The Art Of Friendship Episodes

Sept. 6, 2021

The Bonsai Tree - On Nature and How We Grow

Bonsai trees are intended to bring the core aspects of nature: balance harmony, and simplicity. It's said that when we consider the natural flow of the environment, these three characteristics, should anything occur to disrupt it (nature) will always restore itself. There is always a natural harmon…
Aug. 30, 2021

Ego Amo Te

The English word ego is the Latin word for, “I”.  Literally translated, ego means "I". If you were to write, "I love you" in Latin, you would write "ego amo te"   It's interesting how people feel  the need of having that triumph over you. Why does that happen? It probably comes from some trauma w…
Aug. 23, 2021

Revolution vs Evolution and the Art of a Coherent Community During Turbulent Times

This episode we focus onRevolution vs Evolution and the Art of A Coherent Community During Turbulent Times and we begin with the etymology of revolution: to turn; to roll back. The definition is really revolt, which originally meant to renounce allegiance, which is really interesting since we're al…
Aug. 2, 2021


A rant on dissatisfaction and the desire to really live life! Fawn needs your support on this one.
July 12, 2021

CONNECTED - Roundtable #8 BREATH

Do you think it's a bad thing to be so interconnected? We are living in a time where we see, hear, and feel everything we are all (as a collective and individually) feeling and experiencing all at the same time. This experience of “oneness” can be devastating and hard to manage. What can we do?  W…
July 5, 2021

Blockchain and the Kingdom of Bling - Dirty Big Secrets Talk with Lisa Calkins

Lisa Calkins of Halfblast Studios joins our blockchain talk, but we get very human with it and talk about such things as fraud and the fact that it doesn't always just happen the way that you think it happens . Lisa explains credit card fraud and fraud in general. Also, why you will never forget y…
Guest: Lisa Calkins
June 28, 2021

Roundtable - CONNECTED- The Concept of Self-Principles and How to Use Them as Tools

Today we have our fantastic, amazing friend, Paul, who is leading this session today on the concept of self-principle as a whole, being an action. It's the actions we take on our thoughts that come up. The conversation further travels to the concept intelligence of multiple intelligence theory and…
June 21, 2021

Life Lessons - You Hear me? You Feel Me? Do You Smell What I'm Steppin' In? With Lyrics and Lattes

We welcome Jason Wallace and Trevor DeSaussur from the podcast, Lyrics and Lattes. And these guys are so lovely, inspiring, upbeat, positive, and so deep. They gift their listeners with wisdom, so many life lessons; provide perfect self-development though breaking down lyrics of hip hop. https://w…
June 2, 2021

CONNECTED – Roundtable # 6 – “Currency and Our Value of Life”

We have been taught to think that when something is scarce, then the value goes up, but should it? Because I'm looking at human beings and I'm thinking about the 99% not being valued. And the 1% that are valued, the 1% that have the majority of the currency, the majority of the money in our society…
June 1, 2021

Blockchain - How Tech Can Empower and Change Human Beings with Mostafa Purmehdi - Social Responsibility continues

Tech #4 We continue with social responsibility and how the omelette caused discourse in the neighborhood and changes business. We talk about Toyota and emotions being a driving factor in purchasing power. Mostafa: That reminds us that business is something that transcends beyond just exchange of …
May 30, 2021

The Yard Stick – How we measure up and what is the measure of a human?

Hall of fame quote from this episode - Matt: Everybody has like one yard stick and that's a big problem because it allows us to measure everyone against this one yard stick. Fawn talks about Ancient Greece, Sparta, and the similarities to the government style of rule in the United States, in a way…
May 12, 2021

CONNECTED - Roundtable #3 Visualize This

Roundtable #3 Today we celebrate our friend, Beth Hewitt’s book “The Power of Scripting” which teaches exactly how to go about having the life we dream of. We speak of visualization and the utter joy and delight of a moment. We also come together to create a vision for a better world.
Oct. 12, 2020


PLAY – We begin to find out why Fawn’s nick name is “The Wookie” and why she struggles with playing all the great games: Pictionary, Scrabble, cards, music… We know all the great things friendship does for us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and the same, same is true about play.  Play is a so…
Oct. 5, 2020

Survival of the Fittest and the Unlikely Friendship

We begin with Rumi as food for thought and get right into it. Fawn challenges Darwin’s theory and uses the unlikely friendships as an example of how wrong Darwin’s theory is. Nature relies on cooperation and mutual aid, not competition. It's not about competing for survival. We're here to help each…
Aug. 31, 2020

All In the Family

Could the loneliness epidemic have been rooted initially from the family unit, where we learned how to treat each other? As the family dynamic has changed over the last few generations, so now have friendships. Fawn and Matt also discuss the role of the corporate/job world and how that has influenc…