Family Episodes

Jan. 23, 2023

7 Ways of Rest Your Body and Mind Need So That You Can Be a Good Friend

Let's talk about rest. R e s t. We're always going, going, going! Doesn't the world to you seem like everything is speeding up faster and faster, and that time is going by incredibly fast, like a rollercoaster fast?Today's episode is on the value of rest and all the different types of rest we need …
March 28, 2022

Colors - How We Perceive Colors in Life and Color Translates In Our Connections with Each Other

Flowers evolve to be attractive to bees so that they can pollinate and they can reproduce themselves, which is if there's a lot of competition in the flower world, this is why you have such stunning orchids. It's because there's so much competition for bees because they can only pollinate so much i…
Feb. 27, 2022

Galvanized - How Our Friendships and Thoughts Change the World

This is an URGENT message for today! Let's change what is happening right now! The world is a safe place, you guys (I KNOW, I KNOW... lately it feels and looks like it's the end of days. It's scary), but there's more to it. The world is also a loving, friendly place. The world is a small town and …
June 4, 2021

The Family We Create - Families of All Kinds - Interview w/ Jenn Cleary and Dorje Dolma

The Family We Create – Families of All Kinds:  this episode is the perfect example of family, the family that we create and showing that it really entails families of all kinds. And interestingly enough, it's also the song title (“Families of All Kinds”) of one of the songs on Jen Cleary's new albu…