April 25, 2021

Thank Goodness We Saw It Coming, Visualization with special Guest Beth Hewitt

Thank Goodness We Saw It Coming, Visualization with special Guest Beth Hewitt

This week we talk about our dreams, our deepest hopes, visualizing them and having the faith that we will succeed (through all the ups and downs of life). We not only discuss holding these dreams for ourselves, but how to hold dreams for others.
We are joined by our friend Beth Hewitt who is sharing her insights on visualization as we celebrate her book, “The Power of Scripting.”

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Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt

This week we talk about our dreams, our deepest hopes, visualizing them and having the faith that we will succeed (through all the ups and downs of life). We not only discuss holding these dreams for ourselves, but how to hold dreams for others.

We are joined by our friend Beth Hewitt who is sharing her insights on visualization as we celebrate her book, “The Power of Scripting.”

Some takeaway quotes:

Matt: “It seems like the old saying when the student is ready, the master will come. It seems like sometimes in those moments that there are people or whatever that reach out to you, because we're all kind of interconnected in a way that science can't quite explain.”

Fawn: “When bad things happen, it’s your opportunity to say, I don't choose that. I want this instead.”

Beth: “And it's about taking those reins and getting clear on what you do want to do, because I think , when you know what you don't want, when you know that you don't want a horrible things happening to you, you know, the flip side of that, which is, you know, what you do want, you know, what that different reality looks like, and that gives you a clue as to what you might be able to create and gives you something to cling on to”.

“…whenever something bad happens to you, you just got to find that little sliver of hope and light of how you can view this in a different way. And there's always something, whatever the challenge, there’s always opportunity”.

QUOTE HALL OF FAME FROM THIS EPISODE: “There's always people there who are willing to help you and support you”.

“You have to find the lightness in the darkness”.

Quote from Beth’s book: “"You should know that you will have some ups and downs along the way. It wouldn't be life if you didn't, but when quote unquote horrible things happen to us, we have a choice. In fact, in any moment or circumstance, we have the option to view things from a different perspective, and we can decide to pick ourselves up and move on. And that when things are going wrong, you will forever have a tool that helps you to take back control to imagine and describe through your own words, the life you'd rather be living. And before, you know it, you will."

Beth’s book: "The Power of Scripting"

To buy Beth’s book:  www.powerofscripting.com

Contact Beth Hewitt:   https://visualiseyou.com/

Beth’s podcast:    https://visualise-you.captivate.fm/

#SantaMonica #champagneSundays #rituals #visualization #celebration #wish #makeawish #livingthelife #fieldofdreams #findingthelightinthedarkness, #abrahamhicks, #CarolineMyss, #thecoffeebean, #Wishbaker, #OurFriendlyWorldwithFawnandMatt




Transcript Episode # 38 “Thank Goodness! with Beth Hewitt”

[00:00:00] Matt: [00:00:00] We're an interracial couple with two kids wanting to do something that highlights the power of friendship and what it means to be in the company of true friends. We're going to move our society away and out of the loneliness epidemic and into a friendlier, happier world. Welcome to our friendly world.

Fawn and Matt and Music: [00:00:32] Better, stronger, together.

Fawn: [00:00:42] Good morning. Hello. Good afternoon. Good evening. All right. Okay. Don't say that. How many times do I have to tell you not to do that? It means by, by no good evening. It means hello. Good night [00:01:00] means, bye bye for you. I'm going to sleep.

Matt: [00:01:02] Welcome to our show.

Fawn: [00:01:04] Welcome to our friendly world. I promise it's friendly nugget of wisdom from Santa Monica, champagne, Sundays.

Every Sunday we would meet on the fifth floor. This was before you moved to the building map, we would meet on the fifth floor at a friend's kitchen table, round small with lots of us around. And there would be champagne. They would also be sparkling Apple juice for those of us who are sober. And we would sit around every Sunday and talk about and toast all of our accomplishments that week.

Why did we do this? I was actually invited into it and I'm so happy I was, because it was such a beautiful ritual, but like I said, we were all artists and we all worked in the industry in some capacity. I [00:02:00] was a still photographer. We had wardrobe, people, costume designers, writers of shows, you name it, makeup, artists, whatever you deal in LA, we were trying to break into, unless you're in with a certain team.

You are hustling all the time. And you're worried about paying your rent all the time, freaking out constantly, either you're working or you're not. And when you're not, it's scary and lonely. And so, and then, and then you start thinking about your age, age, God, I'm getting old, right? What like 28, 29. I know.

But back then it felt really dire like, Whoa, my life is over. How am I ever, am I ever going to find another job again? Is it, am I ever going to make it? Or because you get rejected so much, you just feel down in the [00:03:00] dumps. So champagne, Sundays, some days, this was inspired by my friend who hosted this, but one time she was like, did we do laundry?

I did laundry guys. Yay.

That's a recording of me folks. Does, you know, how there's that easy button? I don't know if this translates in other countries, but there's a store that sells office supplies and they were saying, Oh, it's just easy. Just like, press this button. And it was easy. That was easy. That was easy. So on the same theme as the champagne, Sundays in the midst of a pandemic and we all work in the very small room together, like us and the kids, and it can get a little overwhelming.

Sometimes we realized we weren't celebrating. I mean, yeah, sure. Once, once a year we have the [00:04:00] Huda where we just celebrate and bring in all the treats that are bringing us comfort. Right. Or we think of things that are joyful and comforting in life. And it's so bad to just do it once a year. And that's the thing about rituals.

You may go through the ups and downs of life and you kind of just go with the motions and you get robotic, right? So it's important. Rituals are so important for us too. Remember, we need to celebrate everything and be thankful for everything. And so yeah, doing your laundry actually was a big deal for us in that building because it was a big building, a huge, it took up the footprint of it was.

A huge city block and there was one little laundry room for everybody. And so you had to understand the flow of things and know [00:05:00] when Herman over here and two Oh three was going to do his load. And when is he going to dry his stuff? And is he ever going to come back and take his stuff out of the washer and put it in the dryer?

So I can use the washer? Cause I don't want to get into his underwear and put the stuff in the dryer for him. Otherwise I have to sit there for like, God knows how long until he comes back. Cause there are just so many washing machines and sometimes we would get into fights and it was expensive to do laundry.

Like you had to have all your quarters straight, you know, your money. Ah, man, it was, it was a lot. So anyway, laundry was Epic and so yeah, best believe we would celebrate that also. So celebrating. Rituals being a witness for one another to say, congratulations, I toast you like here, toast me. I'm going to toast myself.

Congratulations to you or [00:06:00] achievements. Congratulations for the thought that you had congratulations for seeing this congratulations for being brave about doing X, Y, and Z today. Congrats. Yeah, it doesn't really work with coffee cups. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It doesn't have that like sparkly cling. No, we can't.

We need champagne glasses, champagne, flutes, whatever you call them. So, which brings me, I would do this. I would, to this special moment, I want to introduce you to a new friend, an old friend, new and old at the same time, because I believe our friends. The ones that are a family, you've known each other for eons.

You've known each other in and out of time. Right. That's what I wrote on our, that it's actually a quote [00:07:00] from one of my Angelo's poems. And I wrote that under our wedding photo that we've known each other in and out of time, we've always been together in different realms and different live, all that I would like to introduce you to Beth.

Beth is here. Everybody. I had that.

Beth: [00:07:21] I found a Matt, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, everybody. And I, I totally agree with you on that friends in and out of time thing, I feel like we've only known each other about not eight and nine months now, I think, but I feel like I've known you for ever.

Fawn: [00:07:38] And our conversation.

Remember our first conversation? I'm sorry, I just cut you off. What were you going to say? I don't remember. I'm sorry. Sorry. But I was going to say, remember our first one-on-one conversation, we got into it, like immediately we started, I think I said, Oh my God, I'm having a [00:08:00] deja VU. Was that the first that's the first memory I have of us.

We were talking about deja booze and we were analyzing what they truly are. And I don't remember exactly what I said, but I got in there and then we started, we didn't really know each other. We had only seen each other on screen. And even though we were on screen, then it was with a bunch of people were on screen, but we got in deep, like crazy for someone who doesn't really follow metaphysics.


Beth: [00:08:33] mean, That's when you know, right. I mean, I think we'd been commenting on in the community together on different posts, but I think I'm going to have to check out that message actually again, what, what we actually spoke about. But I do remember the conversation about deja VU. We just, we just went straight there.

We just went really deep, really quick.

Fawn: [00:08:50] Is it possible to go back and look at that text? What right now? No, but it, like, it's a possible thing. Like we can, [00:09:00] I still don't understand the internet and all that stuff. Like I still don't understand it was a Facebook messenger thing. Yeah. We'll be

Beth: [00:09:08] there somewhere in our, in our message

Fawn: [00:09:10] to look it up.

Cause we just went for it and I'm, I'm not, I don't type very fast. I'm like, geesh, can we just talk like, is there a way we can? And I think that's when we started just zooming, zoom all the time. Oh my God. We have to look it up and we'll put it in the show notes. Can we do that? I'll do that.

Let's do the show. Today. It's about just thank goodness. Thank goodness we met. Thank goodness for a bar of chocolate. Thank goodness for all the blades of grass. If you ever feel not abundant. I learned this from Esther Hicks, actually. Um, I dunno, Beth, you ever listened to Esther Hicks, Abraham [00:10:00] X. Yeah. And so to teach people how to get in the frame of mind of abundance and prosperity, she'll talk about things in nature.

And she'll say, if you ever feel like you don't have enough, I just want you to look at all the blades of grass out there. Look at that. There's so many of them. If you look at a tree, look at all the needles on it. If you're looking at a pine tree, is it a pine tree? That thing outside, it's a pine tree.

Like they have needles those long spiky things, or if you have the good fortune to be near the ocean, all the grains of sand, my God. Right? And if you look at it even closer under a microscope, how many atoms are in a green of sand? It's miraculous. So anyway, that's another tidbit for another [00:11:00] prosperity session, but it's a good way to look at things and you can become more thankful.

It's hard to say. I feel grateful when you're going through the downs of the ups and downs of life when things happen. And this is why friendship is so important. This is why it's so important to have someone by your side, a witness. You can be each other as a witnesses, as you walk shoulder to shoulder.

Down the street, down the journey, down the path and your lives. And sometimes your friend is there with you and then they have to take a detour over here, but then you have to go over here, but really we're all still together. We're all still here. All one, we are still totally connected. Beth is over here in the UK.

We're over here smack dab in the middle of the continent in North America, in the mountains somewhere. I mean, And we have the deep connection, the thing about friends and going through ups and downs, when [00:12:00] you're going through it, your friend can see the signs way better than you can if you're so emotional and not able to see straight.

Matt: [00:12:09] Yeah. And we've talked about this before. There's the, when it's emotion versus logic, your friend being outside of yourself can look at things more logically, not necessarily completely logically, but certainly more logically than you can. And they have less attachment to the things you're feeling emotional about, for sure.

Fawn: [00:12:27] Which brings me to a bath today. I mean, she's definitely been doing that for me. And I'd like to think, I hope to God that I do that for her. And that's the thing. You also have to be open. So just being, I guess people would call it being vulnerable. I mean, just honest to say, yo, I'm having a really bad time.

I can't see straight. And your friend may think you are seeing straight. So for you to say that it helps, like the other night Holly called me and I was [00:13:00] stuck to the couch. Like I felt so heavy. And why bother kind of state? Like why a bother really? Why bother with anything who cares? I don't care. I wish I could care.

I was so to how own, like I could not lift myself off the couch and then out of the blue Holly calls and she's like, it's not really out of the blue, is it? What do you

Matt: [00:13:28] mean? Just, it seems like the old saying when the student is ready, the master will come. It seems like sometimes in those moments that there are people or whatever that reach out to you, because we're all kind of interconnected in a way that science can't quite explain.

Beth: [00:13:45] Yeah. It's the synchronicities always that

Fawn: [00:13:49] totally. And so what I like about friendship and my friendship with like, let's say Beth, especially, and also going [00:14:00] back to Holly, Holly's a straight shooter, man. There's no, I mean, once in a while she'll be extra, extra soft with me, but she's powerful. And she's just like, as a matter of fact, and so I'm saying, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And she'll say, well, that's a lie. I'm like, damn girl damn. And what she means is that's a lie. When I say this really is terrible. They hate me. I just saw fuck, you know, Y and so reminds me of a phrase that another friend of ours would say, Who came from a very spiritual and religious family, she would always say, and we would start laughing every time she's had it.

The devil's a liar font. The devil's a liar. The devil is a liar. And what she meant was those negative thoughts. You have, they are lies. So don't go there. [00:15:00] Don't look at that. That's what I mean by your friend can see the signs, right? So there's a sign that says, Hey, boulders are, are dropping on this road, watch out.

You know what I mean? So when you have that negative thought, don't let the Boulder hit you on the head, move over here, get over here, stop it, break it up, you know, come on, come on. So that's what that is. And one of the things I want to talk about today is of course being thankful, but how do we get over those ups and downs?

I mean, the downs really. And I know both of our families have been through some scary stuff, Beth. Yeah. So can we talk about without getting into detail and I don't want to get into a panic attack when we talk about certain things. I, um, it's hard for me to shake it off, but can we talk about that about the, how do you do it?

How do you get through the downs? Like when some messed up stuff happens and I'll say one other [00:16:00] thing that I remember just popped into my head that Abraham Hicks always says is that when bad things happen, the world is filled with contrast when bad things happen, it is your opportunity to say, I don't choose that.

I want this instead. So if someone gives you a chocolate ice cream, You and you hate chocolate ice cream. You can say universe or life. I would like vanilla, please. And you focus on vanilla until you get vanilla or you work on getting vanilla. Anyway, what do you think you guys,

Beth: [00:16:41] so I think for me, it's building up those muscles.

