Breath Episodes

Nov. 13, 2023

Urban Mobility Behavior - How the Way We Move Affects Our Friendships

Fawn and Matt discuss an article titled "Orientation Towards the Common Good in Cities: The Role of Individual Urban Mobility Behavior." They touch on the idea that cyclists, due to their vulnerability on the road, may have a stronger emotional bond to their neighborhoods and exhibit less individua…
May 15, 2023

Moving Through Trauma, with Dr. Cathia Walters

Today we welcome our most honored guest, Dr. Cathia Walters who shows us how we see ourselves, how we see others, how we see the world, what makes something traumatic, how to have self-compassion, how trauma shows up in our lives, how trauma shows up in society, and how to navigate through it all. …
March 6, 2023

Don't Blame It On The Pandemic

I want to talk about the loneliness epidemic. People are talking about it like it's something that the pandemic brought about, but it's not. It has been here for a long time. The loneliness epidemic was here long before the 2019 pandemic, but people were more likely to speak about it, speak about t…
Feb. 20, 2023

Me, We - The Shortest Poem in History and Muhammad Ali on Friendship

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school, but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't learned anything"- Muhammad Ali. " Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold, but its value is far greater than a m…
Jan. 23, 2023

7 Ways of Rest Your Body and Mind Need So That You Can Be a Good Friend

Let's talk about rest. R e s t. We're always going, going, going! Doesn't the world to you seem like everything is speeding up faster and faster, and that time is going by incredibly fast, like a rollercoaster fast?Today's episode is on the value of rest and all the different types of rest we need …
May 30, 2022

Filling Your Cup by Allowing for Emptiness -How to let go and feel good

This episode is on the art of the empty cup in many ways. We begin with the breath. So many times we're told to BREATHE! This may be advice that may be causing you more distress. The true way is to NOT TAKE the breath, but ALLOW the breath. This "allowing" works not only with the art of breath, but…
March 28, 2022

Colors - How We Perceive Colors in Life and Color Translates In Our Connections with Each Other

Flowers evolve to be attractive to bees so that they can pollinate and they can reproduce themselves, which is if there's a lot of competition in the flower world, this is why you have such stunning orchids. It's because there's so much competition for bees because they can only pollinate so much i…
Feb. 27, 2022

Galvanized - How Our Friendships and Thoughts Change the World

This is an URGENT message for today! Let's change what is happening right now! The world is a safe place, you guys (I KNOW, I KNOW... lately it feels and looks like it's the end of days. It's scary), but there's more to it. The world is also a loving, friendly place. The world is a small town and …
July 12, 2021

CONNECTED - Roundtable #8 BREATH

Do you think it's a bad thing to be so interconnected? We are living in a time where we see, hear, and feel everything we are all (as a collective and individually) feeling and experiencing all at the same time. This experience of “oneness” can be devastating and hard to manage. What can we do?  W…
May 19, 2021

CONNECTED – Roundtable #4 , The Reemergence

This roundtable is about the physiological feat that’s necessary for survival; hibernation, and the various forms we go within and “slumber” to regain not only life, but understanding. And then we discuss the ways in which we reemerge and blossom. How do we come out of our slumber spiritually, emo…