Oct. 18, 2021

Intuition - The Art of the Start with Maya Holland - Tools for Teens

Intuition - The Art of the Start with Maya Holland - Tools for Teens
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Intuition - The Art of the Start with Maya Holland - Tools for Teens

This episode begins a series for teens with our friend Maya Holland, founder of Tools for Teens, a meditation-based healing service that provides teenagers with ways to navigate personal and social matters through the use of energy medicine. To sign up for privates, group classes and read her blog about attending University in London, visit mayasimone.com
Website: mayasimone.com 
Email: maya@mayasimone.com
Instagram: @maya.holland

This episode begins a series for teens with our friend Maya Holland, founder of Tools for Teens, a meditation-based healing service that provides teenagers with ways to navigate personal and social matters through the use of energy medicine. To sign up for privates, group classes and read her blog about attending University in London, visit mayasimone.com
Website: mayasimone.com 
Instagram: @maya.holland 




Intuition – The Art of the Start with Maya Holland – Tools for Teens TRANSCRIPT

[00:00:00] Matt: Maya Modo Musashi, regarded as the sword Saint, the Kensei the folklorish hero, historical figure samurai in feudal Japan. Story from his life: he was visiting a Lord, one of the various daimyos of the land, at his invitation. He was sitting in a room. The Lord took him and said, okay, come with me to this other room,

They got slightly separated and

[00:00:23] Fawn: hold on one second. So, uh, Damon is

[00:00:26] Matt: A Damio

[00:00:27] Fawn: A damio. So that's the boss.

[00:00:29] Matt: Think of him as like a Lord or a Baron or a,

[00:00:32] Fawn: the samurais work for

[00:00:34] Matt: yes. Samurais do. And then the Ronins are, they was samurai who do not have currently have a Lord.

And at that point Musashi was a Ronin.

Anyways. They got briefly separated going through, his castle and he motioned to him from across a courtyard. He's like, yeah, I'm over here, come this way. And the courtyard was dark and Musashi sensed something.[00:01:00]

He couldn't put his finger on it, but he sensed something and he realized,

[00:01:04] Fawn: wait, am I going to get scared? Is someone going to get chopped in half? Quiet? You someone's going to get quiet you. Well, just

[00:01:11] Matt: it's just a story. Take it easy.

[00:01:13] Fawn: Someone going to get chopped in half?

[00:01:14] Matt: This is at the point where he is much more enlightened.

So anyways, he felt something wasn't right. He realized there was an alternate path around this courtyard. He put his sandals back on. He took his sandals off. He had to put them back on, went completely around the courtyard. And met up with this Lord again, and this Lord looked at him and he was like, oh, you went that way did you? And continued on into a room, where he told him ( a Zen priest). And he told him that he actually rigged just a tiny little test for him. And as it turned out, standing in this courtyard was one of the greatest swordsman in Japan. And that was

[00:01:51] Fawn: not Musashi

[00:01:53] Matt: and not Musashi one.

I said one of not the greatest, because Musashi was considered the greatest, but anyways, he was going to draw his [00:02:00] sword if Musashi walked through this opening,

[00:02:02] Fawn: So Musashi could have been chopped in half.

[00:02:04] Matt: It is very possible. Now later, of course, Akira Kurosawa took this as a cue for The Seven Samurai.

Basically this is a moment in time where he used his intuition. He couldn't see, he couldn't feel, he couldn't necessarily understand what was going on, but he, sensed trouble. He actually sensed as he described it, Peerless swordsmanship,

[00:02:27] Fawn: and repeat that word as a pure list or peer

[00:02:30] Matt: lists without peer, because of course he's going to be very deferential because this really good swordsman was a Lord as well. And he avoided him and then what's even more interesting in my mind, although we are here to talk about intuition today, what's even more interesting to me is that this Lord, said basically, I realize you wanted to have a bout with me, like a physical, like sword fight with me. And I consider that's already happened.

So he actually even accepted a loss in addition, because he agreed to [00:03:00] go in on this little stunt with this Lord.

[00:03:03] Fawn: So he sensed that he sensed it. So that Lord sensed that Musashi was sensing him. Is that what happened?

[00:03:10] Matt: no no no He, when Musashi avoided the fight, Musashi showed himself at a, at a higher level of swordsmanship because the true goal of martial arts, according to Mr.

Miyagi is to avoid the fight.

[00:03:26] Fawn: I mean, according to yourMr. Miyagi

[00:03:29] Matt: We study martial arts so we don't have to fight

[00:03:31] Fawn: you say Mr. Miyagi, but isn't that what we learned also from O Senei?

[00:03:38] Matt: And Sensei Chicken Legs,

[00:03:40] Fawn: sensei chicken legs was my, if you guys don't know w it's my, my secret description of our teacher in Aikido.

I would call him in secret when I would get mad at him sense chicken legs. So just make myself feel better when I was mad at him, but okay. [00:04:00] So intuition

[00:04:01] Matt: and, and really having that much of an understanding of when to follow it and understanding that it's coming through for sure. And how do we build our vocabulary?

How do we strengthen that muscle? I mean, is it a muscle, you know, it's, it's one of those things that, you know, they say it takes 10,000 hours to quote unquote, master something like golf or tennis. What does it take to really harness your intuition?

[00:04:25] Fawn: Well, that is our subject for today.

Intuition. And we are about to introduce you not yet because I have the etymology of intuition. Not yet. Hold on. There's more, we have a beautiful person and we want to introduce you to a new friend especially for younger people out there. Ages. I don't know. From what age? Very, very young to teens, this show is for you.

It's for everyone actually. So intuition, atomology, one of the things I looked at was the late middle English. in that sense, intuition [00:05:00] is denoting spiritual insight, which is what we're familiar with. And so this is what they said, denoting spiritual insight or immediate spiritual communication, which is what Musashi was going with.

And then from the Latin, if you spell it, I N T U E R I, it means to consider, to look at, to watch over, to care for, to protect, is what intuition means, which is all the things Musashi was doing.

[00:05:33] Matt: Exactly. And in this particular instance, absolutely.

[00:05:36] Fawn: So intuition is an inward directed gaze that has connotations of guidance and protection.

So here we go with some definitions, the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational, thought and interference. Quick and [00:06:00] ready insight. The ability to acquire knowledge without resources, to conscious reasoning that is intuition. And that is how we met our friend that we are going to introduce you to right now, this is her work.

