Manifestation Episodes

July 15, 2024

Mental Fitness for a New World

Join Matt and Fawn as they delve into the concept of mental fitness through the lens of negative visualization. Exploring ancient Stoic practices, they discuss how contemplating potential setbacks can build resilience and gratitude. From the origins of Stoicism to practical applications in modern l…
Nov. 6, 2023

Quantum Entanglement and the Schumann Resonance

The universe has this nasty habit of expanding and contracting. And so at some point, the universe, everything that we know, everything that we live in, it'll all be in this giant mass of stuff. Well, what if that's a heartbeat, or a breath, or a, of something else? In this episode, we define Quan…
Oct. 30, 2023

The Art of Joy – How to Marry Joy with Hard Times

Like friends that are totally different from one another, coexisting through their different personalities and creating a healthy relationship with different perspectives, so too can joy and grief be friends in the same way.This week we ask how we marry joy with hard times, what happiness versus jo…
Oct. 22, 2023

We Are a Murmur

A murmur is when hundreds or thousands of starlings flock together and create swooping swirling patterns in the sky. We've all seen it, you know, like all of a sudden, you look up because you hear something in the sky. You see just so many of them flying and they're in unison. They're in perfect ha…
Oct. 2, 2023

Transitioning from Point A to Point B

Dealing with change can make us all anxious. During a time of transition, everyone is experiencing a little bit of trepidation, a little bit of wondering what's going to happen. This is the perfect time to remind each other that it's going to be okay. Appreciate this time. Don't fret about anything…
June 5, 2023

þetta reddast - It Will All Work Itself Out

There are messages everywhere you guys! It's funny how messages will come to you. They come in the wildest ways and they come just right when you need them. So the message today is, don't worry, it's going to be okay. It will all work out okay. This week, we get the message from a few sources and o…
May 8, 2023

Unleashing and Untethering Self-Identity within Friendships/Relationships for Survival

As life happens, everybody fights, everybody argues everybody has a bad day. It's like people don't allow each other to flex and expand and contract. Oftentimes we get so focused and like we draw so much strength from things we've done in the past that have made sense for us that we can't conceive …
March 20, 2023

The Art of Self Awareness

The whole platform for our podcast is the art of friendship, and at the root is the art of communication.In discussing self-awareness, taking a look at ourselves and how we operate. Getting to know who we truly are, how we react to things, what our history is, why we think a certain way, why we act…
March 6, 2023

Don't Blame It On The Pandemic

I want to talk about the loneliness epidemic. People are talking about it like it's something that the pandemic brought about, but it's not. It has been here for a long time. The loneliness epidemic was here long before the 2019 pandemic, but people were more likely to speak about it, speak about t…
Feb. 27, 2023

The Auger

Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Let's fix our mental and physical posture. Are we looking at the future that's not good but we're forced to pursue? This brings us to the one word for the podcast episode today, which is Auger. What does it mean and how can it help shape our fate? A…
Feb. 20, 2023

Me, We - The Shortest Poem in History and Muhammad Ali on Friendship

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school, but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't learned anything"- Muhammad Ali. " Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold, but its value is far greater than a m…
Feb. 13, 2023

Love and Hate - How to Heal a Broken Heart with Barry Lane

Barry Lane, the ambassador of love and kindness, troubadour for loving-kindness is with us again, this time from Uvalde, Texas. Barry travels all over the place and he not only teaches kindness, but he spreads kindness everywhere. He goes to schools. He works with children, he's given TED Talks.In …
Guest: Barry Lane
Jan. 30, 2023

Official or Superficial Friendships

I have an objection! I mean, they constantly say when people don't have friends when they're lonely, it's going to cause cancer. It's going to cause heart problems. It's like smoking 10 packs a day of cigarettes. It's like all they do is scare people. Thanks. Thanks for grabbing a headline and then…
Jan. 23, 2023

7 Ways of Rest Your Body and Mind Need So That You Can Be a Good Friend

Let's talk about rest. R e s t. We're always going, going, going! Doesn't the world to you seem like everything is speeding up faster and faster, and that time is going by incredibly fast, like a rollercoaster fast?Today's episode is on the value of rest and all the different types of rest we need …
Jan. 16, 2023

The Gift

Everything is a gift, but it's not your responsibility to accept every gift that's given to you. Just because someone offers you something, does not mean you have to accept it.     The word "gift" has been around for a long, long time, and when you get into German and you break it down, it basicall…