Comedy Episodes

Oct. 10, 2021

The Break-Up - How to Deal

Friend breakups are just as painful as romantic break-ups. We have some strategies and stories to share that will have you feeling better. Support our show by subscribing, telling others, and or with COFFEE If you want a website like ours: https://…
Oct. 3, 2021

Sawubona - Hello, We See you!

Sawubono is the South African Zulu word for "Hello, WE see you, and by seeing you, we bring you into being." Each person you meet, you're actually meeting their family and their ancestry, which means each one person is never alone. You are never alone. Not only are we meeting an individual, an in…
Sept. 27, 2021

1 Year Celebration

We are celebrating one year of talking about the art of friendship around the world. And today we have with us what I promised on the very first show "The Mentor" that explains this whole podcast; that our girls would be in on the episodes. They have been working behind the scenes and the past year…
May 9, 2021

Laughter is Medicine with Maz Jobrani, Tehran, and Mostafa Purmehdi

Two brilliant comics and a wise professor join our talk. Comics (and fellow hanvatans) Maz Jobrani and Tehran help us to explore the healing that happens in our society when we have levity. The principle function of laughter is the creation and the deepening of our social bonds. Laughter is a soci…
Oct. 12, 2020


PLAY – We begin to find out why Fawn’s nick name is “The Wookie” and why she struggles with playing all the great games: Pictionary, Scrabble, cards, music… We know all the great things friendship does for us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and the same, same is true about play.  Play is a so…