Her name is beautiful and it's interesting. Her first name is Maya. We want you to introduce you to Maya Holland. She works with teens. She works with younger people. this is an episode for you. This is so important. We're going to talk about, especially what is happening more so now around the world. You know, when we started the friendship movement, we knew you and I Matt knew that the part of our society that's really hit hard is not the elderly.

It is the younger people, the children. They are feeling the most anxiety, they're feeling the most ungrounded. So lonely. They have so many [00:07:00] issues more than ever before, probably.

[00:07:02] Matt: Right? Yeah. Uh, they have fewer, I think, uh, skills. Uh, they have a smaller vocabulary to deal with the rapid change that

we've seen.

[00:07:11] Fawn: And, that's easily understood because look at the adults because the adults don't even know, they forgot the art of friendship.

They don't even realize how to carry on a true friendship. We've all become so immersed in the hustle of working and taking care of things and having our energy scattered in all different directions, for survival. And we always talk about how there is no capacity when you're in survival mode to have true relationships, to have true connections, because you're always running.

Right. You're always running from the tiger or trying to put out a fire either the house is on fire or you're being attacked in some way. And so you it's a struggle. Yes.

Everyone, I [00:08:00] would like you to meet Maya Holland, you can find her on tools for teens. You can go to her website, Maya, simone.com.

Everyone. Please meet our friend maya Holland. Yay.

[00:08:15] Matt: Hello and welcome.

[00:08:16] Fawn: Welcome Maya!

[00:08:17] Maya: Thank you guys for having me. I'm so excited. So as you mentioned, Fawn, my name is MayaHolland and I'm the founder of tools for teens, which is a meditation based healing service that provides teenagers with ways to navigate personal and social matters through the use of energy medicine.

So you can visit my website, mayasimone.com to sign up for privates group classes and read my blog about going to university in


[00:08:47] Fawn: We are so excited because, El and Allegra are actually going to be studying with you and they are so excited they met you.

They love you.

[00:08:56] Maya: Oh, thank you. It was so great to meet them. I think it's going to be [00:09:00] great.

[00:09:00] Fawn: They are beyond excited. We use our intuition constantly from day one.

That is how we operate in our home but being around certain people, kind of dimmed that light in them, unfortunately. And that's what happens when we go through life, right? There's some things happen or you meet certain people that are not the greatest, right. And if you're not fully immersed in your own sense of self and your own powers, if you're not grounded. Thank you. It can really knock you off. And, unfortunately that's what happened with Ellen Alegra. So when they were like, yes, we want to study with Maya. I almost fell over. I was so relieved because our last show, you'll notice they're like, not very hopeful. We remember Matt, we asked them how they feel about the future.

They're like: "not so good." Right.

[00:09:58] Maya: Well, I would just to [00:10:00] touch on what you just mentioned. I think that teenagers especially get so sucked in to life itself and other people's energies and figuring out who they are as they're growing up, that they lose sight of not only what their intuition is, but also how to trust it and how to listen to it. And so that's one of the main goals of my privates and group classes is to help kids become more grounded, become more present in their bodies and really learn to listen to what your own gut is telling you. Even when the outside world might be telling you something completely different.

[00:10:43] Fawn: I love what you've created with Tools for Teens. You have created a community for peers to come together, peers that are going through things, and it is truly a family, a community and I feel as a mother, I [00:11:00] feel so blessed that we met you and I feel grateful for the work that you're doing.

And I want to hear all about it. I want to hear about how you started, why you started, tell me everything, Maya, start from the beginning. how did this whole journey start for you?

[00:11:15] Maya: So I really grew up in a very holistic environment. Um, my mom really valued, you know, natural medicine over Western medicine.

She's a yoga teacher, so we always kind of incorporated a lot of those ideals or she incorporated those ideals into our upbringing. And so I went to a Waldorf school for preschool. And for those that don't know what it is, it's really based around developing kids' intellectual and artistic skills with an integrated and holistic manner.

So. You know, one of my favorite activities was bread making. That was like a typical activity [00:12:00] that we would do.

[00:12:00] Fawn: How old were you?

[00:12:02] Maya: Well, um, about

[00:12:05] Fawn: four. I love that. I feel like in our society, they teach us not to touch fire or anything sharp or anything like that, that adults use, I think that's a hindrance.

[00:12:18] Maya: Yeah, absolutely. Because this is so based around how can you develop your own skills in a real world environment? So I have really good memories of Waldorf school. And then I went to a Montessori school for preschool, which I really loved, and that had similar goals that Waldorf did just really developing kids' artistic and practical skills on their own. So there was this huge room with all these different activities laid out and everyday kids would come and pretty much just to play. There was an outdoor garden where you could plant veggies and water plants [00:13:00] in the green house. And then of course my favorite stations, the food station, um, you could cut bananas, you could make an butter toast.

[00:13:10] Fawn: My sister.

[00:13:15] Maya: The whole premise around this school was really just giving kids the freedom to do things for themselves and help them cultivate independence.

[00:13:24] Fawn: You see, when I was, when I was going through school, I had no idea this other world existed because I don't know about you, Matt, but like I had no knowledge of this other way of going to school.

And I learned about it way after high school, the friends that I met in college, you know, you, you asked, you know, where'd you go to school, where'd you go to school? And I'm like, what? We all went to, you know, the, the group I was talking to in my memory right now, we were all from LA I'm. Like, I never heard of that school.

What, what, what, [00:14:00] what madness is this? What are you talking about? Are you making it up? And they're like, no, no, no fun. We would wake up and do whatever we wanted in school. And whatever we wanted was like studying major hardcore math. I'm like, what? And then like Maya, My exactly like, how am I said, or we would like go off and paint or in this one case this one kid, she was like, yeah, if we wanted to go naked in the garden, that's what we would do.

I'm like, why mind you? These are like very little kids, like back then, but like, to be free. I'm like, I was so mad Maya when I found this out, man, because I should have been in that environment.

[00:14:44] Maya: The school was great. I mean, not going to lie. I loved

[00:14:47] Fawn: it. What a wonderful way, because it took me years to undo the damage that was caused to me going to a regular school.

Right. Like. The [00:15:00] amount of things I had to ward off, it was like going into battle every day, either. I was in battle with teachers.