I think I was trying to think about what point did I become almost the super positive person, because I haven't always been a positive person. Like when I first came to this planet, I was quite a miserable child. You know, I was always the, the [00:17:00] child that was sad and upset and had a scalp on my face. But somewhere along the way I learned to be positive.

So I of, I don't know where those merged, those lines merged, but the date at some point. So I think it's been a bit of a journey for me, but I think we all have the ability. To build those muscles. Oh, and it is like you said, fine. It is a choice. It's when something bad happens, it's acknowledging something has happened and feeling all those emotions, you know, what can you see?

What can you feel? What can you hear in this moment? What is happening and what has been shared with you? What lessons are there in all of this, but it's that ability to go, okay, I'm not going to stay here for too long. I'm going to try and find an opportunity out of this challenge. And I'm going to try and find a way forward.

And it's about taking those reins and getting clear on what you do want to do, because I think when you know, what you don't want, when you know that you don't want a horrible things happening to you, you know, the flip [00:18:00] side of that, which is, you know, what you do want, you know, what that different reality looks like, and that gives you a clue as to what you might be able to create and gives you something to clean on too.

And so I know we're going to the, the, the details of a, uh, but when my, my daughter had, she was in an accident. And it was a head injury and she lost lots of teeth and she had to have surgery, but she couldn't eat and you couldn't drink and you couldn't, uh, she couldn't speak. So she was 11. She w

Fawn: [00:18:32] she fell off a horse.


Beth: [00:18:34] She was, she, she didn't fall off a harsher with a horse. She was at the side of the horse and the horse bolted and twisted and nocturnal conscious head-on hit the floor. Um, yeah. And so it happened in a split second. Nobody could have stopped her. It was just, it was just one of those things. But then I had a child who was in a, in a very difficult place.

And I think [00:19:00] it's harder when it's still happening to you and it's happening to a loved one. That's even harder. Isn't it. You almost have to transcend that, that situation. And actually, how are we gonna, not only am I going to find the strength to get through the situation, but how are we going to get this person.

This loved one through this situation, or how are we going to get my friend or my mom or my dad or whoever it is, how are we going to get through with this situation together? And so, um, it was hard. It was hard, but, um, I try to look for all the things like you just said fall, and that I was actually grateful for which you might think, how can you possibly be grateful when something such as this happens, but it was things I was grateful for the air ambulance.

I was grateful for the nurses and the surgeons. I was grateful for the first time that she was able to drink chocolate milk for the first time through a straw and the look on her face and all of those kinds of things. I was grateful for how the school was supporting her to do things differently because you know, she was in that [00:20:00] transition period between.

Primary school going up to high school. And so it's just looking for those. There's always people there who were willing to help you and support you. And if you can be grateful for those, to me, it increases the, it speeds up the way in which you heal and the way in which we're dotted to healed or the way in which you personally heal from the situation from the trauma.

Um, and so that's what, that's what you have to do. You have to find the lightness in the darkness and some amazing things have come out of that terrible, terrible situation. So my daughter was a violinist. She could no longer play the violin at that time because she could no longer rest the violin enriching.

So she asked if she could play piano. And so now she plays piano and violin, and she actually loves piano more than violin. And she's actually played her violin at the Royal Albert Hall. So we were visualizing. Yeah, we were [00:21:00] visualizing her being able to do that again. But for that time being, for that moment in time, she was playing piano and still enjoying the music and still being able to take part in things, but just in a different way.

And I think it's, whenever something bad happens to you, you just got to find that little sliver of her in light of how you can view this in a different way. And there's always something, whatever, this challenge, there's always

Track 2: [00:21:23] opportunity.

Fawn: [00:21:25] And you know, when I find as far as friendship also is that, so we had a life and death situation in our family and it was very scary and all of our friends disappeared.

I never heard from them again, except for Matt's best friend who like didn't even ask, just showed up from thousands of miles away, just showed up. I'm so grateful for him in that time though, when I felt so alone, um, It's really interesting. I was talking to someone actually a few [00:22:00] months after this whole ordeal and I was explaining how people disappear and I had no friends around and she pointed out that there are friends everywhere.

They come in different forms and they are always there for you when you need them. And I thought about it. And just the way Beth, you just described being thankful for the air ambulance and the nurses and the surgeons. Yeah. I mean, I remember being at the hospital and going to the bathroom and there was no one there.

So I thought, great. I can just like weep him. There was someone who came in and it was because it was such a strange time of the day and no one was around. Um, it was the janitor who came in. And I could just look at him and he was so sweet. Like, all he did was just look at me and I knew [00:23:00] like he was so lovely.

I'm sorry, I'm quiet. But he turned out to be an angel. He ended up checking on us all the time. His name was Abraham too, by the way. Um, but there are people like that. You're surrounded all the time by help. You may not say to yourself, well, this is my lifelong friend, or this is my friend. It's a total stranger, but because we are connected, they are friends, they are family.

You're never alone. And so, yeah, to just remember stuff like that, you have, you, you have to see that, that you're not alone and that you are totally protected and that you are totally gifted by. I mean, sometimes I call them angels, you know, Anyway, which also like talking about the ups and downs. I have a quote.

Let me see, hold on one second. I'm going to [00:24:00] pause for a second. It says, you should know that you will have some ups and downs along the way. It wouldn't be life if you didn't, but when quote unquote horrible things happen to us, we have a choice. In fact, in any moments or circumstance, we have the option to view things from a different perspective and we can design to pick ourselves up and move on and that when things are going wrong, you will forever have a tool that helps you to take back control

to imagine. And describe through your own words, the life you'd rather be living. And before you know it, you will, that's actually a quote from Beth's new book. That's coming out. Can you tell us a little bit about it?

Beth: [00:24:53] So the book itself was something that I wrote actually a few years ago. It was up period between [00:25:00] Christmas and new year where you don't really know what day it is, but I sat down and write and wrote that book.

And, uh, it was kind of a culmination of everything that I've always been doing. All the things I've been doing since I was a child, rarely. Um, and it's just that, it's that quote, phonics, it's that ability to take back control when things are going, what quote, unquote, wrong or going in the wrong direction.

And so the book is it's about the law of attraction base about the written form of the law of attraction. So the ability to journal and write and script a new reality really. Focusing on the things that you want to be showing up in your life and put in real meaning and clarity behind them and giving yourself that time to write in as much detail as possible, what that reality would look like.

And it's a way [00:26:00] for people to stop and reflect, because I don't think we do that as much as we should. We don't give us that. We don't give yourself that space to really think about those things that we want to be showing up in our life. And so that's why,

Fawn: [00:26:14] that's why I wrote the book. Remember I said, Oh my God, let's talk about this.

And I think you said something to me, like, what did I say about friendship in this book? I'm like, but it is about French. That is friendship. This book, this is exactly what friends do for each other. And you are in this book and you're guiding us through this. Like I said, like saying, Hey, look over here.

Okay. Now do this, take this step over here. And. Your book when sometimes we don't have that friend constantly with us, that we need your book is there because you are in that book, you're in the book and you can put that in your pocket or in your purse. And [00:27:00] there you go. You're traveling with me and you're helping me step by step to focus on what my heart desires and focus on creating the life that I want.

Again, things I was looking forward to. And somehow, because of all the ups and downs, I'm like, why bother? Or it's never going to happen? You know, and your friends saying, of course, it's going to happen. You know, do this, do that, sit down, get yourself a book, get a writing utensil.

Matt: [00:27:34] Man, your friend is just telling you what to

Fawn: [00:27:36] do.

Well, no, sometimes you know, you know me well, no. Okay. I'm saying it like that. That's not how Beth writes the book, but I'm just saying that because I come from a martial arts, like love and I like it when the sensei yells at me. Oh,

Matt: [00:27:55] I will remember this

Fawn: [00:27:56] not you. I'm definitely not like [00:28:00] one of my favorites sensei's was that way.

Remember we talked about sensei, petite, petite sensei. He was very scary folks, guys. He was so scary. He was, Matt was afraid of him. I'm afraid of a lot of you were like four feet taller than him.

Matt: [00:28:18] Those eyes, man. It's the

Fawn: [00:28:19] eyes and his knuckles. I mean, yeah, his eyes.

Matt: [00:28:23] I'm looking at him in the face the whole time.

I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna look away,

Fawn: [00:28:27] Beth. This guy was very. Intimidating.

Matt: [00:28:32] Wow. It was like a punch.

Fawn: [00:28:35] Oh my God. So anyway, but he was one of my favorite teachers and best believe I would do whatever he said, even though I didn't think I could physically do it, but because of the fear I did it, you know, trust me, I get it.

So that's why I was saying, you know, do this, do that. Like, it takes me back to getting into the mode of, okay, I'm going to knock it off and stop [00:29:00] being so negative. I'm going to do it right. Well, no,

Matt: [00:29:03] no, no. And I, I totally get that. My personal favorite part. Cause I read the book too twice. Um, is the fact that, um, you know, there's a, a special place for your victories, honestly.

Uh, right at the beginning of the book. And so when you do feel that way, you can, you can refer to that section. You can say, wow, look at all. I've already done in the same way that it seems like, uh, if you're interviewing for a job as a programmer. Yeah. I seem to, I seem to do this more than I would like, but anyways, um, you know, when you first start looking, you're like, Oh, I don't know anything.

I've been doing the same thing for like six months. So I'm so far behind everyone else. Then you take a look at your resume or your CV, and you're like, wow, wait a second. I've done all this really cool stuff. I did all this stuff that I wouldn't have thought I could do. I'm maybe I'm not so terrible today.

And then from there from not so terrible, you actually start feeling [00:30:00] good. It takes a minute, but you do. And that's key.

Fawn: [00:30:04] And it's a ritual, right? The ritual of writing this down, the ritual of going through bats, guidance, and the ritual of getting yourself a nice. Clean place to write, to put your dreams, your thoughts down it is a ritual and you may think, well, I don't need that.

I can just think about it. No, the rituals help. That's why religions are the way they are and

Matt: [00:30:28] birthday parties. What do you mean zipper? A birthday party as a ritual to cake and presence. I mean, come on. Yeah.

Beth: [00:30:36] And it's like a new year. So a new year, everybody or not everybody, but a lot of people will write like the things that they want to do in the year ahead.

And that's the only time in the whole year that they do that because after a couple of weeks they've fallen off and you know, they're not, they're not going to follow through on any of those things. So I think it is really important to create a habit or a ritual or something. That's going to work for you at a time.

[00:31:00] That's going to work for you and not just do it once a year and then never

Fawn: [00:31:03] look at, I was going to say you're right about the original, like blowing the candles, making a wish, putting that intention out there. So. Can you guide us through a little bit, Beth of something you can pull out for someone who's listening, who hasn't gotten the copy yet of your book.

Can you guide us through a little, something like a little nugget besides all the nuggets we've already been talking about? I think

Beth: [00:31:32] the first step would be rarely without reading the book, but I would love you to read the book is to just rarely think about what are those things, what are those, what are the important things in your life?

Is it having a nice home? Is it having a specific career? Is it about your family life? Is it about volunteering in your community? I'm making a list of what those things are. And then really spending time [00:32:00] on each of those areas and trying to think of that in as much detail as possible, but using all of the sentences.

So how we experience the world every single day is through our sentences, how we hear things, how we see things, what something feels like, how we feel inside. And so you need to give yourself that time to take one of those areas and then sketch out in as much detail what that, that looks like. So that is what I would say is a bit of a nugget, I suppose, around how you can.


Fawn: [00:32:32] love it.

Matt: [00:32:33] You know, and honestly, earlier in my career, Franklin planner based on Ben, Franklin's kind of precepts. It's like, that's how you plan your day. And I literally spend the first 15 minutes of every day, figuring out what that day is going to look like. And then there's a weekly kind of a planning phase.

And also there's a monthly planning phase where you plan out these bigger goals and you start, it's basically this, this funky, just, here's a, here's your calendar. You have every day, you have a [00:33:00] new whatever and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. It's all very, it was all very paper oriented. This was a minute ago. Um, but what it does is it forces you again to think about.

What's important and what you're doing and where you're going. And later today we brought in, um, Covey, the seven habits of effective people, I think. And, you know, every month you would focus on a different, one of those precepts as well. Sharpen, the saw was the one I always remembered, which has just sharp.

And this was very work and business oriented and very serious, but it starts to bleed over and all the other aspects of your life as well. And you really start really thinking about it as far as like, okay, I realized today is today. And I realized this week is this week. And I realized this month, this month, but you start thinking further out than that, which again, takes us, it takes us closer to what you're talking about as well.

You're, you're kind of living in that world of really thinking about what is that entire journey going to look like. But, you know, for me, it was best to start with today and yesterday and tomorrow, and then [00:34:00] widen it and widen it and widen it out to really kind of start thinking through where you're

Beth: [00:34:05] going.

Yeah. And so I was a project manager before I left my corporate nine to five. And so I wouldn't F approach anything without having a plan and having the objectives and the things that you would want to do. Right. You wouldn't achieve your goals if you didn't. And so it's the same for me with the universe.

You know, if you don't have a plan for the universe to follow through on then how is it going to ever happen if you don't take that seriously as well. And so I had a bit of a, you know, if somebody listened to this series more, more corporate than spiritual, perhaps then, you know, I I've been, uh, struggled across both of those, I suppose.

And, um, for a time I found it difficult to merge those two. But when you think about it, you can't project manage something without a plan. You can't change your life. If you do have a plan as well. So essentially I think those two worlds have to collide and have to come together.

