Comedy Episodes

Oct. 30, 2023

The Art of Joy – How to Marry Joy with Hard Times

Like friends that are totally different from one another, coexisting through their different personalities and creating a healthy relationship with different perspectives, so too can joy and grief be friends in the same way.This week we ask how we marry joy with hard times, what happiness versus jo…
Oct. 22, 2023

We Are a Murmur

A murmur is when hundreds or thousands of starlings flock together and create swooping swirling patterns in the sky. We've all seen it, you know, like all of a sudden, you look up because you hear something in the sky. You see just so many of them flying and they're in unison. They're in perfect ha…
Oct. 9, 2023

The Art of Hearing with Dr. Cathia Walters

Dr. Cathia Walters joins us again to discuss how we hear each other. What happens when individuals or groups of people observe different experiences, and realities, even just hearing things or seeing things? How can we communicate with each other when we all have different perspectives? Please tel…
Oct. 2, 2023

Transitioning from Point A to Point B

Dealing with change can make us all anxious. During a time of transition, everyone is experiencing a little bit of trepidation, a little bit of wondering what's going to happen. This is the perfect time to remind each other that it's going to be okay. Appreciate this time. Don't fret about anything…
Sept. 25, 2023

The Art of Integrity

When we think of integrity, we think of the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, blah, blah, blah. But it also tends to go towards the division; “I have integrity. You don't, I believe in such and such, and you don't. Therefore you don't have integrity.”This week we look at t…
Sept. 11, 2023

Wasted Time - How Do We Enjoy Our Time Together?

You are the 100% owner of your life i.e.: your time. This is your time. Spend it, invest it, bend it, enjoy it how you wish, with whom you wish. I'm purposely using the word invest because people are so freaked out about wasting time and I think that it's wrong. I think we should through caution to…
Aug. 28, 2023

"Unlocking Your Potential: How to Improve Your Luck and Manifest Success"

Did you know that people who consider themselves lucky are more likely to be extroverted? As we look to emphasize personal growth and empowerment while also touching on themes of luck and manifestation, we explore how we can look at luck in our lives and explore ways to attract positive outcomes.…
Aug. 21, 2023

Building a Positive Circle: 5 Kinds of People for a Healthy Friendship & Thriving Community

As we start thinking about friends, teams, and teammates we should strive for a team/community/friendships that espouse the whole concept of a rising tide lifts all ships. A rising tide lifts all ships. We look at the kinds of people that we should surround ourselves with and look at 5 kinds of peo…
Aug. 7, 2023

Relationships and the 5 Rules of Improv

Have you ever found that you thought you were just kind of bebopping through and just doing your own thing, and then all of a sudden you discover that one of the frameworks that you have, even for communication, you're totally stealing from somewhere else?If you really think about it, how is a conv…
July 31, 2023

"Breaking the Silence: The Art of Friendship and Fearless Storytelling"

This episode takes us on the journey of discovering why we don't talk about certain things, why we don't talk, period, why we don't expose what we're going through, and why we don't share what we've been through. How did we reach this point in our culture that there is no village, that there is not…
July 24, 2023

Desiderata - The Things Most Wanted or Needed

The word and the topic of this week's episode are desiderata, a plural noun with a singular form. Desideratum means things wanted or needed.Desiderata is a famous poem written by an American poet, and lawyer Max Ehrmann in 1927.There's such an immediacy to this poem even though it was written back …
July 3, 2023

Don't Worry, Be Happy - A How-To Guide on Friendship and Wellbeing

For today's topic, we wanted to pass along something to you that was passed onto us; something wise from the mentor, the original mentor of friendship, Santa Monica. We have found that one of those humongous things that hurt people is that at some point they forget how to play. And you know what? …
June 26, 2023

Why We Yell at Each Other and The Art of the Empty Jacket

When we're talking or when we're not talking, why do we yell at each other? What is the point of yelling? What does it really mean when we resort to yelling? Why do we yell when we're upset and what is really behind it all? This is what we explore this week as well as the art of the empty jacket.#A…
June 5, 2023

þetta reddast - It Will All Work Itself Out

There are messages everywhere you guys! It's funny how messages will come to you. They come in the wildest ways and they come just right when you need them. So the message today is, don't worry, it's going to be okay. It will all work out okay. This week, we get the message from a few sources and o…
May 28, 2023

How to Argue Well in A Friendship - and Still Keep the Friendship

Step-by-step guide on how to argue well in a friendship, to keep the friendship alive - and also how the turning point comes to be a deal breaker and ends the friendship. Thank you to our BEAUTIFUL and TALENTED friend, Michelle Sillence (an awesome Voice Actor) who brought up this very important t…