[00:15:08] Matt: Let's talk preschool and kindergarten for a second. Okay. Let's let's not get into quote-unquote.

[00:15:14] Fawn: Hello. Have you not been listening

[00:15:15] Matt: to know? I know, I

[00:15:17] Fawn: know some of the stories of

[00:15:18] Matt: I know there's a lot of angst here and I, I have points to make to, you know, oh,

[00:15:23] Fawn: I'm sorry. Go ahead.

[00:15:25] Matt: Go ahead. There's such a subtlety, I think to it, you know, when you describe making bread, that's such a left brain, right. Brain thing to do, because if you get the formula wrong, that bread aint gonna rise. And yet there's an aesthetic quality to it as well, which is what is bread actually going to taste like, just cause you got your bread rises to me is going to be good in the same way there is an art and a science to it all to even watering plants in a garden, you know? Yes. You have to make sure they're wet, but too wet, not wet enough. How often, how not often did you plant it in the right [00:16:00] season? Did you not plant it in? You know, there's so much just, um, left-brain, right-brain yin yang, whatever you want to call it, logical emotional to it all to, make you quote unquote holistic as you put it.

[00:16:12] Maya: Right. And I think when I went to kindergarten, that's kind of when I realized that there are sort of two categories of, I guess, preschool, kindergarten, because here I was at this school where I could really be independent. But then once I went to kindergarten, I lost a lot of that independence. Um, I remember one day we were doing this activity where we were making self portraits out of, you know, gluing paper and cutting yarn and things.

And I went over to the yarn to cut some for my hair. And my teacher said, oh, my I'll do that. And I was really confused cause I thought, okay, well I'm completely capable of cutting my own yarn well, my own paper down and nothing against my [00:17:00] kindergarten teachers. I loved them. But it was just interesting even at five, six years old, noticing the difference in how you're treated, right.

And those different

[00:17:11] Fawn: schools, which, so this kindergarten was not what you were experiencing. It was like a regular kindergarten. Quote unquote, regular kindergarten. So they didn't want you to use sharp objects. Like I was saying, like, notice

[00:17:27] Matt: it is possible. There also could be a number of different subtexts, you know?

Cause I loved Mrs. Swanson, my kindergarten teacher, because I loved all my teachers then. Cause I was just that way. But uh, yeah, it may be that, uh, she didn't want you to grab the arm cause you had long hair and everyone else had already like stolen so much, you know, taking too much yarn for theirs, who knows, but right.

But the fact that she didn't trust you to, you know, to get your own yarn does speak volumes.

[00:17:54] Fawn: I think cutting the yarn. It could be.

[00:17:57] Matt: Yeah, it could be who knows, [00:18:00]

[00:18:00] Maya: but there's really no way to tell. But I think just looking back, obviously in the moment I wasn't thinking about it all that much, but looking back now, it's interesting how the different ideals kind of.

Play out in different types

[00:18:15] Fawn: of schooling. It's all these cuts. It's a thousand trillion cuts that eventually reshape you and make you doubt yourself, make you not use your intuition anymore.

[00:18:29] Matt: Well. Absolutely. And there are points in time, sadly, gratefully that, you know, your intuition feels wrong.

Guy. Remember making the shift. Did you say thankfully? Yeah. Why? I don't know. I just did

[00:18:41] Fawn: one in the world. Would it be ever, would your intuition ever be not so good,


[00:18:48] Matt: Well, everything in my head when I made the transition of, cause we're talking about school from elementary school where they loved you to junior high school where it felt like you were a burden and it was, I mean, that felt [00:19:00] like a great wrong.

I mean all junior high school, like my, I remember my first day of junior high school, it was cold. It was going from class to class, every periodically on a bell. There was figuring out how to deal with the cafeteria. There was, you know, even finding your friends, the people you went to elementary school with, cause you were all scattered in different classes.

It felt very wrong,

[00:19:26] Fawn: and for me, I had all kinds of racial hatred thrown at me, even in elementary school, I've told you stories and it started in kindergarten. And so, you know, we all have different experiences. We all have so many cuts and pains that we go through. And, so thank God Maya's here because how do you deal with that?

This is why our society is so messed up. So let's let's fix this. So Maya is fixing it. Maya is bringing light. Maya is helping. Maya has created a community here for young [00:20:00] people to feel safe and to feel at home

so, we're talking about intuition, but it's really the art of the start. How does intuition start? How do we all start as human beings? What happens along the way? We all, we all experience pain. But the art of the start of intuition, let's go back.

So here you are. You're being told not to cut and you're seeing the difference in that. Please, please.

[00:20:27] Maya: Well, so it's interesting that you say art of the start because it is completely related to that. I mean, I think children are naturally born, very intuitive. And as we get older, we lose sight of that because people start telling us how we should think and how we should do things.

And I'm very grateful to my parents because they really allowed me to develop my own confidence really young. And I think that has carried over a lot [00:21:00] into who I am now, because I was given permission as a very young girl to explore my own personality. Um, like I remember my mom would always tell me, oh, let's go on a play date with this person.

And I would say, no, I don't really want to go. I don't really like them. And she'd say, oh no, well, You know, I'm friends with the mom. You're, you're the same age as the daughter, it'll be so fun. And I would just say, no, I don't want to go. And eventually she realized that, you know, even at five years old, I knew exactly what I wanted.

So she started letting me choose who I wanted to hang out with. And same went with what clothes I wore. My parents let me choose my own outfits. No matter how horrendous they were. I mean, pink jeans, polka dot skirt, striped t-shirt all with like [00:22:00] a dress over like absolutely horrible.

[00:22:04] Fawn: Yeah. I like it. No, I love it.

I think that's why we have so many problems, right? Because all these things Maya just mention. Is things that we did and we got in trouble for your hair was too long Matt, you know, you overheard don't get

[00:22:17] Matt: me started on the hair.

[00:22:18] Fawn: You overheard your mom's friends saying, how can you let him look like that?

And she didn't even stick up for you. Like, it was like a thousand cuts,

[00:22:26] Matt: but, but okay, fine. But now I'm gonna, I'm gonna play, I'm gonna play the other, I'm going to play the devil's advocate. Cause that's, that's where I live. So you were going out on play dates with people, but what do you do as a parent?

