Don't take the bait. What bait is and how to handle bait is our topic for this week. Fawn shares advice from her wonderful friend Kathy and finds more information along the same subject from an article written by Lauren Sand…
For today's topic, we wanted to pass along something to you that was passed onto us; something wise from the mentor, the original mentor of friendship, Santa Monica. We have found that one of those humongous things that hur…
There are messages everywhere you guys! It's funny how messages will come to you. They come in the wildest ways and they come just right when you need them. So the message today is, don't worry, it's going to be okay. It wil…
If I can reiterate the whole reason why we're here, it is to prove, to show, that we are not alone. You are not alone. Sometimes life is an absurdity, that's when you cross over into the realm of absurdity, and all you can d…
Today we welcome our most honored guest, Dr. Cathia Walters who shows us how we see ourselves, how we see others, how we see the world, what makes something traumatic, how to have self-compassion, how trauma shows up in our …
As life happens, everybody fights, everybody argues everybody has a bad day. It's like people don't allow each other to flex and expand and contract. Oftentimes we get so focused and like we draw so much strength from things…
We may not know every single one of you listening, but you matter to us. You matter. You are of great value. You're amazing. This episode is about believing that things can get better, that I can get better, that we will get…
This is for anyone who's ever felt less than. It's not you. You are not less than.We should concentrate on taking care of our space and realizing in what ways we are showing our true selves; the good, the bad, and the ugly, …
casThis episode is about the communication with our own life force. It sounds kind of woo woo, I know, BUT we're talking about creating balance, having understanding, developing compassion for ourselves and being grounded so…
We are speaking with water researcher, Veda Austin from New Zealand, to explore communication with something that connects all of us. This is truly getting into the art of communication. There is so much magic here that this…
I want to talk about the loneliness epidemic. People are talking about it like it's something that the pandemic brought about, but it's not. It has been here for a long time. The loneliness epidemic was here long before the …
Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Let's fix our mental and physical posture. Are we looking at the future that's not good but we're forced to pursue? This brings us to the one word for the podcast episode tod…
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school, but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't learned anything"- Muhammad Ali. " Friendship is a priceless…
Barry Lane, the ambassador of love and kindness, troubadour for loving-kindness is with us again, this time from Uvalde, Texas. Barry travels all over the place and he not only teaches kindness, but he spreads kindness every…
We continue the subject we talk about frequently, which is emotional currency and the ability to pick how we choose to spend this. How much do we want to invest? Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in an emotion that we forge…