Loneliness Episodes

Feb. 21, 2022

Friendly Step #3 - Maintaining the Friendship

Step three! DON'T WAIT! A quick 15-minute talk on what to do to maintain a friendship. Remember to go to https://www.ourfriendlyworldpodcast.com/ to let us know about your progress and support our show with a cup of coffee: https://www.ourfriendlyworldpodcast.com/support/
Feb. 14, 2022

Gaslighting in America - That No-Good Friend with special guest Emily Powell Gilliam

This episode came about as our friend Emily was "Goodwill Hunting" and our conversation that began on Gaslighting in America. We laugh and we get scared and we ultimately feel empowered to live a good life, one in which we support each other and are mentally, physically, and socially healthy and go…
Guest: Emily Gilliam
Feb. 7, 2022

Friendly Steps Towards a Friendly Society - Wings of Desire

Here is a quick episode of another fun technique to make the world better! Contact us! Let's talk! We want to talk! https://www.ourfriendlyworldpodcast.com/contact/  Also, COFFEE for Fawn and Matt???   https://www.buymeacoffee.com/friendlyspace Your experience matters to us. Please cont…
Jan. 31, 2022

The Surrogate Friend

What are we substituting in place of real friendship? How is this changing our society? Are we able to notice the spells that are cast in our lives and how they change our friendships? What are these spells? This is our conversation today.Your experience matters to us. Please contact us and talk to…
Jan. 24, 2022

Friendly Steps Towards A Better Society - 1 Brand New Day

We're going to try something new and once in a while, there will be these short bursts of episodes, each one a task we'll complete to make our world better. Please reach out to us and talk to us:https://www.ourfriendlyworldpodcast.com/contact/   Coffee for Fawn and Matt:https://www.buymeacoffee.…
Jan. 17, 2022

Making, Baking, and Breaking Bread Together - The Gata, with Joseph Krikorian

This is a longer show for a reason. We begin before Joey shows up by expressing some emotional stress and turmoil that happened to us this past week from fires to blizzards, to another case of Fawn experiencing some more racism, yet another mass shooting in Colorado, to all the other stuff. We talk…
Jan. 10, 2022

After the Show Conversation with Joey Krikorian

Join us for more conversation with our friend Joey as we get more relaxed and talk about Star Wars, pasta, geology, music, Armenia, and our next episode together and all the things we did not get a chance to talk about (about the root of why things happen the way they do). To contribute to our pod…
Jan. 3, 2022

The Root of the Matter with Joseph Krikorian

to contribute to our podcast, you can buy us "a cup of coffee" by leaving us a little something, or a big something ;) here:  buymeacoffee.com/friendlyspace We welcome our friend Joseph Krikorian as we explore the Armenian culture and history. We're going to begin the root of the matter as we del…
Dec. 27, 2021

The Art of the Map with the Magical Cartographers

Today's topic is turning to friends for direction as we introduce you to 4 new friends-The Magical Cartographers (Ish, KJ, Jocelyn, and Mel). Today's art of friendship is the art of the map. Inside of each person is a map. It is there even before we are born, a way to get the full picture of the fu…
Dec. 20, 2021

The Art of the Story -

We're talking about the art of the story and how stories shape our lives. Does every story really come down to the two basic plotlines of a stranger comes to rides into town and/or someone goes on a journey? Bottom line is that we are the directors of our own stories (our own lives) and we can crea…
Dec. 13, 2021

Perceiving Together and Overcoming Adversity with our Friend Vanessa Brantley-Newton

With our friend and author/illustrator/singer/all-around artist extraordinaire, Vanessa Brantley-Newton, we discuss Perceiving together (also the meaning of Synesthesia), and overcoming adversity is the topic. We discuss thriving in life and building a toolbox for overcoming anything in life. We ge…
Dec. 6, 2021

The Art of Creating a Loving and Beautiful World with Vanessa Brantley-Newton

the art of friendship; we've talked about the different kinds of friends, the art of friendship, people along the way who changed the direction of our path, our understanding of life, the trajectory of our heart. It happens in different ways. It could be good or bad. I'm really mostly talking about…
Nov. 29, 2021


Eudaimonia is a Greek word, literally translating to the state or condition of good spirit which is commonly translated as happiness or welfare. The closest English word is probably flourish; the word flourishing. Aristotle used it as a broad concept to describe the highest good humans could strive…
Nov. 22, 2021

The Awkward Friend

We analyze the true definition of awkward and Fawn explains her own awkwardness, then Matt does also, and then we talk about the geniuses in history who were considered to be awkward and discuss the brilliance and sadness of Turing and how our society can be so cruel to such brilliant people. Supp…
Nov. 15, 2021

The Weird Friend

Weird is not what you think it is. The word "weird" is normally defined asstrange peculiar disturbingly, different, or odd, right? No, this is not what this is.  This episode is about the real meaning of "weird" and the power to control destiny, and the people that are our destiny and what becomes…