You know, what do you do as the, the elder in the situation if your child just doesn't want to hang out with anybody, you know, because there is a give and take, it's like, yes, you can use the stove, but that burners on high and it's, you know, hanging out all by itself and you're about to put a knife down on it.

You know, what, how do you balance?

[00:22:59] Maya: Yeah, I hear [00:23:00] what you're saying. I think there's a good, happy medium. I mean, my mom would encourage me and, you know, kind of play devil's advocate and then I would go for it. Oh, okay. Try it. No, didn't really like it. And then eventually after she pushed a couple of times, it was like, okay, clearly she knows that she doesn't want to do this.

So I think it's about trying and seeing how it works. And then if you're still not getting through, just trust that your child knows what they want.

[00:23:31] Fawn: Yeah. And today's show is really about the young people, you know, forget about the parents, it's about going to that place of trusting your own instincts.

You know, if you fro, even though on paper, it looks good for you to be with this person. If you don't feel like it don't do it.

[00:23:52] Matt: That's one area where. We say it's okay. As far as like relationships, if you're in, if you don't feel it, you don't feel it. [00:24:00] And that's what it is. And

[00:24:01] Fawn: sometimes it'll be a good stretch of time before you find your community.

And so what you should just be with people to have them occupy space, that space should really be for yourself. Am I wrong?

[00:24:15] Maya: No, I think you're right. I mean, gosh, it's so hard because as humans naturally, we just want, deep connections. But if you're forcing that connection, in my opinion, that's a lot worse than just allowing that connection to naturally be there.

[00:24:33] Fawn: And that is why we're in this state that we're in, you know, you try to force it. And you don't have, therefore you don't have the capacity to even know yourself. You don't know your own voice. If you're constantly being pushed or you're pushing yourself, right. To be in situations to be with certain people, because this is what you should be doing.

[00:24:52] Matt: Right. And, or being led for sure.

[00:24:54] Fawn: So you are not even practicing the art of intuition because you're not hearing [00:25:00] it. Right. You're not giving yourself the opportunity.

[00:25:03] Maya: You're right on point. I think that's why for me as a kid, I like now being 19.

I really appreciate my parents giving me the freedom to use my own voice and develop this ability to trust myself because you've learned to kind of ingrain that in your head and if you're constantly going against it, eventually it's just going to become this little voice that has no power in your head.

But if you give it its power, then slowly you learn. Oh my gosh, my intuition is right. So it's just about, learning to trust it and developing those patterns.

[00:25:43] Fawn: Maya, do you think that, okay.

Okay. Let me go back. Um, before I ask the question, we were talking about genius the other day. And we were talking about how it was not until the Renaissance, did people start [00:26:00] saying, oh, this person is a genius. This person, oh, I'm a genius. Ooh, you're a genius. Oh, your, your work is amazing. You are your work.

Whereas before the Renaissance period, it was thought of as you working with genius, that when you get an idea, when a creative thought comes, when genius strikes you or genius comes to you, it is, it is a force that is collaborating with you. And at the same time, this genius is whispering to you it's actually whispering to others around the planet.

If you don't have a way to house this genius, that this genius will eventually work with somebody else. So whenever you have an idea, someone else has the same idea on the other side of the planet. And if you don't give it proper attention, if you don't give it the means for it to live, it will find another source.

Do you think that can happen with intuition, do [00:27:00] you think it could just disappear ? Or is it something that that's there forever?

Could that intuition ever be beaten to a pulp word doesn't come out ever again?

[00:27:11] Maya: No, because intuition is always there. It's just a matter of when you start developing it and how much attention you give to it. So that's one of the reasons that Tools for Teens is so important is because children, like I said earlier, naturally intuitive.

And the earlier you start developing that skill, the stronger it gets. So if you wait till you're 50, 60 years old, you're still gonna have that innate intuitive ability, but it just might take a little bit longer, not only to develop it, but also clear out all the energies from the past couple of years that have been prohibiting your intuition to shine through.

[00:27:55] Matt: Again? I did that.[00:28:00]

It's one of those things. I think we always there, they're always those moments where you know, what the right thing and the wrong thing is to do just on an intuitive level, on a moral level, on a spiritual level, on whatever level, you know, you know, and I don't think that ever really goes away, but that voice can get awfully quiet.

[00:28:22] Fawn: Yeah. And it's not always about right or wrong. It's about, I choose to walk down this path or I choose this color or I choose to express myself like this right now. Or I choose this word right now, a word, you know, it's not just about like black and white right or wrong.

[00:28:42] Matt: I have an easier time with black and white

[00:28:44] Fawn: being a computer guy.

Yeah. Okay. So

[00:28:48] Maya: the thing, a lot of people are in the exact same situation that you are. And even me, sometimes I'm so organized. I love to have okay, this is right. This is wrong, [00:29:00] but that's where intuition has helped me grow a lot. And studying energy medicine is because you learn that there's this massive gray area and you don't always have to have the answer.

And I think a lot of people think that intuition is about knowing the right answer on your math test, knowing that, you know, this is if it's answer B them, this is what it is, but it's so much more abstract.

[00:29:30] Fawn: It totally is. I go by feelings rather than analytics.

[00:29:35] Matt: Right, right. And, and honestly, I think that's one of the reasons why L just like beats my butt playing a crazy eights. She plays on a different level.

Um, I'm pretty raw analytic figuring, figuring the percentages and the whatevers. And she plays what looks best to her at the moment.

[00:29:55] Fawn: And I have to turn off my brain. Like when we start, when I start losing. [00:30:00] And I tell myself, okay, I don't want to create a violent scene here. So what I'm going to do is I just want to turn everything off.

I don't care anymore. And that's when I start winning because it's not that I don't care anymore. I've realized it's because I let all of that go. And I say, okay, I'm not going to keep track of a score. I'm not going to keep track of whatever it is physically. I'm just going to give it up. And I end up using feelings only, and I can feel what you have in your deck.

I can feel what moves you're going to make ahead of time. I can feel like instinctively, which domino to pick

[00:30:45] Matt: and this all sounds very loosey goosey, but I

[00:30:48] Fawn: think it's legit real. I'm like it's hardcore. Real.

[00:30:52] Matt: I think you're letting go and starting to feed your sixth

[00:30:56] Fawn: sense, but we're taught not to do that.