Matt: [00:34:58] Yes, corporate Matt on the trail.

[00:35:00] Fawn: [00:35:00] You know, I always talk about how all the corporate jobs I had, I would get fired.

Matt: [00:35:07] Why are you so sad?

Fawn: [00:35:08] Oh, because I was so very, very spiritual and, um, you know, I guess emotional, but it wasn't like emotional. Like I came into the office, like with a rage. It was just when I saw some stupid stuff, I'd be like, it was written all over my face, I guess, or, you know, and then I would get the head saying Fonda's and look, happy, fun.

You don't look happy. And they kept repeating that and it, it made me crazy. So then therefore I became more unhappy and looking every time I was asked that question, You don't look happy. Are you happy? Are you happy here? You know, like it makes me nuts. But having said that the corporate jobs that I did have, that I was highly successful in.

I got to say the corporate leaders, the founders were all [00:36:00] very spiritual. Have you guys, I mean, Matt, it feels like you've worked for like a humongous companies most of the time. Yeah. Except

Matt: [00:36:10] me small company and most of the time, but actually another

Fawn: [00:36:12] story you're right. I want to say big because when I first met you, it seemed so big.

Right? You know, I remember the first time I walked into your office, I was like, wow.

Matt: [00:36:22] Yeah. There's only like 50 or 50 of us there, which is

Fawn: [00:36:25] decent. I didn't know that though. Do you know what I mean? It

Matt: [00:36:27] felt big. Right. And it was supposed to, I mean, that's how it's all supposed to look cause you're kind of half faking it,

Fawn: [00:36:34] but I have a couple questions for you.

One, one question is what are some things that you've created in your life? Uh, but the other one is, I don't know. Have you noticed that corporate, like CEOs and founders, cause the CEO is not always the founder of the company, right. Um, have you found them to be quite intuitive? Otherwise they [00:37:00] wouldn't have started what they did.

I'm thinking of horse Raechel Bucher. Founder of Aveda. Avena yeah. I worked with Horst very closely for awhile and. Best believe every move he made, it was like pure intuition. And on the spot, like I just remember we were in board meetings and it was a late, it was like eight 30 at night. And people missed picking up their kids from soccer practice and or football practice, whatever you call it, whatever country you're in.

But like, they were just stuck there. And these were old people, not old people, but like adults, like grown adults. Oh my God. Okay. See, I'm seeing it from the perspective that I was, which was a young kid, like that ended up in this position and I'd look around. And of course I wasn't married. I was single, I was just a young punk that was in this board meeting with these amazing people, but how I would look across the room and I'd be like, [00:38:00] these are some grown people that.

Are even so afraid of asking the teacher I E Horst, can I go now? My kids are waiting and, and I do remember like, someone would be brave enough to like, but sheepishly would say, uh, it's eight 30. Can we go like, can we just, and he'd be like this, no, we're going to figure this out. And in a horse to have this tiny little dog, I dunno.

You know, they're like teeny tiny can put them in your purse dog. One of those zip dogs with a long, pretty hair with a bow, you know, those dogs, but he didn't have a bow. This one was a male, one of those foo dogs, but. Best believe it was the funniest thing. I'll never forget this moment he person had just asked, can we please stop this meeting right now?

Because it's late. And my kids had been waiting for me [00:39:00] and he's like, no. And then the dog started like all of a sudden got up and like goes to the door and starts yapping. And then all of a sudden a horse gets up. He's like, okay, got to go. Let's go.

Beth: [00:39:16] So the bully was

Matt: [00:39:17] bullied by the Dali.

Fawn: [00:39:21] Nice. But I'm also saying, you know, that was intuition. That was like, he was, he had a different calling or a different thing that he was following. Do you know what I mean? In this particular instance, it was a dog, but like I watched him all day, every day and everything was purely intuitive and very spiritual, very just of, not, not of like a.

What, what the stereotype of a corporate person would be? Well, all the heads that worked under him were the same way. I'm sorry, what were you going

Matt: [00:39:56] to say? Honestly, and, and I think Beth knows more about [00:40:00] this than me, but I think a company that's helmed by someone who knows what they're doing and not just following a cookie cutter plan, they always have, what's called a vision.

Well, what the heck is a vision? A vision is literally trying to bring something forth from nothing, which is of course what I do as a programmer, but they do it, I want to say on a larger scale. So we have a vision that our company will get to this next level. And I think you have to be in touch with something bigger than yourself in order to really bring that forth.

Beth: [00:40:30] Yeah. I. I mean, I've worked with thousands of business. So my corporate gig was working with businesses to grow. So, and I've worked in many different sectors. I've worked in small organizations to local authorities and the NHS and other firms as well. So I've seen the, uh, my rate of kind of different ways that this happens.

Those companies, where there is that intuition, where the founder has [00:41:00] taken that time to develop a vision and value and has got their board members on board with that vision as well, and is able to create a culture out of that vision as well are the ones that thrive and can weather any storm and can change direction and create new products and all of that good stuff.

I think those organizations that. Yeah. Don't, you know, they're just winging it or the copying somebody else, you know, you get, you, you see a lot of companies that cockpit exactly the same kind of model as somebody else. And there's not been any real personal thought behind that. It might be successful for awhile, but if it's not really coming from that, person's true passion.

Then what's the longevity of that, because I think eventually everybody's calling everybody has a calling. And so how can that ever continue for ever if it's not your original thought? Um, so yeah, I think having that vision, having a [00:42:00] company vision and making sure that everything's in alignment, I suppose it's a little bit like when we sat at our podcasts, right?

We, we thought about the lens of our show and what we were willing to talk about and what we weren't willing to talk about and who we wanted to have on the show and who our customers were. All of that kind of thing. If you haven't done that with your organization, then. It's just open to go in any direction, I suppose.


Matt: [00:42:26] I want to say you become a slave to someone else's vision. I worked at one company where it was Nestle Nestle international corporation dropped a million dollars on this company to build stuff for them. Well, guess what we ended up doing, we ended up failing, but we also ended up following their vision into failure basically.

Fawn: [00:42:44] Hmm. So my other question, can you share some things that you've created manifested or something that you want to, I'm asking this question. I really don't have an answer for myself because all my life I have done this [00:43:00] I all my life. I have. The word wish has always been there. Make-A-Wish at every opportunity.

I'll say Make-A-Wish guys, I'll be in the kitchen. And the timer on the oven stove top will say 11, 11, and I'll start screaming. Make-A-Wish and we'll take that entire time where it's still 11, 11 jumping up and down and just saying, thank you, thank you for this, whatever the wishes. Um, I've always done that.

And I even created a business around it. I was the wish Baker. Right. And that's how you and I met. I believe it was because of the cake that I baked.

Matt: [00:43:42] I wanted to, I wanted to act, I actually have to.

Fawn: [00:43:44] So, so I'll just, I'll just describe, uh, so of course we are begin and back in the day. So I came out of the womb, looking for Matt and I knew.

In my [00:44:00] spirit. I had a vision of Matt. I knew exactly what, like I had a brief window of Matt's eyes and like, know the area. And I was like, okay, this is the snapshot I have and printed in my soul and best believe as soon as I came out, I was looking for you. And as I grew up and I started photography at an early, early age, like I knew I was a photographer when I was like 12, 13, but I didn't really, I didn't think I was pursuing it.

I mean, I was starting to study it, but I'm best believe every photo shoot around the world I was on. I was looking for you and I would cry. I would get so upset. And, and then, you know, I I'd look everywhere. And for a time, all my friends knew you as Omar. Have we found Omar yet? I think I saw Omar. There was this guy [00:45:00] at the bus stop.

I'm telling you, I think that was your true love. So it was code for my true love was Omar. And like we had so many strange coincidences happen and I had best believers, some imposters along the way than I had thought. Were you? So I was like, I'm in love. Yay. And Boyd. Should I just dive in cluelessly and thank God forces unknown to me would pluck me out of that situation because I was engaged to other times.

Horrible, horrible, horrible. Thank God. I did not go down that path, but what was I saying? I forgot.

Let me see. So I was looking for you. I was the wish Baker. Right? Okay. So it was making wishes all the time. And also there's Jimminy cricket when I was little right. Disney. Do you have any, you wish upon [00:46:00] then we have to pay, I think royalties, but yeah, he basically said, all you need to do is make a wish and best believe all your wishes will come true.

They'll come to you. You need to make that physical effort of making that request to whoever, to the universe.

Beth: [00:46:23] Question four. And then about that time, did you, um, so you were looking for mom when, when you made that wish, did you kind of surrender to it and it stopped looking. Was there other point that you'd stopped looking that month?

Fawn: [00:46:36] I never stopped looking and as I got older, people would tell me, stop looking at otherwise it's not going to happen. And I would get so mad at them. And I would say I would, you know, say thanks for nothing. Cause I'm, I'm never going to stop looking. So I'm never going to find him. And so, but, but to answer your question, Beth.

Yeah, I gave up, I remember [00:47:00] standing and this is where the cake comes in. I was, um, I finally gave up because one of my best friends, Drago, Drago was responsible for this Matt, every time I say Drago, like you get weird in the face a little bit. Drago was my best friend. He was also our neighbor, I think, before you moved in, what's happening, our kids are up the kids alarms going off.

Okay. So

Matt: [00:47:30] no, no, no. They'll turn off in a minute and go back.

Fawn: [00:47:32] Okay. So, um, they have become major night owls since the pandemic. Anyway, I can't control it. Okay. So they wake up late now. Um, What was I saying? Okay. So Drago one day, basically in his tough way. Cause he was a major, he is still a major artist.

Yeah. He's scary too. He, he just said, [00:48:00] what are you doing, bod? You tell me, you can't go through life. As you just, you, you don't need anybody, you know, stop wishing all the time, just stop it. And you're a whole person you don't need to be with this other person. And so he said something like that, it just shocked the heck out of me.

And I remember I was getting ready to go to class, to like martial arts. Oh my God. That's where we met that. It was before, that was my first class because he was teaching me. The Aikido way of dressing like the, the geek and, you know, it was a little different than how, you know, mixed martial arts, like how, whatever.

So he was, I think me with a belt and he was telling me what the protocol is in that type of school over there. And lo and behold, I walk in and there's Matt new school that I was attending. But anyway, long story short, I, I did give up [00:49:00] path. I totally gave up and I was standing. I had met my other best friend, uh, who I talk about all the time, Holly and she came to visit me at my studio in Santa Monica.

And this is how the wish Baker started was I was always baking cakes and I was always making wishes. We're standing in the coffee bean at the coffee bean waiting for the coffee bean had the most, the most amazing delicious coffee drinks. Remember honey? Yes. Yes. Oh my God. Huge lions to get an ice blended mocha.

God. Um, so we were standing in line. It's a long line. It takes forever. So while we're standing there, this is the first time that Holly and I were together, like in Santa Monica and we're standing there and she's looking and she's looking like dreaming, right? Looking out the window. She's like fun. I'm here to find my true love.

And I started, I burst into tears because not tears. [00:50:00] No, but I was also laughing like, as she's like, what, as a, that's so funny, because as soon as I can remember from the time I was born, that was my statement. I'm here looking for my true love. She was like, yeah, I'm here looking for my true love. I'm like, that's so funny.

And I told her that I gave up, I don't think he's on planet earth and I'm good with that. And she's like, it, he is, he's not here. I'm like, no dude, not here. And so. She waited a few more minutes. We're still in line waiting for a coffee. And then all of us, she goes, she was like, looking at me. She's very spiritual too.

She's actually, she was like, by some chance, she didn't take the last half, but like, she was a black belt at Ikea, from New York. And so she's looking at me, she's looking at me looking at me. She said, no, he's here. My girl, he's not here. Don't worry about it. You know what? I'm going to help you find yours.

[00:51:00] She's like, no, he's here fond. And I'm going to help you find him like, whatever girl, that's nice, but really forget it. And then our coffees came, right? So we go back to my studio and that night, my best, my other best friend I grew up with. But I talk about, she came over as well. We're talking about love.

And I said, you know what? Cause there was that movie that was on some years before called field of creams. Did you ever watch field of dreams? I don't think I've seen it.

Beth: [00:51:31] I

Matt: [00:51:31] don't think baseball movies translate that well to England.

Fawn: [00:51:35] Okay. So it was about this guy who bought a farm somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, Iowa.

Was it Iowa? I was going to say Nebraska or something like in the middle of the country, in North America. Right. And he kept having a whisper come to him in his head, a whisper that said, if you build it, they will come. And I [00:52:00] guess what I don't remember, was he a baseball person? Was he a baseball player? I don't know what the deal was, but there was nobody around this town.

It was totally isolated, nobody around. And they were struggling with money. I think they were struggling with keeping this farm or something. And so he kept hearing this whisper I'm damn. If you build it. They will come, which brings me back to Daphne when I was so hopeless feeling like I will never find love again.

And Daphne would say to me, if that whisper is in your heart, God put it there, varies it so best believe it's happening. It will happen. It wouldn't be something that was seated inside of you if it were not to exist. And so that's what she would say anyway. So in this movie, he is being guided to build a baseball field.

And so he [00:53:00] builds that and all these ghosts show up. Of like very fake. Am I saying this right? Am I describing the movie relatively?

Matt: [00:53:08] It's been a while since I've seen it though.

Fawn: [00:53:10] Me too. And I'm kind of like, I feel like I'm making it up as I go, but all these ghosts from baseball history show up like babe Ruth, like all the famous, amazing players.

Right. And they all start playing and people can actually see them. Right. They're ghosts. People who are attuned can see them. So, and you know, people think he's crazy building this baseball field because you know, they're about to lose their land. What's he doing, making a baseball field for who there's nobody around.

