Faith Episodes

Jan. 3, 2022

The Root of the Matter with Joseph Krikorian

to contribute to our podcast, you can buy us "a cup of coffee" by leaving us a little something, or a big something ;) here: We welcome our friend Joseph Krikorian as we explore the Armenian culture and history. We're going to begin the root of the matter as we del…
Dec. 27, 2021

The Art of the Map with the Magical Cartographers

Today's topic is turning to friends for direction as we introduce you to 4 new friends-The Magical Cartographers (Ish, KJ, Jocelyn, and Mel). Today's art of friendship is the art of the map. Inside of each person is a map. It is there even before we are born, a way to get the full picture of the fu…
Dec. 13, 2021

Perceiving Together and Overcoming Adversity with our Friend Vanessa Brantley-Newton

With our friend and author/illustrator/singer/all-around artist extraordinaire, Vanessa Brantley-Newton, we discuss Perceiving together (also the meaning of Synesthesia), and overcoming adversity is the topic. We discuss thriving in life and building a toolbox for overcoming anything in life. We ge…
Dec. 6, 2021

The Art of Creating a Loving and Beautiful World with Vanessa Brantley-Newton

the art of friendship; we've talked about the different kinds of friends, the art of friendship, people along the way who changed the direction of our path, our understanding of life, the trajectory of our heart. It happens in different ways. It could be good or bad. I'm really mostly talking about…
Nov. 15, 2021

The Weird Friend

Weird is not what you think it is. The word "weird" is normally defined asstrange peculiar disturbingly, different, or odd, right? No, this is not what this is.  This episode is about the real meaning of "weird" and the power to control destiny, and the people that are our destiny and what becomes…
Oct. 10, 2021

The Break-Up - How to Deal

Friend breakups are just as painful as romantic break-ups. We have some strategies and stories to share that will have you feeling better. Support our show by subscribing, telling others, and or with COFFEE If you want a website like ours: https://…
Oct. 3, 2021

Sawubona - Hello, We See you!

Sawubono is the South African Zulu word for "Hello, WE see you, and by seeing you, we bring you into being." Each person you meet, you're actually meeting their family and their ancestry, which means each one person is never alone. You are never alone. Not only are we meeting an individual, an in…
Sept. 20, 2021

The Favor

This episode came about as we had a guest that was so hateful and wrongly accused Matt of "manipulation" because he likes to present people with favors. Wanting to clear things up from that conversation, Fawn wanted to make sure Matt explained (before he was so rudely cut off), one of the many ways…
Sept. 13, 2021


We begin with Socrates and the history and meaning of "APOLOGIA". How we should defend what we believe is true. We use Socrates as an example of the result of what happens when we go against the status quo. How can we stay safe and sane?And when mistakes happen, how do we apologize?  How should we …
Sept. 6, 2021

The Bonsai Tree - On Nature and How We Grow

Bonsai trees are intended to bring the core aspects of nature: balance harmony, and simplicity. It's said that when we consider the natural flow of the environment, these three characteristics, should anything occur to disrupt it (nature) will always restore itself. There is always a natural harmon…
Aug. 30, 2021

Ego Amo Te

The English word ego is the Latin word for, “I”.  Literally translated, ego means "I". If you were to write, "I love you" in Latin, you would write "ego amo te"   It's interesting how people feel  the need of having that triumph over you. Why does that happen? It probably comes from some trauma w…
Aug. 23, 2021

Revolution vs Evolution and the Art of a Coherent Community During Turbulent Times

This episode we focus onRevolution vs Evolution and the Art of A Coherent Community During Turbulent Times and we begin with the etymology of revolution: to turn; to roll back. The definition is really revolt, which originally meant to renounce allegiance, which is really interesting since we're al…
May 16, 2021

Keep the Faith

Fawn and Matt open this show with the admission that it’s hard to feel inspired to talk about a friendly world when the world sometimes appears anything but friendly. All countries and cultures have been experiencing so much hardship and with the rise in violence in the United States, Fawn finds it…
May 12, 2021

CONNECTED - Roundtable #3 Visualize This

Roundtable #3 Today we celebrate our friend, Beth Hewitt’s book “The Power of Scripting” which teaches exactly how to go about having the life we dream of. We speak of visualization and the utter joy and delight of a moment. We also come together to create a vision for a better world.
Aug. 31, 2020

All In the Family

Could the loneliness epidemic have been rooted initially from the family unit, where we learned how to treat each other? As the family dynamic has changed over the last few generations, so now have friendships. Fawn and Matt also discuss the role of the corporate/job world and how that has influenc…