[00:30:58] Matt: And absolutely we are [00:31:00] taught not to do that because

[00:31:01] Fawn: explain why you do that even in business, because

[00:31:03] Matt: it's not, it's not mathematically valid. You know, the Greeks gave us a whole heck of a lot of things. Uh, but what they also gave us is classifying EVERYTHING. And if you can't measure something, then you throw it out.

[00:31:16] Fawn: Yeah. Because, and what's so interesting now is that we're measuring energy. Thank God. So we have these amazing science and it was only

[00:31:23] Matt: until the scientists started measuring the unmeasurable. Cause this is, this is how

[00:31:29] Fawn: and think of them. They're like totally outcasts in their field. You know, like I think of Candace PERT, Dr.

Candace PERT, like the molecules of emotion, like having scientists measure your auric field, your, magnetic field and then realizing, oh my God, you know, they say, oh, it's this, this amount wide, but then these other scientists are now saying, you know what, it's not really that wide either because the machines can only go to this [00:32:00] distance to measure.

It is probably infinite, you know, or, you know, but they're actually measuring this

[00:32:08] Matt: and I think that by and large has a lot to do with the fact that as we get more and more into classifying things, we're finding that there are things we can't measure. There are things we can't measure using these techniques that we have we've had for thousands of years, because it's not even there.

And so, and so we're getting into, and we're really starting to think through, uh, alternative ways and what alternative people have put forward.

[00:32:33] Fawn: Measuring empty space is what I was trying to say, do you know what I mean? How can you measure empty space

Don't like things that would absence. Yeah. Like unseen forces. Right.

[00:32:44] Matt: Which takes me to my, it takes me to, uh, I think my question, I think it's time for me to ask my question now. So Musashi kind of had these nine rules and they start with don't think dishonesty in the way is in training.

Now he has nine of these boom. [00:33:00] And I find it very interesting that certainly two of them can effortlessly be described as intuition and things you can't touch two of the nine and those are, translated: develop intuitive, judgment, and understanding for everything. And perceive those things which cannot be seen now, Maya, why do you suppose he has that differentiation?

And what do you perceive out of? Let's just focus on those two of nine folks.

[00:33:34] Maya: So the develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything. That one is particularly interesting to me because when we're born, we have such a strong sense of intuition. And as we get older, we develop our emotions and start to use those to navigate the world.

And then as adults, we rely a lot on logic to make decisions. And I think this is [00:34:00] where a lot of people stop because they believe they've mastered the art of thinking. But in reality, it's just the opposite because even though emotions and logic play such a vital role in our lives, And I'm not saying that people should go back to an infant mindset, but I think that as a society, we need to learn to come back to how to make decisions with more intuitive guidance and less emotional judgment.

Because the moment that we stopped trusting ourselves and listening to our intuition, that's the moment that our lives become more difficult than they need to be.

[00:34:38] Matt: Now you say less emotional. Yeah. And one of the kind of maxims that I hold on to is people tend to make decisions based upon what's worked for them in the past, because guess what?

It's a positive feedback loop. And then you run into something like a blockbuster video, which for those of us who are probably teens, [00:35:00] it was a video rental store you actually walked in and you actually rented a videotape or a DVD. You brought it home and then you had to bring it. Before streaming and you had to rewind it.

You had to rewind

[00:35:12] Maya: it back on a certain date you got,

[00:35:15] Matt: and yes, yes, you were, there were fees associated and you belonged and you, if you didn't bring it back, et cetera, et

[00:35:20] Fawn: cetera, to walk into the store, pick up these clunky, rectangular

[00:35:24] Matt: that other people had been like men handling sneezing on and whatever.

But anyways, let's not dwell on that. So the aspect of dwell on is the fact that blockbuster never saw streaming

[00:35:33] Fawn: coming, but they did. They had someone working at blockbuster that said, you guys let's do it so we don't have these clunky things. Let's stream it. They're like, no, you're crazy and never going to do

[00:35:45] Matt: what's interesting is, um, emotion. I think, I think on some level emotionally, logically great business model was going to scale forever. And then. They're gone. There's like one left in Alaska or [00:36:00] something.

And where they had like hundreds or thousands of shops. So the trick is, is at some point all of their kind of emotional reasoning and all of their logical reasoning broke and fundamentally broke because streaming was to be the future. And God knows what the new future is going to be. You know, that's, that's the other fun part is the rules can shift at any moment.

So would you say that they didn't follow their, any semblance of intuition? They had completely shuttered that away in the darkest recesses of their mind or,

[00:36:33] Fawn: oh, that's an interesting question. And kind of add to that before you answer Maya. And, and is that, is that the reason why throughout, especially in Western culture, young people have to rebel against their parents because the parents are the blockbuster.

The parents are the ones saying, this is the way it works. We're going to, you know, so analytical, they've forgotten how to live. So therefore [00:37:00] the younger generation has to say, well, this I have to, I have to go away from this because this is not the right way. You have forgotten. You know what I mean?

[00:37:11] Maya: I think it can go a little bit of both ways because obviously there's no way, or there was no way to predict that digital streaming would become the wave of the future. But I think in that sense, it's all about adapting. I mean, just as business models are constantly growing as people, we are constantly growing, constantly evolving and it's not a matter of predicting that, oh my gosh, two years from now COVID is going to happen. And this is what life is going to be like or three years from now, you know, digital streaming is going to be the only way to rent movies. I think it's about adapting and being prepared and evolving

[00:37:58] Fawn: and being open to that [00:38:00] being flexible, I would say,

[00:38:01] Matt: but it's also, I think as, as the novice here is not the professional, but intuitively you had to have known that something was coming.

At some point in every industry and every thought in every everything, honestly, folks, if you take nothing else away, take that away. Everything will change and all the rules will get rewritten at some point.

[00:38:23] Fawn: Can I just say like, that's exactly what we were taught in martial arts and that's the beauty of youth of like having the youth mindset of the young people is because they are flexible.

They are able to go with the change. They're able to ride the waves.

[00:38:39] Matt: They're flexible. And then we almost define that flexibility later as resilience.

[00:38:44] Fawn: Oh no, listen. It's, it's what we were taught in martial arts. Right? Bruce Lee. Perfect example. Like you have to be bamboo, you have to bend with the wind. How do you say it, man?