And all of a sudden there are lines of cars coming because word of mouth spreads about this field and these players, these ghosts, and. They charge just like a little bit, they saved the farm, they saved the farm. So he follows that. [00:54:00] Um, right.

Matt: [00:54:01] But it was deeper too, because there's a whole story where the real thing he's trying to get back is like his father who was a baseball player.

So let's, let's not miss one of the central points there. Yeah.

Fawn: [00:54:14] Sorry. Okay. Yeah, we should, we should watch that movie again

Beth: [00:54:17] anyway, like Fonz

Fawn: [00:54:18] version. So, uh, I forgot what I was saying. Why, why am I saying the story?

Matt: [00:54:25] He woke up

Fawn: [00:54:28] someone take over. I forgot what the

Matt: [00:54:29] point was. I think you're talking about building the wedding

Fawn: [00:54:32] cake.

Oh yeah. So that night, sorry, that night, um, we were talking about love. And there was Jennifer, there was Holly, there was me, we're sitting around. I'm like, you know what guys, maybe if we build it, they will come, come on, let's get him to the car, which was a big deal because we were in Santa Monica. And if you move your car past a certain hour, you'll never find a parking spot again.

So like for us [00:55:00] in the neighborhood, we just didn't drive past a certain time. Cause there's no way you're going to find a parking spot ever again. But I'm like, come on, guys, let's get in the car. We got in the car, we go to the store, I got some tofu with some flour and stuff. We come back and we start building a wedding cake.

Right. So like, come on guys. And then we put all of our efforts into it, all our energy and our hopes and dreams into this cake. And it got so powerful. Like it was palpable. The, the. The residents, the energy in the studio that it freaked Jennifer out and she dropped her Mitt or other met. And she said, I'm out.

I got to go. I'm not ready. She's split. She said by Emma, fine, look, I, you know what? It's been years since I've spoken to her. And she was still single last week we finished the cake. She was like, she [00:56:00] knew that it would happen. She's like, I'm not, she had some issues. So she she's like, Nope, but Holly and I sat there and it looked like a wedding cake.

It was, it was this beautiful buttery, yellow and creamy white. It was totally decorated. And we sat there and ate the whole thing ourselves. We saved a slice for our, my neighbor, Arthur, who was 83 years old. And we gave him a slice. And so what I did was as I was started to become known as the wish Baker, because I put notes in the cake, basically writing down like your book, right.

I wrote it down and I made it into an envelope and I put the batter over it and boom, I baked it in there. And within three months I found map within, I think it was five months. Holly found Michael [00:57:00] they're still married kids and everything. And so the word got out. So I became the wish Baker and I would make whiskey cakes for people and it would happen.

It would happen. They would eat it. The note was there. And to this day we do this, we do this for all occasions. Well, we'll bake a cake and we have notes all over the kitchen that we've kept over the years of these wishes. So, I guess that'll be my wish story. That's mine. What's yours. What have you created?

Matt: [00:57:31] We'll have to, um, back in the days when we actually had record stores, so I was visiting friends and I lived about an hour away from them. And, um, I popped by a record store without them. I found, I found, I found my lovely CD. It was Def Leppard's greatest hits with the song photograph. And I was listening to it cause I didn't have them on CD, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And I was driving home and it struck me [00:58:00] and I said, wow, I'm going to meet her, right? Yes. Okay. Yes, that's you. But it was with such surety of purpose. It was such, there was like not a single doubt and it was such a relief on some level and so uplifting in another.

Fawn: [00:58:19] And I love how the song was photograph.

Matt: [00:58:22] That's one of the songs on the album. I don't know which song was the listening to. When it, you

Fawn: [00:58:27] told me when we met, when we were talking about stuff like this, you told me that it was the song photograph

Matt: [00:58:34] who's living in the entire CD. But anyways, and then number two, um, this would have happened just as, um, Fon and I were getting married and I was working at UCLA as a contractor and my contract was coming to an end.

I had no idea what I was going to do next, not a clue. And I'm getting married. It was not, it wasn't a tremendously expensive wedding, but it wasn't cheap [00:59:00] either. And we were paying for it. Um, but I knew I knew something was going to happen and I didn't have to worry. And I just, I knew again, surety of purpose and right outside the building we lived in, I ran into an old coworker chance.

Chancellor Barnett. His name is chance. His name is chancellor, but he went by chance. Um, and, uh, the upshot of that was literally, uh, offered a job and

Fawn: [00:59:30] yeah, in front of the coffee bean, remember I thought it was right in front of our building. No, it was in front of the coffee bean. Fair enough. The coffee place where I was talking to Holly don't

Matt: [00:59:40] don't argue with the wife.

Fair enough. Um, and yeah, they, they, I was like, yeah, but I'm getting married. We're going on our honeymoon. They're like, it's fine. We'll pay you during your honeymoon. And you'll start when you get back. Boom. Oh. And it just, everything linked up and, and, you know, people looked at me like, but, but [01:00:00] you've got a toehold at UCLA.

You could stay there and had, I had probably still be there, which I don't think it would have made me happy. So I've got, I

Beth: [01:00:10] love that. I love the, the surety aspect of it. That's that's when it happens to us, that's when you know that it's going to. It's going to happen because you've let go of that resistance of it.

Not that fear has gone. Yes. Yes. You've risen above it.

Fawn: [01:00:27] You Beth.

Beth: [01:00:28] Yeah. So, well, I've manifested lots of different things, but the one that I'm going to talk about is my first ever experienced

Fawn: [01:00:39] to cancel. Yeah. I was hoping you'd talk about that. Oh,

Beth: [01:00:45] you literally bounce it up and yeah, I'm on

Fawn: [01:00:48] a yoga ball right now.

Beth: [01:00:50] So I was four years old and I was at the seaside with my mum and dad. And we'd be like up and down the, like the prominent [01:01:00] adult day along and at various points, you'd have like fairground attractions and there was lots of different bouncy castles, but I would ask if I could go on these bouncy castles and I would go on, but because I was so small and because the other kids were a lot bigger than me.

I would get, I mean, if you can remember what it was like when you were a kid and there were so many people on those bouncy castles, you would get bashed about, you couldn't find your foot on the floor. You couldn't, you couldn't, you couldn't actually bounce because you couldn't get into the swing of doing it.


Fawn: [01:01:29] are like death traps. Those are, I was so afraid of those things. When the kids were little they're brutal. They're very scary.

Beth: [01:01:36] So I was getting bashed about, and I think my mum and dad could see my face. Like I'm not enjoying this. So when I got off, remember play, putting my shoes back on, on the map and the same to my dad, I want to go on a red bounce castle all on my own.

Like, and that was the, that was the only thing that I was, that is what wanted I wanted to do. I wanted to find this red bouncy castle all on my own [01:02:00] and wait, we kept looking up and down, but we could never find a bouncy castle that had. No other kids zone. So we kind of went home and went to bed that night and I'd not lost this idea in my head.

I think my dad probably thought, Oh, she's going to stop going on about this red bounds customer at some point, but I did an going on about it and it took me up in bed. And the last thing I said to him was that night that I was going to find a red bounce castle. And I'm going to, I'm going to bounce on this bounce castle all on my own.

And he, he said, you know, quite diplomatically, I don't think we're going to find one on your own. And I just remember that when he said that it was almost like that is the most stupid thing dad, you could ever possibly say, because tomorrow I am going to find a red bounce castle. I'm going to be jumping up and down on that all on my own.

And I remember he, he left the room and I remember just laying in bed and squeezing my eyes like Serta, you know, as children, when they're wishing or willing something like I could physically feel like. Like the [01:03:00] almost eyelids inside my not brain kind of thing. Cause I'm squeezing my eyes so tight. And I remember saying over and over in my head, like I'm going to find a right balance because I'm going to find a right balance castle.

And then I started visualizing it as well. So I was imagining myself and jumping up and down in this road bound to cancel castle and the feelings like the feelings and emotions that I would feel when I was able to do this. And I was just so happy and how happy in this thought. And then I just fell asleep.

Um, and then the next day we were looking for a red bouncy castle. We we're still, you know, a on dad still like dragging me out, going, Oh, I don't think we're going to find one. And then as we're packing up to go home, got in the car, we started driving away. Uh, my dad was, he's always one for not going, you know, on the motorway.

If you can find a quicker route, he will still go down country roads and they always end up taking longer. They're not really shortcuts, but. You know, uh, you get there in the end. And I remember being [01:04:00] on this controvert and spotting something in the distance and it was right, and it was a book kind of the, you know, the, the trees and hedges on this country road.

And I CA I keep, you know, start to shout out. There's a, there's something, that's a red bouncy castle, the red bounce castle, and my dad's driving. So he's not looking in that direction, but my mum spots this thing in this field. And as we get closer, it is a red bounds of castle. And I'm getting so excited about this red bouncy castle.

And it's like at the end of the day, so there's lots of cars back coming away from this field. It looks like there's been kind of some fair tone throughout the day. So we pull in, so everybody else is leaving, but we're coming into this, this, this field, and there's this red bounce castle. It's a massive red bounce castle as well.

And, uh, My dad gets out of the car. I stayed in the car and he goes to ask, there was like a guy in a fold-up chair, sat at the side of this red bounce castle. And he goes up to an esteem. Um, could I possibly [01:05:00] go on, I know that you're packing out, but could I possibly go on? And he said, yes, I'm a dad kind of signaled to me.

And I just got out the car and ran and jumped on that red bouncy castle on my own. And it was the most like amazing feeling ever to experience that. Um, but just knowing with all certainty that it was going to happen. That was the thing. It, there was no doubt in my mind that that thing was not going to happen.

I think as children, we can hang on to that more. I think as adults, we put all the stuff in the way, you know, logic starts coming in and all these challenges and barriers we keep putting up, we start to put up in our mind. And so it doesn't happen because what kind of surrender to the fact that he's not going to happen.

Right. But I think when you have got that certain day where like, I totally believe that when you have got that certainty, when you're beyond, when you believe beyond all, all doubt that it's there for you, then you will find it. So that's the. That's the story of the red bouncy castle.

[01:06:00] Fawn: [01:05:59] Nice. Yeah. I love it.

I love it. I love you, Beth. I love you. And I'm so grateful for your book and I'm so grateful that Matt has read it twice already twice. Wow. Can I tell you how many fights? We've had so many fights where I'm like, God, man, we got to get a meat, make a wish and we gotta make our dreams come true. And we get into fights about it.

He's like, that's not how I work. That's not how I do things. Right. And we, but I'm so, but hello. Thank you. That's all I'm saying. Thank you. Thank you. Um, Beth, please tell all of our friends out there, your book, where we can get it from. And also all your other school will have a link in our show notes by the way.


Beth: [01:06:48] the book is called the power of script 10, so you can find it www dot. The power of scripting.com. You can find me@visualizeyouorbethyoueight.com. And I've also got a [01:07:00] podcast of the same name, visualize you, which is all about telling the stories of people who have been through change and have come out the other side to create something that is more in alignment with what they were supposed to be doing all along.

Check those out with that.

Fawn: [01:07:14] Please go to our show notes because the link for a bath will be right there. And of course, hello. She is a major podcaster. Thank you. And also thank you, Jimminy cricket for the whole wish thing. And I got to say, I came up with two other things that I want to tell you about. I used to live in the UK and I wanted to live there.

I wanted to stay there. I wanted to move there and live there forever. And I stayed, I was a, uh, an like a student, you know, from the United States. That was. Taking semesters over there studying Shakespeare and the host family. That was my family in England. When I had to leave, I was so heartbroken. They're like, just here, take our key.

I'm like, no, well, my own [01:08:00] key, like my own key to my own house, I don't want to go back to California. And they were like, just take our key. And they had an, a skeleton key was not a normal key and I really wanted to take their cube. And I'm like, no, you guys don't understand. I want like symbolically my own key.

I don't want to go. And so that day I took the train and I went to London and I was walking on this crowded sidewalk. And from far away I saw a shiny mirror like ref you know, like when light hits a mirror, like hits you in the eye. That light. I saw something, all I saw was like a light flashing. That was something on the sidewalk.

And there were all these people walking over it. And from far away, I'm like, that's a key. That's my key. I just knew. I knew it was my key. I'm like, okay, I don't have a flat, I don't have a home here. And I'm being sh you know, [01:09:00] I have to go back to the United States, but I think that's my key. And I walk up and I'm like, Oh my God, by the time I get up, get to the key.

I bet you at somebody's key and they're going to pick it up. And I walk up and my boots are hitting the key and I'm looking around and no one's picking up the key. And it's like New York city crowded, like, you know, major crowded sidewalk. And I stood there for a few minutes and no one picked it up and I'm still standing there over it.

I pick it up. And to this day I have it on a necklace. It's a skeleton key. Just like the one my host family was trying to give me. So there's that. There was something else. I had another one, but I just wanted to remind you guys that dreams totally come true. It is real it's for real folks. And with that, we will sign off and we will talk to you in a few days.

Perhaps you can write to [01:10:00] us and tell us what your dreams and desires are. And we will hold them prio and leave a review,

a nice review, but seriously, send us write notes on what your dreams are and we will hold them. Uh, one of the things that Daphne taught me years ago, and I think it was Carolyn mace, who said, when your friend holds your dream for you, it will happen. So I can, I have the strength to carry your dream for you.

It may be harder for you to carry it yourself because you're hit with all the thoughts and all the reasons why this thing can't work out for you. But for me, I'm not hit with that all day every day. So I will hold your dream for you and can see you living your dream, having your dream. That's what friends are for and it will come true.

All right, we'll talk to you in a few days. Love you everybody. Thanks Beth. For being here. [01:11:00] Thank you for having me. everybody. See you later.

