
[00:18:21] FAWN: And that's how you change the world. And that's how we can all hold hands and connect once all of our ripples touch and embrace one another. That same kind of loving. Vibration. That's what the art of friendship is. Matt wants to say something.
[00:18:41] MATT: Do your best. Get outta your own way. Hope, appreciate, be open. And remember, someone can only take your center when you're out of balance, so be balance. 
[00:18:53] FAWN: Someone yesterday kept telling me to trust. You have to trust You have to trust in your own self. You have to trust in your beauty.
[00:19:05] FAWN: You have to trust that the world is okay. Keep that in your center and let that grow out. We love you. 

New to Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt?

Here are some great episodes to start with.