You're the one who like, totally like taught this way to me, bend.[00:39:00] If you don't bend, if you don't sway,

[00:39:02] Matt: you break even, even the mighty Willow tree. If that, if the wind comes too heavy, it breaks the bamboo doesn't bamboo bends all the way to the ground.

[00:39:13] Fawn: It will go with the flow and

[00:39:15] Matt: yup, there you

[00:39:16] Fawn: go.

This is such a rich conversation, which is why everyone listening out there. We're going to do a series with Maya and I know we're about 45, minutes in already, and we haven't even gotten to the main subject yet.


[00:39:31] Maya: this is going to cover,

[00:39:33] Fawn: there is so much to cover. So I, you know, perfect that this episode is called the art of the start. We're going to start this conversation, and this is intended for youth. This is intended for the youth generation; the ambassadors that have come onto the planet.

[00:39:51] Matt: And these are the future entrepreneurs. Politicians,

[00:39:56] Fawn: not even the future. The future is now. Like, I always tell [00:40:00] our kids, don't say, when I grow up, I'm going to you doing it right now. You're ambassadors of love this generation that is here. There is no, like I say, you know, like with Santa Monica in that bubble that we were in, there was no ism, right?

It's not think about it. There is no sexism, no racism, no ageism. You are, you are valued as the ambassador that you are, the spirit that's come into this world and you are valued. It doesn't matter if it's, if you're only, you've only been here nine months. You are all knowing you are this amazing being all wise and we're listening to you and we have this home for you, this protected environment for you, which is what Maya's created tools for teens.

[00:40:59] Matt: And [00:41:00] when it comes to decisions, your intuition is definitely something that is valid. And it's, it's an excellent thing to apply as speaking as a logical guy, it's an excellent thing to apply to any problem, in addition to logically speaking and emotionally speaking,

One of the things I'm struggling just a little bit with is that people, um, people can point at moments of intuition in their lives that, you know, I could have gone left. I could have gone, right. I chose to go. Right. And everything great happened because of that. And that's fine to talk about, but it's, it's an inherently personal experience.

And it's like everybody knows, maybe there were points in time to trust their intuition and not trust their intuition but actually building muscle behind it, actually like really looking at that as a real solid tool, I think is the problem people have. And that's why I dragged blockbuster into it because they Fuded it up and they shouldn't have, but they did because they didn't listen to any semblance of intuition. And that's more of a universal case that [00:42:00] people can point at and go, yeah, they screwed up. They should have used something other than logic and this kind of emotional validation that they had gotten, that they were on the right path.

They should have seen that there was another path. And that's why I tried to drag that in. And I did drag that in so that people can see, I just worry that our audience will be like, okay, fine intuition. But why do a series on it versus, you know, really building skills and tools to teach you how to trust your intuition, how to really throw that out there and really listen to what you get back.

[00:42:33] Fawn: And also Maya and I were talking that we want to make sure that we emphasize that there is now this stigma of meditation and mindfulness and how cheesy it's become in a way. And I really want to really get into Maya's work and she's modernized it . I mean, that's one reason, uh, Ellen Allegra were so turned off by the yoga [00:43:00] world.

Yoga used to be a thing for us. We used to meditate. We used to do this intuitive practice on a daily basis until we got to the yoga school and met these jerks with their woo, like, uh, entitled ways with a racist ways that was hidden, but not hidden to us. Right. And then the gas lighting that we got, it turned into this cheesy thing, where they're like, Ugh, I don't even want to go around yoga anymore.

You know, like even seeing yoga pants, they're like, Ugh, you know, so it's wonderful that Maya has turned that around . Right. And you know, there's that safe space. And so anyway, we're going to get into that. And like I said, this is going to be a series for Maya. How can we say it? This is a series for young people.

[00:43:54] Maya: Yeah, people. That's good.

[00:43:55] Matt: I want to say young people and people young at heart because I really [00:44:00] try. I understand. But one of the important tenants of like Zen is a Zen mind. Beginner's mind, it's really being open to things that experience maybe shows us that, you know, aren't something we need to look at.

[00:44:16] Fawn: Yeah. And like I said, a ninth, a nine month old is wiser than an 85 year old or a 45.

[00:44:25] Matt: I have absolutely learned some really valuable things from other developers who were like fresh from school, just because they come at it from my fresh perspective. Absolutely. Well,

[00:44:33] Fawn: let's go back. Let's go back to Maya's journey.

It will explain all these things, her journey to how she founded tools for teens, her journey in life that led her through all these, perhaps dare I say obstacles in life, and , how she created everything for herself and now for others, a place to hold for others. I want to get back to [00:45:00] that.

I think we left off in third grade of who your friends are and the friend groups.

[00:45:05] Maya: Third grade was when I really remember, realizing how sensitive I was, because I've always been a social butterfly, loved hanging out with people and I've always kind of taken the leadership role in my friend groups, but I also really love being alone.

And I recharge by spending time with myself. So when I was in elementary school and entered middle school, like I didn't really understand how kids could be at school all day. With hundreds of other kids, go home, hang out with kids and then do it all again. I just got so depleted and I always thought, oh, maybe I'm just really, really introverted.

But then I realized that I was just so sensitive to all the other energies around me that my body would just get so overloaded at school that going home was my time to [00:46:00] recharge. And I really needed that in order to be my best self in the other aspects of my life. So, once middle school came to an end, that was when I really realized that it was okay to be sensitive.

And when I really started developing more of my personality and something kind of switched where I never wanted to be alone. So I kind of took on this role of like, I just wanted to be friends with everybody. And that had always kind of been there, but it really started shining through in middle school.

And, you know, I loved introducing certain people in one friend group to another friend group and kind of being the bridge between certain friends. And that was when I really started becoming more and more of this social butterfly.

[00:46:49] Matt: Yeah, it can certainly be hard. I, I certainly encountered something similar in, uh, it felt like junior high school just because it felt like in elementary school, you really had that sense of quote-unquote community [00:47:00] of like 30 people in a class.

And then when I got to junior high school, all of a sudden it was like everybody was kind of thrown together. Like I knew literally between all of my classes, I knew like a hundred people. You know, between PE was always a mix. And then I had two periods a day where it was both seventh graders and eighth graders together.

