Mostafa Purmehdi

Mostafa Purmehdi Profile Photo

Professor, Researcher, Art Dealer

social scientist with a PhD in marketing. I teach marketing at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) and provide consulting for various businesses on new product development, consumer behavior, and advanced technologies.

June 14, 2021

Blockchain - Philotimo and Getting Along from Historical Fights to Modern-day Slights Tech Can Empower and Change Human Beings with Mostafa Purmehdi

This episode is on Blockchain, Philotimo and getting along from historical fights to modern day slights: Without thinking of all these cultures and all these different languages, all these different ideas that live right there in that tiny area, they just were crammed in without any kind of regard…
June 1, 2021

Blockchain - How Tech Can Empower and Change Human Beings with Mostafa Purmehdi - Social Responsibility continues

Tech #4 We continue with social responsibility and how the omelette caused discourse in the neighborhood and changes business. We talk about Toyota and emotions being a driving factor in purchasing power. Mostafa: That reminds us that business is something that transcends beyond just exchange of …
May 18, 2021

Blockchain - How Tech Can Empower and Change Human Beings - Blockchain, ART, MUSIC, and NFTs with Mostafa Purmehdi

Have you all noticed how change seems to be occurring more and more often and happening faster and bigger than ever before? The thing about change is that it is never comfortable; there is a period of growth and adjustment. What we may forget is that we can’t be complacent and say to ourselves “I’…
May 11, 2021

Blockchain - How Tech Can Empower and Change Human Beings - Blockchain: Utopia or Dystopia with Mostafa Purmehdi

How Tech Can Empower and Change Human Beings -  Blockchain: Utopia or Dystopia with Mostafa Purmehdi This begins a block series of our talks about tech. If you are a techie like Matt, this is for you. If you’re not a techie like Fawn, this is for you also, because we are talking about the future a…
May 9, 2021

Laughter is Medicine with Maz Jobrani, Tehran, and Mostafa Purmehdi

Two brilliant comics and a wise professor join our talk. Comics (and fellow hanvatans) Maz Jobrani and Tehran help us to explore the healing that happens in our society when we have levity. The principle function of laughter is the creation and the deepening of our social bonds. Laughter is a soci…