Business Episodes

April 25, 2021

Thank Goodness We Saw It Coming, Visualization with special Guest Beth Hewitt

This week we talk about our dreams, our deepest hopes, visualizing them and having the faith that we will succeed (through all the ups and downs of life). We not only discuss holding these dreams for ourselves, but how to hold dreams for others. We are joined by our friend Beth Hewitt who is shar…
March 8, 2021

Unseen Forces w/ special guest Rachel Chevalier

Episode 31 “Unseen Forces” Perceive those things, which cannot be seen. Understand what cannot be seen by the eye. How do we access this information undetectable to the human eye? How do we access information beyond the five senses? That's because we have a six tenths and everybody, every human …
Oct. 12, 2020


PLAY – We begin to find out why Fawn’s nick name is “The Wookie” and why she struggles with playing all the great games: Pictionary, Scrabble, cards, music… We know all the great things friendship does for us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and the same, same is true about play.  Play is a so…
Oct. 5, 2020

Survival of the Fittest and the Unlikely Friendship

We begin with Rumi as food for thought and get right into it. Fawn challenges Darwin’s theory and uses the unlikely friendships as an example of how wrong Darwin’s theory is. Nature relies on cooperation and mutual aid, not competition. It's not about competing for survival. We're here to help each…
Aug. 31, 2020

All In the Family

Could the loneliness epidemic have been rooted initially from the family unit, where we learned how to treat each other? As the family dynamic has changed over the last few generations, so now have friendships. Fawn and Matt also discuss the role of the corporate/job world and how that has influenc…
Aug. 31, 2020

Being A Good Host In the World

Fawn and Matt talk about treating the outer world (and your inner world) as your home and everyone in it as your special guest.Treating strangers, people you know, to people you work with and even advisaries as if they are your guests and assuming the role of a party host and creating a space to ha…
Aug. 31, 2020

People Along the Way

Fawn and Matt share stories of friends along the way that shifted everything in their lives for the better. Fawn gets emotional about her friend "Subculture Joe" (Jason) and how he made a profound impact on her and on the city of Seattle. Fawn and Matt also debate free will as Fawn shares her thoug…
Aug. 26, 2020

The Mentor

Fawn describes how "Be Friendly World" and this podcast began and the mentor who was the catalyst. She describes Santa Monica, the kind of utopia that existed within a community in Los Angeles and how after traveling around the world as a documentary photographer she noticed the growing disconnect …