The role of art for me is the visualization of attitude,

of the human attitudes

towards life,

towards the world.”

-Josef Albers


Show notes #38 “Thank Goodness!” with Beth Hewitt

This week we talk about our dreams, our deepest hopes, visualizing them and having the faith that we will succeed (through all the ups and downs of life). We not only discuss holding these dreams for ourselves, but how to hold dreams for others.

We are joined by our friend Beth Hewitt who is sharing her insights on visualization as we celebrate her book, “The Power of Scripting.”

Some takeaway quotes:

Matt: “It seems like the old saying when the student is ready, the master will come. It seems like sometimes in those moments that there are people or whatever that reach out to you, because we're all kind of interconnected in a way that science can't quite explain.”

Fawn: “When bad things happen, it’s your opportunity to say, I don't choose that. I want this instead.”

Beth: “And it's about taking those reins and getting clear on what you do want to do, because I think , when you know what you don't want, when you know that you don't want a horrible things happening to you, you know, the flip side of that, which is, you know, what you do want, you know, what that different reality looks like, and that gives you a clue as to what you might be able to create and gives you something to cling on to”.

“…whenever something bad happens to you, you just got to find that little sliver of hope and light of how you can view this in a different way. And there's always something, whatever the challenge, there’s always opportunity”.

QUOTE HALL OF FAME FROM THIS EPISODE: “There's always people there who are willing to help you and support you”.

“You have to find the lightness in the darkness”.

Quote from Beth’s book: “"You should know that you will have some ups and downs along the way. It wouldn't be life if you didn't, but when quote unquote horrible things happen to us, we have a choice. In fact, in any moment or circumstance, we have the option to view things from a different perspective, and we can decide to pick ourselves up and move on. And that when things are going wrong, you will forever have a tool that helps you to take back control to imagine and describe through your own words, the life you'd rather be living. And before, you know it, you will."

Beth’s book: "The Power of Scripting"

To buy Beth’s book:  www.powerofscripting.com

Contact Beth Hewitt:   https://visualiseyou.com/

Beth’s podcast:    https://visualise-you.captivate.fm/

#SantaMonica #champagneSundays #rituals #visualization #celebration #wish #makeawish #livingthelife #fieldofdreams #findingthelightinthedarkness, #abrahamhicks, #CarolineMyss, #thecoffeebean, #Wishbaker, #OurFriendlyWorldwithFawnandMatt


Santa Monica, Champagne Sundays, rituals, visualization, celebration, wish, make a wish, living the life, field of dreams, finding the light in the darkness, Abraham Hicks, Caroline Myss, CoffeeBean, the wish baker,  Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt,





Episode # 38 “Thank Goodness! with Beth Hewitt”

[00:00:00] Matt: [00:00:00] We're an interracial couple with two kids wanting to do something that highlights the power of friendship and what it means to be in the company of true friends. We're going to move our society away and out of the loneliness epidemic and into a friendlier, happier world. Welcome to our friendly world.

Fawn and Matt and Music: [00:00:32] Better, stronger, together.

Fawn: [00:00:42] Good morning. Hello. Good afternoon. Good evening. All right. Okay. Don't say that. How many times do I have to tell you not to do that? It means by, by no good evening. It means hello. Good night [00:01:00] means, bye bye for you. I'm going to sleep.

Matt: [00:01:02] Welcome to our show.

Fawn: [00:01:04] Welcome to our friendly world. I promise it's friendly nugget of wisdom from Santa Monica, champagne, Sundays.

Every Sunday we would meet on the fifth floor. This was before you moved to the building map, we would meet on the fifth floor at a friend's kitchen table, round small with lots of us around. And there would be champagne. They would also be sparkling Apple juice for those of us who are sober. And we would sit around every Sunday and talk about and toast all of our accomplishments that week.

Why did we do this? I was actually invited into it and I'm so happy I was, because it was such a beautiful ritual, but like I said, we were all artists and we all worked in the industry in some capacity. I [00:02:00] was a still photographer. We had wardrobe, people, costume designers, writers of shows, you name it, makeup, artists, whatever you deal in LA, we were trying to break into, unless you're in with a certain team.

You are hustling all the time. And you're worried about paying your rent all the time, freaking out constantly, either you're working or you're not. And when you're not, it's scary and lonely. And so, and then, and then you start thinking about your age, age, God, I'm getting old, right? What like 28, 29. I know.

But back then it felt really dire like, Whoa, my life is over. How am I ever, am I ever going to find another job again? Is it, am I ever going to make it? Or because you get rejected so much, you just feel down in the [00:03:00] dumps. So champagne, Sundays, some days, this was inspired by my friend who hosted this, but one time she was like, did we do laundry?

I did laundry guys. Yay.

That's a recording of me folks. Does, you know, how there's that easy button? I don't know if this translates in other countries, but there's a store that sells office supplies and they were saying, Oh, it's just easy. Just like, press this button. And it was easy. That was easy. That was easy. So on the same theme as the champagne, Sundays in the midst of a pandemic and we all work in the very small room together, like us and the kids, and it can get a little overwhelming.

Sometimes we realized we weren't celebrating. I mean, yeah, sure. Once, once a year we have the [00:04:00] Huda where we just celebrate and bring in all the treats that are bringing us comfort. Right. Or we think of things that are joyful and comforting in life. And it's so bad to just do it once a year. And that's the thing about rituals.

You may go through the ups and downs of life and you kind of just go with the motions and you get robotic, right? So it's important. Rituals are so important for us too. Remember, we need to celebrate everything and be thankful for everything. And so yeah, doing your laundry actually was a big deal for us in that building because it was a big building, a huge, it took up the footprint of it was.

A huge city block and there was one little laundry room for everybody. And so you had to understand the flow of things and know [00:05:00] when Herman over here and two Oh three was going to do his load. And when is he going to dry his stuff? And is he ever going to come back and take his stuff out of the washer and put it in the dryer?

So I can use the washer? Cause I don't want to get into his underwear and put the stuff in the dryer for him. Otherwise I have to sit there for like, God knows how long until he comes back. Cause there are just so many washing machines and sometimes we would get into fights and it was expensive to do laundry.

Like you had to have all your quarters straight, you know, your money. Ah, man, it was, it was a lot. So anyway, laundry was Epic and so yeah, best believe we would celebrate that also. So celebrating. Rituals being a witness for one another to say, congratulations, I toast you like here, toast me. I'm going to toast myself.

Congratulations to you or [00:06:00] achievements. Congratulations for the thought that you had congratulations for seeing this congratulations for being brave about doing X, Y, and Z today. Congrats. Yeah, it doesn't really work with coffee cups. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It doesn't have that like sparkly cling. No, we can't.

We need champagne glasses, champagne, flutes, whatever you call them. So, which brings me, I would do this. I would, to this special moment, I want to introduce you to a new friend, an old friend, new and old at the same time, because I believe our friends. The ones that are a family, you've known each other for eons.

You've known each other in and out of time. Right. That's what I wrote on our, that it's actually a quote [00:07:00] from one of my Angelo's poems. And I wrote that under our wedding photo that we've known each other in and out of time, we've always been together in different realms and different live, all that I would like to introduce you to Beth.

Beth is here. Everybody. I had that.

Beth: [00:07:21] I found a Matt, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, everybody. And I, I totally agree with you on that friends in and out of time thing, I feel like we've only known each other about not eight and nine months now, I think, but I feel like I've known you for ever.

Fawn: [00:07:38] And our conversation.

Remember our first conversation? I'm sorry, I just cut you off. What were you going to say? I don't remember. I'm sorry. Sorry. But I was going to say, remember our first one-on-one conversation, we got into it, like immediately we started, I think I said, Oh my God, I'm having a [00:08:00] deja VU. Was that the first that's the first memory I have of us.

We were talking about deja booze and we were analyzing what they truly are. And I don't remember exactly what I said, but I got in there and then we started, we didn't really know each other. We had only seen each other on screen. And even though we were on screen, then it was with a bunch of people were on screen, but we got in deep, like crazy for someone who doesn't really follow metaphysics.


Beth: [00:08:33] mean, That's when you know, right. I mean, I think we'd been commenting on in the community together on different posts, but I think I'm going to have to check out that message actually again, what, what we actually spoke about. But I do remember the conversation about deja VU. We just, we just went straight there.

We just went really deep, really quick.

Fawn: [00:08:50] Is it possible to go back and look at that text? What right now? No, but it, like, it's a possible thing. Like we can, [00:09:00] I still don't understand the internet and all that stuff. Like I still don't understand it was a Facebook messenger thing. Yeah. We'll be

Beth: [00:09:08] there somewhere in our, in our message

Fawn: [00:09:10] to look it up.

Cause we just went for it and I'm, I'm not, I don't type very fast. I'm like, geesh, can we just talk like, is there a way we can? And I think that's when we started just zooming, zoom all the time. Oh my God. We have to look it up and we'll put it in the show notes. Can we do that? I'll do that.

Let's do the show. Today. It's about just thank goodness. Thank goodness we met. Thank goodness for a bar of chocolate. Thank goodness for all the blades of grass. If you ever feel not abundant. I learned this from Esther Hicks, actually. Um, I dunno, Beth, you ever listened to Esther Hicks, Abraham [00:10:00] X. Yeah. And so to teach people how to get in the frame of mind of abundance and prosperity, she'll talk about things in nature.

And she'll say, if you ever feel like you don't have enough, I just want you to look at all the blades of grass out there. Look at that. There's so many of them. If you look at a tree, look at all the needles on it. If you're looking at a pine tree, is it a pine tree? That thing outside, it's a pine tree.

Like they have needles those long spiky things, or if you have the good fortune to be near the ocean, all the grains of sand, my God. Right? And if you look at it even closer under a microscope, how many atoms are in a green of sand? It's miraculous. So anyway, that's another tidbit for another [00:11:00] prosperity session, but it's a good way to look at things and you can become more thankful.

It's hard to say. I feel grateful when you're going through the downs of the ups and downs of life when things happen. And this is why friendship is so important. This is why it's so important to have someone by your side, a witness. You can be each other as a witnesses, as you walk shoulder to shoulder.

Down the street, down the journey, down the path and your lives. And sometimes your friend is there with you and then they have to take a detour over here, but then you have to go over here, but really we're all still together. We're all still here. All one, we are still totally connected. Beth is over here in the UK.

We're over here smack dab in the middle of the continent in North America, in the mountains somewhere. I mean, And we have the deep connection, the thing about friends and going through ups and downs, when [00:12:00] you're going through it, your friend can see the signs way better than you can if you're so emotional and not able to see straight.

Matt: [00:12:09] Yeah. And we've talked about this before. There's the, when it's emotion versus logic, your friend being outside of yourself can look at things more logically, not necessarily completely logically, but certainly more logically than you can. And they have less attachment to the things you're feeling emotional about, for sure.

Fawn: [00:12:27] Which brings me to a bath today. I mean, she's definitely been doing that for me. And I'd like to think, I hope to God that I do that for her. And that's the thing. You also have to be open. So just being, I guess people would call it being vulnerable. I mean, just honest to say, yo, I'm having a really bad time.

I can't see straight. And your friend may think you are seeing straight. So for you to say that it helps, like the other night Holly called me and I was [00:13:00] stuck to the couch. Like I felt so heavy. And why bother kind of state? Like why a bother really? Why bother with anything who cares? I don't care. I wish I could care.

I was so to how own, like I could not lift myself off the couch and then out of the blue Holly calls and she's like, it's not really out of the blue, is it? What do you

Matt: [00:13:28] mean? Just, it seems like the old saying when the student is ready, the master will come. It seems like sometimes in those moments that there are people or whatever that reach out to you, because we're all kind of interconnected in a way that science can't quite explain.

Beth: [00:13:45] Yeah. It's the synchronicities always that

Fawn: [00:13:49] totally. And so what I like about friendship and my friendship with like, let's say Beth, especially, and also going [00:14:00] back to Holly, Holly's a straight shooter, man. There's no, I mean, once in a while she'll be extra, extra soft with me, but she's powerful. And she's just like, as a matter of fact, and so I'm saying, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And she'll say, well, that's a lie. I'm like, damn girl damn. And what she means is that's a lie. When I say this really is terrible. They hate me. I just saw fuck, you know, Y and so reminds me of a phrase that another friend of ours would say, Who came from a very spiritual and religious family, she would always say, and we would start laughing every time she's had it.

The devil's a liar font. The devil's a liar. The devil is a liar. And what she meant was those negative thoughts. You have, they are lies. So don't go there. [00:15:00] Don't look at that. That's what I mean by your friend can see the signs, right? So there's a sign that says, Hey, boulders are, are dropping on this road, watch out.

You know what I mean? So when you have that negative thought, don't let the Boulder hit you on the head, move over here, get over here, stop it, break it up, you know, come on, come on. So that's what that is. And one of the things I want to talk about today is of course being thankful, but how do we get over those ups and downs?

I mean, the downs really. And I know both of our families have been through some scary stuff, Beth. Yeah. So can we talk about without getting into detail and I don't want to get into a panic attack when we talk about certain things. I, um, it's hard for me to shake it off, but can we talk about that about the, how do you do it?

How do you get through the downs? Like when some messed up stuff happens and I'll say one other [00:16:00] thing that I remember just popped into my head that Abraham Hicks always says is that when bad things happen, the world is filled with contrast when bad things happen, it is your opportunity to say, I don't choose that.

I want this instead. So if someone gives you a chocolate ice cream, You and you hate chocolate ice cream. You can say universe or life. I would like vanilla, please. And you focus on vanilla until you get vanilla or you work on getting vanilla. Anyway, what do you think you guys,

Beth: [00:16:41] so I think for me, it's building up those muscles.

