Family Episodes

Sept. 11, 2023

Wasted Time - How Do We Enjoy Our Time Together?

You are the 100% owner of your life i.e.: your time. This is your time. Spend it, invest it, bend it, enjoy it how you wish, with whom you wish. I'm purposely using the word invest because people are so freaked out about wasting time and I think that it's wrong. I think we should through caution to…
Aug. 14, 2023

Living For the Soul's Benefit, While Living Large - How Not to Stress Out About Money and Life W/ Barry Lane

This is a time when it's extra important to stay optimistic and filled with faith.Enjoy and appreciate the small successes and recognize that they add up to the big ones. So the successes add up to the big ones. The more you stay centered in gratitude, the more positive opportunities will come your…
Guest: Barry Lane
July 31, 2023

"Breaking the Silence: The Art of Friendship and Fearless Storytelling"

This episode takes us on the journey of discovering why we don't talk about certain things, why we don't talk, period, why we don't expose what we're going through, and why we don't share what we've been through. How did we reach this point in our culture that there is no village, that there is not…
July 24, 2023

Desiderata - The Things Most Wanted or Needed

The word and the topic of this week's episode are desiderata, a plural noun with a singular form. Desideratum means things wanted or needed.Desiderata is a famous poem written by an American poet, and lawyer Max Ehrmann in 1927.There's such an immediacy to this poem even though it was written back …
July 17, 2023

Don't Take the Bait! - Seven Strategies for Tough Situations with Friends, Family, and People in General

Don't take the bait. What bait is and how to handle bait is our topic for this week. Fawn shares advice from her wonderful friend Kathy and finds more information along the same subject from an article written by Lauren Sanders “ Don't Take the Bait. Seven Strategies for Dealing With Toxic People.”…
July 3, 2023

Don't Worry, Be Happy - A How-To Guide on Friendship and Wellbeing

For today's topic, we wanted to pass along something to you that was passed onto us; something wise from the mentor, the original mentor of friendship, Santa Monica. We have found that one of those humongous things that hurt people is that at some point they forget how to play. And you know what? …
June 5, 2023

þetta reddast - It Will All Work Itself Out

There are messages everywhere you guys! It's funny how messages will come to you. They come in the wildest ways and they come just right when you need them. So the message today is, don't worry, it's going to be okay. It will all work out okay. This week, we get the message from a few sources and o…
May 15, 2023

Moving Through Trauma, with Dr. Cathia Walters

Today we welcome our most honored guest, Dr. Cathia Walters who shows us how we see ourselves, how we see others, how we see the world, what makes something traumatic, how to have self-compassion, how trauma shows up in our lives, how trauma shows up in society, and how to navigate through it all. …
May 8, 2023

Unleashing and Untethering Self-Identity within Friendships/Relationships for Survival

As life happens, everybody fights, everybody argues everybody has a bad day. It's like people don't allow each other to flex and expand and contract. Oftentimes we get so focused and like we draw so much strength from things we've done in the past that have made sense for us that we can't conceive …
April 17, 2023

Allowing People to Expose Their True Ways

This is for anyone who's ever felt less than. It's not you. You are not less than.We should concentrate on taking care of our space and realizing in what ways we are showing our true selves; the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of it, and being conscious of it all. And I think that's a great step t…
March 20, 2023

The Art of Self Awareness

The whole platform for our podcast is the art of friendship, and at the root is the art of communication.In discussing self-awareness, taking a look at ourselves and how we operate. Getting to know who we truly are, how we react to things, what our history is, why we think a certain way, why we act…
March 6, 2023

Don't Blame It On The Pandemic

I want to talk about the loneliness epidemic. People are talking about it like it's something that the pandemic brought about, but it's not. It has been here for a long time. The loneliness epidemic was here long before the 2019 pandemic, but people were more likely to speak about it, speak about t…
Feb. 27, 2023

The Auger

Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Let's fix our mental and physical posture. Are we looking at the future that's not good but we're forced to pursue? This brings us to the one word for the podcast episode today, which is Auger. What does it mean and how can it help shape our fate? A…
Feb. 20, 2023

Me, We - The Shortest Poem in History and Muhammad Ali on Friendship

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school, but if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you haven't learned anything"- Muhammad Ali. " Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold, but its value is far greater than a m…
Feb. 13, 2023

Love and Hate - How to Heal a Broken Heart with Barry Lane

Barry Lane, the ambassador of love and kindness, troubadour for loving-kindness is with us again, this time from Uvalde, Texas. Barry travels all over the place and he not only teaches kindness, but he spreads kindness everywhere. He goes to schools. He works with children, he's given TED Talks.In …
Guest: Barry Lane