Cause that's how junior high school worked when, where I grew up. So I knew an incredible amount of people and you can feel, people's like, you feel, you feel people's anger, you feel people's confusion. You feel people's laughter you feel, and it's so much noise. It's exhausting

[00:47:35] Maya: like,

and if you think about that, going through that every day, if you have no way to protect yourself, I mean, it's like walking around with an open wound that's just collecting all these dust particles, which of course the wound's going to get infected. Right. So the body's so similar needs protection. Right or it

[00:47:58] Matt: infection. Right. And I always talk [00:48:00] about how we develop vocabularies and skills and, you know, you don't have a shield. I think that, infants and young children and even adults, because as it turns out, I'm this way at times too, their emotional sponges, they actually feed in.

They actually bring in all the emotion. And then what do you do with it? How do you process it? What do you, you know, if, if the ha if, if mommy's upset, the house is upset. If, if daddy's confused, baby's confused, the house is confused. It's just how it works. And now you're involved in this area that you haven't built up, your, your defenses, your shields, your whatevers, and there's just so much going on, you know, how can you help, but not become a little wacky,

[00:48:41] Maya: right. And that leads into. How I really got into energy medicine because once sophomore year of high school hit, that was my first real experience with depression. And it came on really slowly. I mean, first I didn't really have much motivation [00:49:00] to get up and go to school.

And like I've always loved school, but just, you know, the social aspect of it. But slowly I kind of started losing motivation and then I didn't really want to go to cross country practice. I couldn't really sleep well at night and I wasn't really getting much joy out of anything in my life. And for some reason I was afraid to talk to my parents about it because, you know, I didn't want them to worry about me.

And I sort of felt like something was wrong with me, even though deep down, I knew it was normal. My analyzer of my brain was like, oh Maya, like what's going on? Yeah. So I was always known as this really, really happy smiley person. And I didn't feel that as much anymore. So eventually I talked to my mom about it and she suggested that I look at energy medicine.

So that kind of prompted the beginning of my mindfulness journey. [00:50:00] And I enrolled in the Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito, which is an incredible school run by Francesca McCartney. And in the nutshell, she teaches people how to use energy medicine as a pragmatic healing skill every day. So using it as a resource to give yourself boundaries, heal physical and emotional ailments, and just really come back to who you are as a spirit.

And both my parents studied with her. So I enrolled in the program as the youngest student, and now I'm the youngest graduate ever. And all the work that I did with her was really profound in just helping me get more grounded and becoming a stronger, more enlightened spirit.

[00:50:47] Fawn: From what I remember from years ago, she actually trains people in the medical field to become medical intuitives to use their intuition


[00:50:57] Maya: And when I enrolled in her [00:51:00] program, I didn't have the intention of going on and teaching this to other people. I was just more coming at it from a place of, I am so passionate about this aspect of life. I want to explore it more and I want to learn how I can use it to better my life, but here I am now.

And I couldn't even imagine not sharing it with other young people. And it really taught me about, you know, being sensitive isn't a bad thing. It just means that you're highly in touch with your body and other energies around you. So all the work is completely centered around how to create healthier relationships, creating boundaries for myself and those around me, and really just becoming more present.

[00:51:43] Matt: So you would say that energy medicine and with the things you learned at the academy, helped you, you know, we would say perhaps coming at it completely from like a, I guess, right brain, I don't know, point of view, we would say something like it helped you develop your emotional intelligence and, you know, helped you [00:52:00] read those subtle or invisible clues that let you know when somebody is feeling a certain way or not a certain way, and, and helps you connect to people on a day that you don't previously know.

[00:52:11] Maya: That's a hundred percent,

[00:52:14] Matt: which, which makes it comfortable for a logical guy like myself.

[00:52:17] Fawn: It makes it uncomfortable for me. And I'm not logical. I am so illogical and I'm constantly feeling like I'm being slapped on the wrist. Every time I ask a question, because go figure Matt I'm considered, like, I keep asking mental questions.

I'm like, I am how in the world did that happen? Like, I'm the most illogical person, but. I'm stuck in my head. I'm realizing the more I study with Francesca. I don't know. I mean, it's, it's probably

[00:52:49] Matt: my fault because again, it's one of those cases where, you know, I like to believe I've been at least modestly successful following a more logical path and, and letting go of that can be [00:53:00] tricky.

And there, there have been a few, obviously key personal, emotional, intuitive moments that I've had that made perfect sense that, in hindsight, dealing with all the pieces of information I had on the table at that moment in time, didn't seem like a good decision.

[00:53:16] Maya: That's what some people struggle with is putting a sort of scientific answer to intuition

[00:53:24] Matt: in hindsight, I know what the right decision was, you know, in, in a football game, , you know, you have a number of choices of moves to make. and honestly, in hindsight, every single play that you make from scrimmage could be a touchdown.

It's just, if this guy was over this way and this guy did this thing and dah, dah, dah, regardless of what the other team is doing, because they're probably going to do the same thing in all of these kinds of alternative quantum worlds, almost if you want to view it that way, and the right move, the perfect move.

, I always say there's an imminent number of bad ways of doing things. There's a [00:54:00] smaller number of good ways to do things. And there's one perfect way to do everything, but good luck. You're not going to find that perfect way, but intuition helps lead you towards the better to perfect ways of doing things.

[00:54:11] Fawn: That's why, when you're in a battle of fighting for your intuition, even if you don't realize it, um, this leads me to this thing that I'm thinking about Maya and I were talking about like, there's a certain age you definitely are at. And then you realize I don't have to conform, can you talk about that Maya; reaching a point where you realize you don't have to conform, that, feeling, that security and how you came into this point of leadership,

[00:54:42] Maya: I remember when I first started the academy, I didn't talk about it. It was every Tuesday night.

My parents knew my boyfriend knew at the time and a couple of my close friends knew, but I remember people would say, oh, can you hang out tonight? And I'd [00:55:00] be like, oh, sorry, I can't, I have a doctor's appointment or I'd make some stupid reason.

Not because for some reason I didn't want to share with people my practice. And I told my parents that and they were like, , just because you're not doing things that everybody else is doing doesn't mean that you have to hide it. And slowly I started becoming more confident and more comfortable with talking about this practice.

That was so not mainstream. And now. I completely own it. And the moment I started owning it was the moment it became more of who I was, because if you're constantly hiding something, that's so important to you, how can you share it with the world? And so that was kind of the turning point of when my practice really developed

[00:55:48] Fawn: and really like that.