I think I was trying to think about what point did I become almost the super positive person, because I haven't always been a positive person. Like when I first came to this planet, I was quite a miserable child. You know, I was always the, the [00:17:00] child that was sad and upset and had a scalp on my face. But somewhere along the way I learned to be positive.

So I of, I don't know where those merged, those lines merged, but the date at some point. So I think it's been a bit of a journey for me, but I think we all have the ability. To build those muscles. Oh, and it is like you said, fine. It is a choice. It's when something bad happens, it's acknowledging something has happened and feeling all those emotions, you know, what can you see?

What can you feel? What can you hear in this moment? What is happening and what has been shared with you? What lessons are there in all of this, but it's that ability to go, okay, I'm not going to stay here for too long. I'm going to try and find an opportunity out of this challenge. And I'm going to try and find a way forward.

And it's about taking those reins and getting clear on what you do want to do, because I think when you know, what you don't want, when you know that you don't want a horrible things happening to you, you know, the flip [00:18:00] side of that, which is, you know, what you do want, you know, what that different reality looks like, and that gives you a clue as to what you might be able to create and gives you something to clean on too.

And so I know we're going to the, the, the details of a, uh, but when my, my daughter had, she was in an accident. And it was a head injury and she lost lots of teeth and she had to have surgery, but she couldn't eat and you couldn't drink and you couldn't, uh, she couldn't speak. So she was 11. She w

Fawn: [00:18:32] she fell off a horse.


Beth: [00:18:34] She was, she, she didn't fall off a harsher with a horse. She was at the side of the horse and the horse bolted and twisted and nocturnal conscious head-on hit the floor. Um, yeah. And so it happened in a split second. Nobody could have stopped her. It was just, it was just one of those things. But then I had a child who was in a, in a very difficult place.

And I think [00:19:00] it's harder when it's still happening to you and it's happening to a loved one. That's even harder. Isn't it. You almost have to transcend that, that situation. And actually, how are we gonna, not only am I going to find the strength to get through the situation, but how are we going to get this person.

This loved one through this situation, or how are we going to get my friend or my mom or my dad or whoever it is, how are we going to get through with this situation together? And so, um, it was hard. It was hard, but, um, I try to look for all the things like you just said fall, and that I was actually grateful for which you might think, how can you possibly be grateful when something such as this happens, but it was things I was grateful for the air ambulance.

I was grateful for the nurses and the surgeons. I was grateful for the first time that she was able to drink chocolate milk for the first time through a straw and the look on her face and all of those kinds of things. I was grateful for how the school was supporting her to do things differently because you know, she was in that [00:20:00] transition period between.

Primary school going up to high school. And so it's just looking for those. There's always people there who were willing to help you and support you. And if you can be grateful for those, to me, it increases the, it speeds up the way in which you heal and the way in which we're dotted to healed or the way in which you personally heal from the situation from the trauma.

Um, and so that's what, that's what you have to do. You have to find the lightness in the darkness and some amazing things have come out of that terrible, terrible situation. So my daughter was a violinist. She could no longer play the violin at that time because she could no longer rest the violin enriching.

So she asked if she could play piano. And so now she plays piano and violin, and she actually loves piano more than violin. And she's actually played her violin at the Royal Albert Hall. So we were visualizing. Yeah, we were [00:21:00] visualizing her being able to do that again. But for that time being, for that moment in time, she was playing piano and still enjoying the music and still being able to take part in things, but just in a different way.

And I think it's, whenever something bad happens to you, you just got to find that little sliver of her in light of how you can view this in a different way. And there's always something, whatever, this challenge, there's always

Track 2: [00:21:23] opportunity.

Fawn: [00:21:25] And you know, when I find as far as friendship also is that, so we had a life and death situation in our family and it was very scary and all of our friends disappeared.

I never heard from them again, except for Matt's best friend who like didn't even ask, just showed up from thousands of miles away, just showed up. I'm so grateful for him in that time though, when I felt so alone, um, It's really interesting. I was talking to someone actually a few [00:22:00] months after this whole ordeal and I was explaining how people disappear and I had no friends around and she pointed out that there are friends everywhere.

They come in different forms and they are always there for you when you need them. And I thought about it. And just the way Beth, you just described being thankful for the air ambulance and the nurses and the surgeons. Yeah. I mean, I remember being at the hospital and going to the bathroom and there was no one there.

So I thought, great. I can just like weep him. There was someone who came in and it was because it was such a strange time of the day and no one was around. Um, it was the janitor who came in. And I could just look at him and he was so sweet. Like, all he did was just look at me and I knew [00:23:00] like he was so lovely.

I'm sorry, I'm quiet. But he turned out to be an angel. He ended up checking on us all the time. His name was Abraham too, by the way. Um, but there are people like that. You're surrounded all the time by help. You may not say to yourself, well, this is my lifelong friend, or this is my friend. It's a total stranger, but because we are connected, they are friends, they are family.

You're never alone. And so, yeah, to just remember stuff like that, you have, you, you have to see that, that you're not alone and that you are totally protected and that you are totally gifted by. I mean, sometimes I call them angels, you know, Anyway, which also like talking about the ups and downs. I have a quote.

Let me see, hold on one second. I'm going to [00:24:00] pause for a second. It says, you should know that you will have some ups and downs along the way. It wouldn't be life if you didn't, but when quote unquote horrible things happen to us, we have a choice. In fact, in any moments or circumstance, we have the option to view things from a different perspective and we can design to pick ourselves up and move on and that when things are going wrong, you will forever have a tool that helps you to take back control

to imagine. And describe through your own words, the life you'd rather be living. And before you know it, you will, that's actually a quote from Beth's new book. That's coming out. Can you tell us a little bit about it?

Beth: [00:24:53] So the book itself was something that I wrote actually a few years ago. It was up period between [00:25:00] Christmas and new year where you don't really know what day it is, but I sat down and write and wrote that book.

And, uh, it was kind of a culmination of everything that I've always been doing. All the things I've been doing since I was a child, rarely. Um, and it's just that, it's that quote, phonics, it's that ability to take back control when things are going, what quote, unquote, wrong or going in the wrong direction.

And so the book is it's about the law of attraction base about the written form of the law of attraction. So the ability to journal and write and script a new reality really. Focusing on the things that you want to be showing up in your life and put in real meaning and clarity behind them and giving yourself that time to write in as much detail as possible, what that reality would look like.

And it's a way [00:26:00] for people to stop and reflect, because I don't think we do that as much as we should. We don't give us that. We don't give yourself that space to really think about those things that we want to be showing up in our life. And so that's why,

Fawn: [00:26:14] that's why I wrote the book. Remember I said, Oh my God, let's talk about this.

And I think you said something to me, like, what did I say about friendship in this book? I'm like, but it is about French. That is friendship. This book, this is exactly what friends do for each other. And you are in this book and you're guiding us through this. Like I said, like saying, Hey, look over here.

Okay. Now do this, take this step over here. And. Your book when sometimes we don't have that friend constantly with us, that we need your book is there because you are in that book, you're in the book and you can put that in your pocket or in your purse. And [00:27:00] there you go. You're traveling with me and you're helping me step by step to focus on what my heart desires and focus on creating the life that I want.

Again, things I was looking forward to. And somehow, because of all the ups and downs, I'm like, why bother? Or it's never going to happen? You know, and your friends saying, of course, it's going to happen. You know, do this, do that, sit down, get yourself a book, get a writing utensil.

Matt: [00:27:34] Man, your friend is just telling you what to

Fawn: [00:27:36] do.

Well, no, sometimes you know, you know me well, no. Okay. I'm saying it like that. That's not how Beth writes the book, but I'm just saying that because I come from a martial arts, like love and I like it when the sensei yells at me. Oh,

Matt: [00:27:55] I will remember this

Fawn: [00:27:56] not you. I'm definitely not like [00:28:00] one of my favorites sensei's was that way.

Remember we talked about sensei, petite, petite sensei. He was very scary folks, guys. He was so scary. He was, Matt was afraid of him. I'm afraid of a lot of you were like four feet taller than him.

Matt: [00:28:18] Those eyes, man. It's the

Fawn: [00:28:19] eyes and his knuckles. I mean, yeah, his eyes.

Matt: [00:28:23] I'm looking at him in the face the whole time.

I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna look away,

Fawn: [00:28:27] Beth. This guy was very. Intimidating.

Matt: [00:28:32] Wow. It was like a punch.

Fawn: [00:28:35] Oh my God. So anyway, but he was one of my favorite teachers and best believe I would do whatever he said, even though I didn't think I could physically do it, but because of the fear I did it, you know, trust me, I get it.

So that's why I was saying, you know, do this, do that. Like, it takes me back to getting into the mode of, okay, I'm going to knock it off and stop [00:29:00] being so negative. I'm going to do it right. Well, no,

Matt: [00:29:03] no, no. And I, I totally get that. My personal favorite part. Cause I read the book too twice. Um, is the fact that, um, you know, there's a, a special place for your victories, honestly.

Uh, right at the beginning of the book. And so when you do feel that way, you can, you can refer to that section. You can say, wow, look at all. I've already done in the same way that it seems like, uh, if you're interviewing for a job as a programmer. Yeah. I seem to, I seem to do this more than I would like, but anyways, um, you know, when you first start looking, you're like, Oh, I don't know anything.

I've been doing the same thing for like six months. So I'm so far behind everyone else. Then you take a look at your resume or your CV, and you're like, wow, wait a second. I've done all this really cool stuff. I did all this stuff that I wouldn't have thought I could do. I'm maybe I'm not so terrible today.

And then from there from not so terrible, you actually start feeling [00:30:00] good. It takes a minute, but you do. And that's key.

Fawn: [00:30:04] And it's a ritual, right? The ritual of writing this down, the ritual of going through bats, guidance, and the ritual of getting yourself a nice. Clean place to write, to put your dreams, your thoughts down it is a ritual and you may think, well, I don't need that.

I can just think about it. No, the rituals help. That's why religions are the way they are and

Matt: [00:30:28] birthday parties. What do you mean zipper? A birthday party as a ritual to cake and presence. I mean, come on. Yeah.

Beth: [00:30:36] And it's like a new year. So a new year, everybody or not everybody, but a lot of people will write like the things that they want to do in the year ahead.

And that's the only time in the whole year that they do that because after a couple of weeks they've fallen off and you know, they're not, they're not going to follow through on any of those things. So I think it is really important to create a habit or a ritual or something. That's going to work for you at a time.

[00:31:00] That's going to work for you and not just do it once a year and then never

Fawn: [00:31:03] look at, I was going to say you're right about the original, like blowing the candles, making a wish, putting that intention out there. So. Can you guide us through a little bit, Beth of something you can pull out for someone who's listening, who hasn't gotten the copy yet of your book.

Can you guide us through a little, something like a little nugget besides all the nuggets we've already been talking about? I think

Beth: [00:31:32] the first step would be rarely without reading the book, but I would love you to read the book is to just rarely think about what are those things, what are those, what are the important things in your life?

Is it having a nice home? Is it having a specific career? Is it about your family life? Is it about volunteering in your community? I'm making a list of what those things are. And then really spending time [00:32:00] on each of those areas and trying to think of that in as much detail as possible, but using all of the sentences.

So how we experience the world every single day is through our sentences, how we hear things, how we see things, what something feels like, how we feel inside. And so you need to give yourself that time to take one of those areas and then sketch out in as much detail what that, that looks like. So that is what I would say is a bit of a nugget, I suppose, around how you can.


Fawn: [00:32:32] love it.

Matt: [00:32:33] You know, and honestly, earlier in my career, Franklin planner based on Ben, Franklin's kind of precepts. It's like, that's how you plan your day. And I literally spend the first 15 minutes of every day, figuring out what that day is going to look like. And then there's a weekly kind of a planning phase.

And also there's a monthly planning phase where you plan out these bigger goals and you start, it's basically this, this funky, just, here's a, here's your calendar. You have every day, you have a [00:33:00] new whatever and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. It's all very, it was all very paper oriented. This was a minute ago. Um, but what it does is it forces you again to think about.

What's important and what you're doing and where you're going. And later today we brought in, um, Covey, the seven habits of effective people, I think. And, you know, every month you would focus on a different, one of those precepts as well. Sharpen, the saw was the one I always remembered, which has just sharp.

And this was very work and business oriented and very serious, but it starts to bleed over and all the other aspects of your life as well. And you really start really thinking about it as far as like, okay, I realized today is today. And I realized this week is this week. And I realized this month, this month, but you start thinking further out than that, which again, takes us, it takes us closer to what you're talking about as well.

You're, you're kind of living in that world of really thinking about what is that entire journey going to look like. But, you know, for me, it was best to start with today and yesterday and tomorrow, and then [00:34:00] widen it and widen it and widen it out to really kind of start thinking through where you're

Beth: [00:34:05] going.

Yeah. And so I was a project manager before I left my corporate nine to five. And so I wouldn't F approach anything without having a plan and having the objectives and the things that you would want to do. Right. You wouldn't achieve your goals if you didn't. And so it's the same for me with the universe.

You know, if you don't have a plan for the universe to follow through on then how is it going to ever happen if you don't take that seriously as well. And so I had a bit of a, you know, if somebody listened to this series more, more corporate than spiritual, perhaps then, you know, I I've been, uh, struggled across both of those, I suppose.

And, um, for a time I found it difficult to merge those two. But when you think about it, you can't project manage something without a plan. You can't change your life. If you do have a plan as well. So essentially I think those two worlds have to collide and have to come together.

Matt: [00:34:58] Yes, corporate Matt on the trail.

[00:35:00] Fawn: [00:35:00] You know, I always talk about how all the corporate jobs I had, I would get fired.

