Visualization Episodes

Feb. 27, 2023

The Auger

Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Let's fix our mental and physical posture. Are we looking at the future that's not good but we're forced to pursue? This brings us to the one word for the podcast episode today, which is Auger. What does it mean and how can it help shape our fate? A…
Feb. 20, 2023

Me, We - The Shortest Poem in History and Muhammad Ali on Friendship

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school, but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't learned anything"- Muhammad Ali. " Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold, but its value is far greater than a m…
Jan. 23, 2023

7 Ways of Rest Your Body and Mind Need So That You Can Be a Good Friend

Let's talk about rest. R e s t. We're always going, going, going! Doesn't the world to you seem like everything is speeding up faster and faster, and that time is going by incredibly fast, like a rollercoaster fast?Today's episode is on the value of rest and all the different types of rest we need …
Dec. 12, 2022

Social Comparison Theory

Matt explores the findings of Leon Festinger who was trying to figure out how people like to arrange themselves into groups, peer groups, social groups, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And so he started really trying to get an understanding of what that means.      It's hard to measure yourself a…
Sept. 19, 2022

How You End Is How You Begin

Why it's so important to end things on a proper note so that you can have a great new beginning; from friendships to jobs, to moving to a new place. How You End is How You Begin
April 4, 2022

A Kind World - Finding Freedom and Truth During a Tumultuous Time, with Barry Lane

Our Kindness expert, Barry Lane is back to remind us that "Kindness is Truth, Kindness is Freedom." Barry soothes our nerves with his sweet songs (two new songs as we record live in Barry's studio - the second song is way at the end, so make sure you catch it) and words of wisdom as we navigate a …
Guest: Barry Lane
March 28, 2022

Colors - How We Perceive Colors in Life and Color Translates In Our Connections with Each Other

Flowers evolve to be attractive to bees so that they can pollinate and they can reproduce themselves, which is if there's a lot of competition in the flower world, this is why you have such stunning orchids. It's because there's so much competition for bees because they can only pollinate so much i…
Feb. 27, 2022

Galvanized - How Our Friendships and Thoughts Change the World

This is an URGENT message for today! Let's change what is happening right now! The world is a safe place, you guys (I KNOW, I KNOW... lately it feels and looks like it's the end of days. It's scary), but there's more to it. The world is also a loving, friendly place. The world is a small town and …
Feb. 7, 2022

Friendly Steps Towards a Friendly Society - Wings of Desire

Here is a quick episode of another fun technique to make the world better! Contact us! Let's talk! We want to talk!  Also, COFFEE for Fawn and Matt??? Your experience matters to us. Please cont…
Dec. 13, 2021

Perceiving Together and Overcoming Adversity with our Friend Vanessa Brantley-Newton

With our friend and author/illustrator/singer/all-around artist extraordinaire, Vanessa Brantley-Newton, we discuss Perceiving together (also the meaning of Synesthesia), and overcoming adversity is the topic. We discuss thriving in life and building a toolbox for overcoming anything in life. We ge…
May 12, 2021

CONNECTED - Roundtable #3 Visualize This

Roundtable #3 Today we celebrate our friend, Beth Hewitt’s book “The Power of Scripting” which teaches exactly how to go about having the life we dream of. We speak of visualization and the utter joy and delight of a moment. We also come together to create a vision for a better world.