What you just said, Maya is perfection, owning it, owning it. I feel owning it is really embodying your true self. [00:56:00] So let's say you don't have the ideal body shape that's in Vogue magazine. If you own yourself, you own your beautiful body. Even though that shape is not in Vogue, guaranteed.

Your shape will become the next it thing people end up having surgery for, to achieve, right. Once you own it, you embody it. You embody yourself. That's when you're so powerful.

[00:56:30] Maya: Exactly. And when I moved to London for university, that really forced me to come back to my energy medicine practice as well, because I felt I kind of had this massive target on my back being American, and the culture shock coupled with trying to navigate just all the social nuances of a new country, adjusting to the weather, all those things that come with uprooting your life made it really [00:57:00] difficult for me, but I really relied on my energy medicine tools a lot here, and that helped me really stay grounded and just come back to, this is who you are.

You have nothing to be ashamed of. Just own it.

[00:57:15] Fawn: We're gonna do a whole series for teens on our show. You're going to be our reoccurring friend

Maya, and I discussed like all these things that we're going to cover over a whole series. So Maya is going to be on all the time. Reach out to us, go to our friendly world.com and you will also see on our website with this episode, you'll see links to Maya. Maya is launching a whole workshop

[00:57:44] Maya: yes, it's a workshop group class. So a four week class, once a week where kids learn, the basics about grounding earth, energy, and then learning about their [00:58:00] life force energy, the aura. So teaching them to use these skills on their own

[00:58:05] Fawn: You call them tools. So you're a teaching tools for team tools, for teens tools to not only survive, but to thrive in, in the world today.

And we all need that and definitely our great ambassadors who have recently come onto the planet need that. They need that support. So we are here to introduce you to Maya Holland, and to let you know that this work is here. This community is here for you,

Maya, can you offer one tool before we go today to help our friends ?

[00:58:43] Maya: Absolutely. I would say the biggest tool I could offer is learning the art of grounding because that in itself is the foundation of all energy medicine work.

[00:58:59] Fawn: Can you [00:59:00] please explain what grounding is.

[00:59:02] Maya: Yes. So grounding is connecting your body to the resonance of earth.

So it's feeling your feet on the ground, allowing your body to become connected with the center of the earth and feeling that resonance. So we access this during meditation. We can access this when we're just walking around on the street. It's fundamentally just about bringing your attention back to your body and simply becoming more present.

[00:59:33] Fawn: Can we just say I'm grounded just like that in a split second and be grounded,

[00:59:40] Maya: you can affirm that, but something that I will teach more in my group classes, or if we do privates. Is what I like to imagine is a thick tree root extending from the bottom of my feet, all the way down to the center of the earth.

So a [01:00:00] huge Redwood tree that connects my feet and keeps them stable to the ground and connects them to the center of the earth. So that intention coupled with, if you just say out loud, I affirm I am grounded in present time. That will connect you.

[01:00:17] Fawn: This is for us Matt, sending chi

[01:00:21] Matt: Tito, this is like one of the, one of the first lessons that you get taught in.

Aikido, and then they completely forget. Most schools typically completely forget about it, but it's the most important thing you're always supposed to be grounded when you practice Aikido and I'm willing to bet if we had a Greco-Roman wrestler on, I think that it would probably affirm something similar enough to make sense.

And granted

[01:00:42] Fawn: you're immovable. So you can stick out your hand and send chi. And the strongest muscle man, can't put your arm down because you're sending that life force. They're sending chi so

[01:00:54] Matt: much energy that you're getting from the earth out your arm is how you're supposed to consider it and think [01:01:00] about it.

And that makes your arm. Not completely, but it takes a heck of a lot more energy to, to move you than, uh,

[01:01:09] Fawn: so like you see, O Sensei, the founder of Akido, this very frail looking, looking all old, old looking bad-ass. Yes. But like very, very petite, very like, you know, like you think, oh, this, this man has no strength, but you see, there are videos of him of like these massive, big Hulky guys charging him.

And with a flick of literally like an index finger, they get thrown. And it's because he's grounded. , he has chi. And, and, you know, kids know this from the beginning. Like if you try to pick up a toddler a two year old off the ground. Have you tried to lift up someone that weighs like 15 pounds and you can't move them there?

[01:02:00] They're grounded.

[01:02:01] Matt: You can quote unquote, make yourself heavy, which is probably how the infant more thinks about it. I don't want to move. So I'm going to make myself heavy. You can't, but yet, but yet they're connecting and they're they're really. Yeah, absolutely. That's

[01:02:16] Fawn: why I call them ambassadors. They know all this.

And what point do you get where people can just shove you around and you feel like you're just a feather being blown around. Right? So this is what Maya does. She teaches these tools. And that's why the grounding is so important.

[01:02:34] Maya: Exactly. It's the basis of all the work that revolves around energy medicine.

[01:02:41] Fawn: I hope this helps. And I hope that you realize we're just sipping right now. This is an introduction. This is the art of the start. And I cannot wait for the next episodes with Maya

[01:02:53] Maya: I'm so excited. I'm so ready.

[01:02:56] Fawn: So please make sure you go to our [01:03:00] friendly world.com for more information, go to Maya.

simone.com, maya simone.com tools for teens. She's a graduate of The Academy of Intuition Medicine,

[01:03:14] Maya: youngest graduate ever.

[01:03:16] Fawn: Everybody make sure you check her out and you're launching the next course, which is going up when

[01:03:22] Maya: Early November.

So if you just stay tuned on my website, there will be more announcements and more information

[01:03:29] Fawn: coming. Maya, El and Alegra are at attention. They are ready to go. I am so

[01:03:38] Maya: excited. I can't wait to have them.

[01:03:41] Matt: Feel free to email us any questions you might have for Maya

[01:03:44] Fawn: or go directly to Maya. They can do that too.

If you need anyone to talk to, we are all here for you. What we want is a beautiful world for you. We're trying to not trying. We must do. Don't try. [01:04:00] Do. We are here in support of you. We are here to honor you. We see you. We see you as the ambassadors that you are; the beautiful force that you are, and we're here to honor you.

Thank you for being here with us. Thank you for listening. We will talk to you in just a few days.

Bye. See you soon!