Matt: [00:35:07] Why are you so sad?

Fawn: [00:35:08] Oh, because I was so very, very spiritual and, um, you know, I guess emotional, but it wasn't like emotional. Like I came into the office, like with a rage. It was just when I saw some stupid stuff, I'd be like, it was written all over my face, I guess, or, you know, and then I would get the head saying Fonda's and look, happy, fun.

You don't look happy. And they kept repeating that and it, it made me crazy. So then therefore I became more unhappy and looking every time I was asked that question, You don't look happy. Are you happy? Are you happy here? You know, like it makes me nuts. But having said that the corporate jobs that I did have, that I was highly successful in.

I got to say the corporate leaders, the founders were all [00:36:00] very spiritual. Have you guys, I mean, Matt, it feels like you've worked for like a humongous companies most of the time. Yeah. Except

Matt: [00:36:10] me small company and most of the time, but actually another

Fawn: [00:36:12] story you're right. I want to say big because when I first met you, it seemed so big.

Right? You know, I remember the first time I walked into your office, I was like, wow.

Matt: [00:36:22] Yeah. There's only like 50 or 50 of us there, which is

Fawn: [00:36:25] decent. I didn't know that though. Do you know what I mean? It

Matt: [00:36:27] felt big. Right. And it was supposed to, I mean, that's how it's all supposed to look cause you're kind of half faking it,

Fawn: [00:36:34] but I have a couple questions for you.

One, one question is what are some things that you've created in your life? Uh, but the other one is, I don't know. Have you noticed that corporate, like CEOs and founders, cause the CEO is not always the founder of the company, right. Um, have you found them to be quite intuitive? Otherwise they [00:37:00] wouldn't have started what they did.

I'm thinking of horse Raechel Bucher. Founder of Aveda. Avena yeah. I worked with Horst very closely for awhile and. Best believe every move he made, it was like pure intuition. And on the spot, like I just remember we were in board meetings and it was a late, it was like eight 30 at night. And people missed picking up their kids from soccer practice and or football practice, whatever you call it, whatever country you're in.

But like, they were just stuck there. And these were old people, not old people, but like adults, like grown adults. Oh my God. Okay. See, I'm seeing it from the perspective that I was, which was a young kid, like that ended up in this position and I'd look around. And of course I wasn't married. I was single, I was just a young punk that was in this board meeting with these amazing people, but how I would look across the room and I'd be like, [00:38:00] these are some grown people that.

Are even so afraid of asking the teacher I E Horst, can I go now? My kids are waiting and, and I do remember like, someone would be brave enough to like, but sheepishly would say, uh, it's eight 30. Can we go like, can we just, and he'd be like this, no, we're going to figure this out. And in a horse to have this tiny little dog, I dunno.

You know, they're like teeny tiny can put them in your purse dog. One of those zip dogs with a long, pretty hair with a bow, you know, those dogs, but he didn't have a bow. This one was a male, one of those foo dogs, but. Best believe it was the funniest thing. I'll never forget this moment he person had just asked, can we please stop this meeting right now?

Because it's late. And my kids had been waiting for me [00:39:00] and he's like, no. And then the dog started like all of a sudden got up and like goes to the door and starts yapping. And then all of a sudden a horse gets up. He's like, okay, got to go. Let's go.

Beth: [00:39:16] So the bully was

Matt: [00:39:17] bullied by the Dali.

Fawn: [00:39:21] Nice. But I'm also saying, you know, that was intuition. That was like, he was, he had a different calling or a different thing that he was following. Do you know what I mean? In this particular instance, it was a dog, but like I watched him all day, every day and everything was purely intuitive and very spiritual, very just of, not, not of like a.

What, what the stereotype of a corporate person would be? Well, all the heads that worked under him were the same way. I'm sorry, what were you going

Matt: [00:39:56] to say? Honestly, and, and I think Beth knows more about [00:40:00] this than me, but I think a company that's helmed by someone who knows what they're doing and not just following a cookie cutter plan, they always have, what's called a vision.

Well, what the heck is a vision? A vision is literally trying to bring something forth from nothing, which is of course what I do as a programmer, but they do it, I want to say on a larger scale. So we have a vision that our company will get to this next level. And I think you have to be in touch with something bigger than yourself in order to really bring that forth.

Beth: [00:40:30] Yeah. I. I mean, I've worked with thousands of business. So my corporate gig was working with businesses to grow. So, and I've worked in many different sectors. I've worked in small organizations to local authorities and the NHS and other firms as well. So I've seen the, uh, my rate of kind of different ways that this happens.

Those companies, where there is that intuition, where the founder has [00:41:00] taken that time to develop a vision and value and has got their board members on board with that vision as well, and is able to create a culture out of that vision as well are the ones that thrive and can weather any storm and can change direction and create new products and all of that good stuff.

I think those organizations that. Yeah. Don't, you know, they're just winging it or the copying somebody else, you know, you get, you, you see a lot of companies that cockpit exactly the same kind of model as somebody else. And there's not been any real personal thought behind that. It might be successful for awhile, but if it's not really coming from that, person's true passion.

Then what's the longevity of that, because I think eventually everybody's calling everybody has a calling. And so how can that ever continue for ever if it's not your original thought? Um, so yeah, I think having that vision, having a [00:42:00] company vision and making sure that everything's in alignment, I suppose it's a little bit like when we sat at our podcasts, right?

We, we thought about the lens of our show and what we were willing to talk about and what we weren't willing to talk about and who we wanted to have on the show and who our customers were. All of that kind of thing. If you haven't done that with your organization, then. It's just open to go in any direction, I suppose.


Matt: [00:42:26] I want to say you become a slave to someone else's vision. I worked at one company where it was Nestle Nestle international corporation dropped a million dollars on this company to build stuff for them. Well, guess what we ended up doing, we ended up failing, but we also ended up following their vision into failure basically.

Fawn: [00:42:44] Hmm. So my other question, can you share some things that you've created manifested or something that you want to, I'm asking this question. I really don't have an answer for myself because all my life I have done this [00:43:00] I all my life. I have. The word wish has always been there. Make-A-Wish at every opportunity.

I'll say Make-A-Wish guys, I'll be in the kitchen. And the timer on the oven stove top will say 11, 11, and I'll start screaming. Make-A-Wish and we'll take that entire time where it's still 11, 11 jumping up and down and just saying, thank you, thank you for this, whatever the wishes. Um, I've always done that.

And I even created a business around it. I was the wish Baker. Right. And that's how you and I met. I believe it was because of the cake that I baked.

Matt: [00:43:42] I wanted to, I wanted to act, I actually have to.

Fawn: [00:43:44] So, so I'll just, I'll just describe, uh, so of course we are begin and back in the day. So I came out of the womb, looking for Matt and I knew.

In my [00:44:00] spirit. I had a vision of Matt. I knew exactly what, like I had a brief window of Matt's eyes and like, know the area. And I was like, okay, this is the snapshot I have and printed in my soul and best believe as soon as I came out, I was looking for you. And as I grew up and I started photography at an early, early age, like I knew I was a photographer when I was like 12, 13, but I didn't really, I didn't think I was pursuing it.

I mean, I was starting to study it, but I'm best believe every photo shoot around the world I was on. I was looking for you and I would cry. I would get so upset. And, and then, you know, I I'd look everywhere. And for a time, all my friends knew you as Omar. Have we found Omar yet? I think I saw Omar. There was this guy [00:45:00] at the bus stop.

I'm telling you, I think that was your true love. So it was code for my true love was Omar. And like we had so many strange coincidences happen and I had best believers, some imposters along the way than I had thought. Were you? So I was like, I'm in love. Yay. And Boyd. Should I just dive in cluelessly and thank God forces unknown to me would pluck me out of that situation because I was engaged to other times.

Horrible, horrible, horrible. Thank God. I did not go down that path, but what was I saying? I forgot.

Let me see. So I was looking for you. I was the wish Baker. Right? Okay. So it was making wishes all the time. And also there's Jimminy cricket when I was little right. Disney. Do you have any, you wish upon [00:46:00] then we have to pay, I think royalties, but yeah, he basically said, all you need to do is make a wish and best believe all your wishes will come true.

They'll come to you. You need to make that physical effort of making that request to whoever, to the universe.

Beth: [00:46:23] Question four. And then about that time, did you, um, so you were looking for mom when, when you made that wish, did you kind of surrender to it and it stopped looking. Was there other point that you'd stopped looking that month?

Fawn: [00:46:36] I never stopped looking and as I got older, people would tell me, stop looking at otherwise it's not going to happen. And I would get so mad at them. And I would say I would, you know, say thanks for nothing. Cause I'm, I'm never going to stop looking. So I'm never going to find him. And so, but, but to answer your question, Beth.

Yeah, I gave up, I remember [00:47:00] standing and this is where the cake comes in. I was, um, I finally gave up because one of my best friends, Drago, Drago was responsible for this Matt, every time I say Drago, like you get weird in the face a little bit. Drago was my best friend. He was also our neighbor, I think, before you moved in, what's happening, our kids are up the kids alarms going off.

Okay. So

Matt: [00:47:30] no, no, no. They'll turn off in a minute and go back.

Fawn: [00:47:32] Okay. So, um, they have become major night owls since the pandemic. Anyway, I can't control it. Okay. So they wake up late now. Um, What was I saying? Okay. So Drago one day, basically in his tough way. Cause he was a major, he is still a major artist.

Yeah. He's scary too. He, he just said, [00:48:00] what are you doing, bod? You tell me, you can't go through life. As you just, you, you don't need anybody, you know, stop wishing all the time, just stop it. And you're a whole person you don't need to be with this other person. And so he said something like that, it just shocked the heck out of me.

And I remember I was getting ready to go to class, to like martial arts. Oh my God. That's where we met that. It was before, that was my first class because he was teaching me. The Aikido way of dressing like the, the geek and, you know, it was a little different than how, you know, mixed martial arts, like how, whatever.

So he was, I think me with a belt and he was telling me what the protocol is in that type of school over there. And lo and behold, I walk in and there's Matt new school that I was attending. But anyway, long story short, I, I did give up [00:49:00] path. I totally gave up and I was standing. I had met my other best friend, uh, who I talk about all the time, Holly and she came to visit me at my studio in Santa Monica.

And this is how the wish Baker started was I was always baking cakes and I was always making wishes. We're standing in the coffee bean at the coffee bean waiting for the coffee bean had the most, the most amazing delicious coffee drinks. Remember honey? Yes. Yes. Oh my God. Huge lions to get an ice blended mocha.

God. Um, so we were standing in line. It's a long line. It takes forever. So while we're standing there, this is the first time that Holly and I were together, like in Santa Monica and we're standing there and she's looking and she's looking like dreaming, right? Looking out the window. She's like fun. I'm here to find my true love.

And I started, I burst into tears because not tears. [00:50:00] No, but I was also laughing like, as she's like, what, as a, that's so funny, because as soon as I can remember from the time I was born, that was my statement. I'm here looking for my true love. She was like, yeah, I'm here looking for my true love. I'm like, that's so funny.

And I told her that I gave up, I don't think he's on planet earth and I'm good with that. And she's like, it, he is, he's not here. I'm like, no dude, not here. And so. She waited a few more minutes. We're still in line waiting for a coffee. And then all of us, she goes, she was like, looking at me. She's very spiritual too.

She's actually, she was like, by some chance, she didn't take the last half, but like, she was a black belt at Ikea, from New York. And so she's looking at me, she's looking at me looking at me. She said, no, he's here. My girl, he's not here. Don't worry about it. You know what? I'm going to help you find yours.

[00:51:00] She's like, no, he's here fond. And I'm going to help you find him like, whatever girl, that's nice, but really forget it. And then our coffees came, right? So we go back to my studio and that night, my best, my other best friend I grew up with. But I talk about, she came over as well. We're talking about love.

And I said, you know what? Cause there was that movie that was on some years before called field of creams. Did you ever watch field of dreams? I don't think I've seen it.

Beth: [00:51:31] I

Matt: [00:51:31] don't think baseball movies translate that well to England.

Fawn: [00:51:35] Okay. So it was about this guy who bought a farm somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, Iowa.

Was it Iowa? I was going to say Nebraska or something like in the middle of the country, in North America. Right. And he kept having a whisper come to him in his head, a whisper that said, if you build it, they will come. And I [00:52:00] guess what I don't remember, was he a baseball person? Was he a baseball player? I don't know what the deal was, but there was nobody around this town.

It was totally isolated, nobody around. And they were struggling with money. I think they were struggling with keeping this farm or something. And so he kept hearing this whisper I'm damn. If you build it. They will come, which brings me back to Daphne when I was so hopeless feeling like I will never find love again.

And Daphne would say to me, if that whisper is in your heart, God put it there, varies it so best believe it's happening. It will happen. It wouldn't be something that was seated inside of you if it were not to exist. And so that's what she would say anyway. So in this movie, he is being guided to build a baseball field.

And so he [00:53:00] builds that and all these ghosts show up. Of like very fake. Am I saying this right? Am I describing the movie relatively?

Matt: [00:53:08] It's been a while since I've seen it though.

Fawn: [00:53:10] Me too. And I'm kind of like, I feel like I'm making it up as I go, but all these ghosts from baseball history show up like babe Ruth, like all the famous, amazing players.

Right. And they all start playing and people can actually see them. Right. They're ghosts. People who are attuned can see them. So, and you know, people think he's crazy building this baseball field because you know, they're about to lose their land. What's he doing, making a baseball field for who there's nobody around.

And all of a sudden there are lines of cars coming because word of mouth spreads about this field and these players, these ghosts, and. They charge just like a little bit, they saved the farm, they saved the farm. So he follows that. [00:54:00] Um, right.

Matt: [00:54:01] But it was deeper too, because there's a whole story where the real thing he's trying to get back is like his father who was a baseball player.

So let's, let's not miss one of the central points there. Yeah.

Fawn: [00:54:14] Sorry. Okay. Yeah, we should, we should watch that movie again

Beth: [00:54:17] anyway, like Fonz

Fawn: [00:54:18] version. So, uh, I forgot what I was saying. Why, why am I saying the story?

Matt: [00:54:25] He woke up

Fawn: [00:54:28] someone take over. I forgot what the

Matt: [00:54:29] point was. I think you're talking about building the wedding

Fawn: [00:54:32] cake.

Oh yeah. So that night, sorry, that night, um, we were talking about love. And there was Jennifer, there was Holly, there was me, we're sitting around. I'm like, you know what guys, maybe if we build it, they will come, come on, let's get him to the car, which was a big deal because we were in Santa Monica. And if you move your car past a certain hour, you'll never find a parking spot again.

So like for us [00:55:00] in the neighborhood, we just didn't drive past a certain time. Cause there's no way you're going to find a parking spot ever again. But I'm like, come on, guys, let's get in the car. We got in the car, we go to the store, I got some tofu with some flour and stuff. We come back and we start building a wedding cake.

Right. So like, come on guys. And then we put all of our efforts into it, all our energy and our hopes and dreams into this cake. And it got so powerful. Like it was palpable. The, the. The residents, the energy in the studio that it freaked Jennifer out and she dropped her Mitt or other met. And she said, I'm out.

I got to go. I'm not ready. She's split. She said by Emma, fine, look, I, you know what? It's been years since I've spoken to her. And she was still single last week we finished the cake. She was like, she [00:56:00] knew that it would happen. She's like, I'm not, she had some issues. So she she's like, Nope, but Holly and I sat there and it looked like a wedding cake.

It was, it was this beautiful buttery, yellow and creamy white. It was totally decorated. And we sat there and ate the whole thing ourselves. We saved a slice for our, my neighbor, Arthur, who was 83 years old. And we gave him a slice. And so what I did was as I was started to become known as the wish Baker, because I put notes in the cake, basically writing down like your book, right.

I wrote it down and I made it into an envelope and I put the batter over it and boom, I baked it in there. And within three months I found map within, I think it was five months. Holly found Michael [00:57:00] they're still married kids and everything. And so the word got out. So I became the wish Baker and I would make whiskey cakes for people and it would happen.

It would happen. They would eat it. The note was there. And to this day we do this, we do this for all occasions. Well, we'll bake a cake and we have notes all over the kitchen that we've kept over the years of these wishes. So, I guess that'll be my wish story. That's mine. What's yours. What have you created?

Matt: [00:57:31] We'll have to, um, back in the days when we actually had record stores, so I was visiting friends and I lived about an hour away from them. And, um, I popped by a record store without them. I found, I found, I found my lovely CD. It was Def Leppard's greatest hits with the song photograph. And I was listening to it cause I didn't have them on CD, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And I was driving home and it struck me [00:58:00] and I said, wow, I'm going to meet her, right? Yes. Okay. Yes, that's you. But it was with such surety of purpose. It was such, there was like not a single doubt and it was such a relief on some level and so uplifting in another.

Fawn: [00:58:19] And I love how the song was photograph.

Matt: [00:58:22] That's one of the songs on the album. I don't know which song was the listening to. When it, you

Fawn: [00:58:27] told me when we met, when we were talking about stuff like this, you told me that it was the song photograph

Matt: [00:58:34] who's living in the entire CD. But anyways, and then number two, um, this would have happened just as, um, Fon and I were getting married and I was working at UCLA as a contractor and my contract was coming to an end.

I had no idea what I was going to do next, not a clue. And I'm getting married. It was not, it wasn't a tremendously expensive wedding, but it wasn't cheap [00:59:00] either. And we were paying for it. Um, but I knew I knew something was going to happen and I didn't have to worry. And I just, I knew again, surety of purpose and right outside the building we lived in, I ran into an old coworker chance.

Chancellor Barnett. His name is chance. His name is chancellor, but he went by chance. Um, and, uh, the upshot of that was literally, uh, offered a job and

Fawn: [00:59:30] yeah, in front of the coffee bean, remember I thought it was right in front of our building. No, it was in front of the coffee bean. Fair enough. The coffee place where I was talking to Holly don't

Matt: [00:59:40] don't argue with the wife.

Fair enough. Um, and yeah, they, they, I was like, yeah, but I'm getting married. We're going on our honeymoon. They're like, it's fine. We'll pay you during your honeymoon. And you'll start when you get back. Boom. Oh. And it just, everything linked up and, and, you know, people looked at me like, but, but [01:00:00] you've got a toehold at UCLA.

You could stay there and had, I had probably still be there, which I don't think it would have made me happy. So I've got, I

Beth: [01:00:10] love that. I love the, the surety aspect of it. That's that's when it happens to us, that's when you know that it's going to. It's going to happen because you've let go of that resistance of it.

Not that fear has gone. Yes. Yes. You've risen above it.

Fawn: [01:00:27] You Beth.

Beth: [01:00:28] Yeah. So, well, I've manifested lots of different things, but the one that I'm going to talk about is my first ever experienced

Fawn: [01:00:39] to cancel. Yeah. I was hoping you'd talk about that. Oh,

Beth: [01:00:45] you literally bounce it up and yeah, I'm on

Fawn: [01:00:48] a yoga ball right now.

Beth: [01:00:50] So I was four years old and I was at the seaside with my mum and dad. And we'd be like up and down the, like the prominent [01:01:00] adult day along and at various points, you'd have like fairground attractions and there was lots of different bouncy castles, but I would ask if I could go on these bouncy castles and I would go on, but because I was so small and because the other kids were a lot bigger than me.

I would get, I mean, if you can remember what it was like when you were a kid and there were so many people on those bouncy castles, you would get bashed about, you couldn't find your foot on the floor. You couldn't, you couldn't, you couldn't actually bounce because you couldn't get into the swing of doing it.


Fawn: [01:01:29] are like death traps. Those are, I was so afraid of those things. When the kids were little they're brutal. They're very scary.

Beth: [01:01:36] So I was getting bashed about, and I think my mum and dad could see my face. Like I'm not enjoying this. So when I got off, remember play, putting my shoes back on, on the map and the same to my dad, I want to go on a red bounce castle all on my own.

Like, and that was the, that was the only thing that I was, that is what wanted I wanted to do. I wanted to find this red bouncy castle all on my own [01:02:00] and wait, we kept looking up and down, but we could never find a bouncy castle that had. No other kids zone. So we kind of went home and went to bed that night and I'd not lost this idea in my head.

I think my dad probably thought, Oh, she's going to stop going on about this red bounds customer at some point, but I did an going on about it and it took me up in bed. And the last thing I said to him was that night that I was going to find a red bounce castle. And I'm going to, I'm going to bounce on this bounce castle all on my own.

And he, he said, you know, quite diplomatically, I don't think we're going to find one on your own. And I just remember that when he said that it was almost like that is the most stupid thing dad, you could ever possibly say, because tomorrow I am going to find a red bounce castle. I'm going to be jumping up and down on that all on my own.

And I remember he, he left the room and I remember just laying in bed and squeezing my eyes like Serta, you know, as children, when they're wishing or willing something like I could physically feel like. Like the [01:03:00] almost eyelids inside my not brain kind of thing. Cause I'm squeezing my eyes so tight. And I remember saying over and over in my head, like I'm going to find a right balance because I'm going to find a right balance castle.

And then I started visualizing it as well. So I was imagining myself and jumping up and down in this road bound to cancel castle and the feelings like the feelings and emotions that I would feel when I was able to do this. And I was just so happy and how happy in this thought. And then I just fell asleep.

Um, and then the next day we were looking for a red bouncy castle. We we're still, you know, a on dad still like dragging me out, going, Oh, I don't think we're going to find one. And then as we're packing up to go home, got in the car, we started driving away. Uh, my dad was, he's always one for not going, you know, on the motorway.

If you can find a quicker route, he will still go down country roads and they always end up taking longer. They're not really shortcuts, but. You know, uh, you get there in the end. And I remember being [01:04:00] on this controvert and spotting something in the distance and it was right, and it was a book kind of the, you know, the, the trees and hedges on this country road.

And I CA I keep, you know, start to shout out. There's a, there's something, that's a red bouncy castle, the red bounce castle, and my dad's driving. So he's not looking in that direction, but my mum spots this thing in this field. And as we get closer, it is a red bounds of castle. And I'm getting so excited about this red bouncy castle.

And it's like at the end of the day, so there's lots of cars back coming away from this field. It looks like there's been kind of some fair tone throughout the day. So we pull in, so everybody else is leaving, but we're coming into this, this, this field, and there's this red bounce castle. It's a massive red bounce castle as well.

And, uh, My dad gets out of the car. I stayed in the car and he goes to ask, there was like a guy in a fold-up chair, sat at the side of this red bounce castle. And he goes up to an esteem. Um, could I possibly [01:05:00] go on, I know that you're packing out, but could I possibly go on? And he said, yes, I'm a dad kind of signaled to me.

And I just got out the car and ran and jumped on that red bouncy castle on my own. And it was the most like amazing feeling ever to experience that. Um, but just knowing with all certainty that it was going to happen. That was the thing. It, there was no doubt in my mind that that thing was not going to happen.

I think as children, we can hang on to that more. I think as adults, we put all the stuff in the way, you know, logic starts coming in and all these challenges and barriers we keep putting up, we start to put up in our mind. And so it doesn't happen because what kind of surrender to the fact that he's not going to happen.

Right. But I think when you have got that certain day where like, I totally believe that when you have got that certainty, when you're beyond, when you believe beyond all, all doubt that it's there for you, then you will find it. So that's the. That's the story of the red bouncy castle.

[01:06:00] Fawn: [01:05:59] Nice. Yeah. I love it.

I love it. I love you, Beth. I love you. And I'm so grateful for your book and I'm so grateful that Matt has read it twice already twice. Wow. Can I tell you how many fights? We've had so many fights where I'm like, God, man, we got to get a meat, make a wish and we gotta make our dreams come true. And we get into fights about it.

He's like, that's not how I work. That's not how I do things. Right. And we, but I'm so, but hello. Thank you. That's all I'm saying. Thank you. Thank you. Um, Beth, please tell all of our friends out there, your book, where we can get it from. And also all your other school will have a link in our show notes by the way.


Beth: [01:06:48] the book is called the power of script 10, so you can find it www dot. The power of scripting.com. You can find me@visualizeyouorbethyoueight.com. And I've also got a [01:07:00] podcast of the same name, visualize you, which is all about telling the stories of people who have been through change and have come out the other side to create something that is more in alignment with what they were supposed to be doing all along.

Check those out with that.

Fawn: [01:07:14] Please go to our show notes because the link for a bath will be right there. And of course, hello. She is a major podcaster. Thank you. And also thank you, Jimminy cricket for the whole wish thing. And I got to say, I came up with two other things that I want to tell you about. I used to live in the UK and I wanted to live there.

I wanted to stay there. I wanted to move there and live there forever. And I stayed, I was a, uh, an like a student, you know, from the United States. That was. Taking semesters over there studying Shakespeare and the host family. That was my family in England. When I had to leave, I was so heartbroken. They're like, just here, take our key.

I'm like, no, well, my own [01:08:00] key, like my own key to my own house, I don't want to go back to California. And they were like, just take our key. And they had an, a skeleton key was not a normal key and I really wanted to take their cube. And I'm like, no, you guys don't understand. I want like symbolically my own key.

I don't want to go. And so that day I took the train and I went to London and I was walking on this crowded sidewalk. And from far away I saw a shiny mirror like ref you know, like when light hits a mirror, like hits you in the eye. That light. I saw something, all I saw was like a light flashing. That was something on the sidewalk.

And there were all these people walking over it. And from far away, I'm like, that's a key. That's my key. I just knew. I knew it was my key. I'm like, okay, I don't have a flat, I don't have a home here. And I'm being sh you know, [01:09:00] I have to go back to the United States, but I think that's my key. And I walk up and I'm like, Oh my God, by the time I get up, get to the key.

I bet you at somebody's key and they're going to pick it up. And I walk up and my boots are hitting the key and I'm looking around and no one's picking up the key. And it's like New York city crowded, like, you know, major crowded sidewalk. And I stood there for a few minutes and no one picked it up and I'm still standing there over it.

I pick it up. And to this day I have it on a necklace. It's a skeleton key. Just like the one my host family was trying to give me. So there's that. There was something else. I had another one, but I just wanted to remind you guys that dreams totally come true. It is real it's for real folks. And with that, we will sign off and we will talk to you in a few days.

Perhaps you can write to [01:10:00] us and tell us what your dreams and desires are. And we will hold them prio and leave a review,

a nice review, but seriously, send us write notes on what your dreams are and we will hold them. Uh, one of the things that Daphne taught me years ago, and I think it was Carolyn mace, who said, when your friend holds your dream for you, it will happen. So I can, I have the strength to carry your dream for you.

It may be harder for you to carry it yourself because you're hit with all the thoughts and all the reasons why this thing can't work out for you. But for me, I'm not hit with that all day every day. So I will hold your dream for you and can see you living your dream, having your dream. That's what friends are for and it will come true.

All right, we'll talk to you in a few days. Love you everybody. Thanks Beth. For being here. [01:11:00] Thank you for having me. everybody. See you later.

The role of art for me is the visualization of attitude,

of the human attitudes

towards life,

towards the world.”

-Josef Albers


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